Have you ever felt like a loved one who has passed away is trying to reach out to you? Or may you have noticed strange coincidences, felt someone around you, or had dreams that felt like real life. If so, you’re not alone. Many people feel their departed loved ones and receive many signs from the afterlife.

This is their way of letting us know that they are still with us, even in the spirit world.

Here are 35 common ways that people believe their loved ones communicate from the beyond, with more detailed explanations for each sign.

1. You have Visitation Dreams

One of the most common ways loved ones reach out is through dreams. These dreams often feel incredibly real and vivid, unlike regular dreams that fade quickly. You might have a conversation with your loved one, feel their presence, or receive a message that brings you peace. These dream visitations often leave you with a sense of comfort and can provide insights or guidance.

Read “15 Signs You Had A Visitation Dream From A Deceased Loved One” to know the difference between regular dreams and visitations dreams.

2. you Feel them brush past or Touch you

A sensation of being touched, such as a hand on your shoulder or a brush against your arm, can indicate a loved one is near. These touches are often gentle and reassuring, providing a physical reminder of their presence.

3. You see Shadows in your peripheral vision

Catching glimpses of shadows or movements out of the corner of your eye can be a sign of a spirit’s presence. These shadows might appear in places where your loved one spent a lot of time or during moments of quiet reflection.

Read “5 ways you can see spirits clairvoyantly” to discover other ways our loved ones can appear in our lives.

4. You hear their voice or Laughter

Hearing their voice or laughter is a sign that your loved one is around. You may hear them in moments of silence, after a meditation, or during times of stress. It is their way of telling us to have more fun and to encourage us to keep moving forward.

5. You find Feathers While thinking of them

Channelled Healing

Finding feathers in unexpected places is often seen as a sign from the afterlife. White feathers, in particular, are considered messages from angels or deceased loved ones. Pay attention to where and when you find these feathers, as they often appear when you need reassurance or comfort the most.

6. You see repetitive Numbers and Patterns

38 Signs your deceased cat is still with you

Seeing repetitive numbers or patterns, such as 11:11, 222, or other sequences, can be a way loved ones communicate. These numbers, often referred to as angel numbers, are believed to carry specific messages. For instance, 444 is associated with protection and guidance, while 777 signifies spiritual growth and enlightenment.

7. You Get Flashbacks Of Shared Memories

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Have you ever had memories flood your mind out of nowhere about a loved one who’s passed away? This could be their way of sending sending thoughts and images to lift your spirits and remind you of the good times you shared. These experiences come unexpectedly, but they leave you feeling peaceful and loved.

8. You hear that same old Songs

Remember a loved one by playing their favourite songs

Hearing a song on the radio that immediately reminds you of a loved one can be more than a coincidence. The lyrics or the emotions the song evokes can carry a message from your loved one. Sometimes, the song has carries a message while other times it is to remind you a cherished memories you shared together.

9. You smell their scent or perfume

Experiencing an unexpected, familiar scent that reminds you of a loved one can be a sign they are nearby. This could be their favorite perfume, the scent of their cooking, or even the smell of their house. These olfactory experiences can be incredibly vivid and often occur when you are thinking about or missing the person.

10. You get full body chills or Goosebumps

Experiencing sudden chills or goosebumps, especially when thinking of a loved one, can indicate their presence. These physical sensations often occur during moments of reflection or when you are feeling emotionally vulnerable.

11. You see or hear their Name

Signs your deceased dog is still with you

Have you ever noticed your loved one’s name in unexpected places? Maybe you keep seeing their name over and over again on billboards, license plates, or in books and movies. If it happens a lot, it could be a sign from the afterlife. It is their way of letting you know that they are thinking of you. If this happen don’t forget to say hello.

12. You receive Unexpected Phone Calls

Signs your deceased dog is still with you

Receiving phone calls with no one on the other end, especially from unknown numbers, can be a sign of a spiritual presence. These calls might happen at significant times or during moments of reflection, offering a subtle reminder of your loved one’s presence.

13. Books or magazines keep Falling Open

Books falling open to specific pages or passages can carry messages from beyond. The words on the page might resonate deeply with you, providing comfort, guidance, or a sense of connection to your loved one.

14. Animals and insects come to visit you

Signs your deceased dog is visiting you from the afterlife

Special encounters with animals, such as birds, butterflies, or dragonflies, are often believed to carry messages from the afterlife. These animals might appear in unusual places or at significant times. Pay attention to their behavior, as they may act in ways that grab your attention, like a butterfly landing on your hand or a bird staring at you from a window.

15. You find objects in unexpected places

Finding objects in unusual places or noticing things moving on their own can be signs that a loved one is trying to communicate. These objects often have personal significance, such as a piece of jewelry, a photograph, or a favorite item of the deceased. The movement or appearance of these objects can feel like a gentle nudge from the beyond.

16. You feel Cold Spots in their favourite places

Changes in temperature

Sudden, unexplained cold spots in a room can be a sign of a spiritual presence. These cold spots can be localized and intense, often occurring in places where your loved one spent a lot of time. They may appear suddenly and vanish just as quickly, leaving you with a sense of awe and wonder.

17. You get a Sudden Peaceful Feelings

Experiencing a sudden, overwhelming sense of peace and calm can meant that your loved one is near. This warm feeling often washes over you in the most unexpected situations. It is their way of sending you love and letting you know everything is going to be ok.

18. You experience electrical problems

Lights flickering or This could involve lights dimming and brightening without any apparent cause, or electronic devices turning on and off. Such phenomena often occur in moments of quiet reflection or when you are thinking about the person.

19. Electrical Items Acting Up

Signs your deceased dog is visiting you from the afterlife

Electrical disturbances can be a sign that a loved one is trying to communicate with you. Electronic devices like blenders, toasters, phones, radios, or TVs may unexpectedly turn on or off. This unusual activity is their way of getting your attention. It could be their attempt to guide you through a situation or signal their approval of decisions you’re facing. Pay attention to these moments—they may carry important messages from beyond.

20. You find Coins right before special days

Signs your deceased dog is still with you

Finding coins, especially in unexpected places, is often seen as a sign from a loved one. Pennies and dimes are particularly common, and their appearance can be seen as a reminder that your loved one is watching over you. The dates on the coins might also hold special significance, such as a birthdate or anniversary.

21. You see Rainbow on special occasions

Seeing a rainbow, on your birthday or every time you are thinking of a loved one? This could be a sign from you beloved friends and family. Rainbows often appear at special times of year, such as anniversaries or moments of grief, providing a colorful reminder of your loved one’s love and presence.

22. You see orbs in photos

Seeing orbs of light in photographs, especially near loved ones, can indicate a spiritual presence. These orbs often appear as small, bright circles and can be seen in pictures taken during significant events or moments of reflection.

23. You see Special Cloud formations

Noticing clouds that resemble objects, animals, or faces can be seen as messages from the afterlife. These cloud formations might appear when you are outdoors, looking up at the sky, and thinking about your loved one. The shapes can be a comforting sign that they are watching over you.

24. You see Flashing Lights

Signs your deceased dog is still with you

Seeing flashing lights or unusual light patterns can be a sign from the afterlife. These lights might appear in places where your loved one spent a lot of time or during moments of emotional significance. They can serve as a visual reminder of their presence.

25. You find Messages in Nature

Noticing patterns in nature, such as a heart-shaped rock or leaf, can be a sign from a loved one. These natural symbols often appear in places that hold personal significance, such as a favorite walking path or garden.

Final Thoughts

Experiencing signs from loved ones who have passed away can be comforting. Vivid dreams, finding feathers, hearing familiar songs, and seeing their names in unexpected places can remind us they are still with us in spirit. Whether it’s a familiar scent, a special animal encounter, or a sudden feeling of calm, these signs can bring a sense of connection and peace. If you’ve noticed any of these signs, you’re not alone.

Have you ever received a sign from a loved one that made you feel their presence? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!

Your stories can inspire and reassure others who are also looking for signs of connection with those they’ve lost.

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