Are you looking for a quick and effective way to develop your psychic abilities, ground yourself in the present moment and raise your conscious awareness? Then, look no further.

Sitting in the power is a simple yet powerful meditative practice that supports your spiritual growth, develops psychic abilities and can improve mediumship. Sitting in the power helps quieten the mind, improve emotional well-being, heal past trauma, and strengthen the link with the spirit realm.

In this blog post, we will look at the 10 benefits of sitting in the power meditation and its transformative potential for spiritual growth.

1. Connects you to the present moment

Sitting in the power is a quick and effective way to ground yourself and connect with the present moment. When you begin this practice, you may become more aware of your emotions and bodily sensations. As you tune into your energy field, you might notice negative mind chatter, aches, pains, or trapped emotions in the body. Although this may worry us, it is perfectly normal and forms a part of the healing process.

2. Quietens the mind and reduces repetitive thoughts

Most of us spend a lot of time in our minds, overthinking things, complaining, or experiencing negative thoughts. Have you have ever stopped to observe your thoughts? If so, you may have noticed that most are repetitive and unproductive.

Well, according to the National Science Foundation, the average person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day, with 80% of them being negative and 95% being repetitive!

But the good news is that “sitting in the power” or other types of meditation can help quiet the mind, reduce negativity and increase productivity. It helps us efficiently use our brain power for our psychic mediumship sessions and more clearly receive messages from the spirit realm.

3. Improves emotional well-being and heals past trauma

When we intentionally open ourselves up to higher states of consciousness, we can detect subtle changes in the energy around us. We learn to perceive the frequency of our emotions and may notice hidden, or repressed emotions since childhood.

Many mediums initially experience emotional overwhelm during their sitting in the power meditations. But healing and releasing emotional baggage and past trauma is part of spiritual growth.

Although many of us may judge or question our experiences, we simply need to stay present, and allow our emotions to flow. This allows our consciousness to expand and creates a space for divine healing.

4. Raises the sense of aliveness in the body

Many of us go through life on autopilot, neglecting our physical well-being in the process. We set goals, make plans for the week ahead, and often overlook the needs of our bodies. But by regularly tuning into it, we can become more aware of any aches, pains, or imbalances that require our attention.

For instance, you may notice that a particular food you eat makes you feel lethargic or bloated, or that you are pushing yourself too hard at the gym. Sometimes, simply being mindful of these sensations can prompt us to make necessary changes and allow the healing process to unfold.

5. Elevates your sense of consciousness

When we sit in the power, our attention moves beyond our thoughts, emotions, and physical body. We become aware of our inner, expansive energy field and discover our true power. It is a form of self-exploration that can heal, restore and recharge our body, mind, and soul. This spiritual connection is non-physical and transcends time and space.

By sitting in the power, we form a strong bond with the spirit realm and may also receive guidance and wisdom from our higher self.

12 signs of claircognizance

Have a read of my other posts on “Sitting in the power” or “How to sit in the power“.

6. Connects you to divine consciousness

With regular practice, we can connect with the divine spark within every single being. While connecting to the divine energy, many mediums receive wisdom from their higher self or become aware of other non-physical or spiritual beings, such as their spirit guides.

However, it is important to remember that the purpose of sitting in the power is not to channel information but to stay present and become one with the universal consciousness.

7. Instils a sense of love and compassion

During the practice of sitting in the power meditation, it is common to experience an overwhelming feeling of love and compassion. As we raise our consciousness, we can connect with higher vibrational emotions, such as unconditional love.

With regular practice over time, we can feel this sense of love and compassion extend into our daily lives, regardless of external circumstances. This helps us connect to the spirit realm and communicate through their native language, the language of love.

8. Strengthens the link between the physical and spiritual realm

Many of us are taught to only value the material aspects of life and to forget about our need for spiritual connection. However, we are more than just our physical body, emotions, and thoughts.

As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin once said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

And although it may seem that we are connecting to another realm, in reality, we are sensing a non-physical part of ourselves.

Sitting in the power meditations bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds, eventually merging into one. It is such a great meditative practice for self-exploration and spiritual growth.

9. Heals your auric field and balances the chakras

When our energy field is unbalanced, it negatively affects our physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual well-being. It also affects our ability to receive information intuitively in our daily lives and when communicating with spirit.

But sitting in the power can quickly attune the chakras, heal the aura layers and increase the emanation of our psychic protective shield.

To learn more about auras and what the different layers can reveal have a read of What is an aura?

10. Improves your intuition and develops the all 8 psychic senses

Sitting in the power can help us connect to divine consciousness and sharpen our intuitive abilities. When we raise our awareness to the spiritual plane, our psychic senses are triggered. Some mediums receive guidance or wisdom through visions, while others may feel or hear messages from the spiritual realm.

Regardless of how we experience it, sitting in the power is an effective way to develop all 8 psychic abilities. These are clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairalience, clairgustance, clairtangency, clairsentience, claircognizance, and clairempathy.

To learn more about the different types of psychic abilities have a read of What are the Clair senses? Discover your psychic ability“.

Final Thoughts

Sitting in the power meditation is a transformative practice that offers numerous benefits for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. From improving intuition to healing past traumas, this practice strengthens the connection between the earthly and spiritual planes, allowing us to expand our consciousness and connect with divine energy.

With regular practice, we can better communicate with the spirit realm and experience an inner sense of peace, love, and compassion.

The summarised list of the 10 benefits of sitting in the power are the following:

  1. Connects you to the present moment
  2. Quietens the mind and reduces intensity of thoughts
  3. Improves emotional wellbeing and heals past trauma.
  4. Raises the sense of aliveness in the body
  5. Elevates your sense of consciousness
  6. Connects you to divine consciousness
  7. Instils a sense of love and compassion
  8. Strengthens the link between the physical and spiritual realm
  9. Heals your auric field and balances the chakras
  10. Improves your intuition and develops all 8 clair senses

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