Over the centuries many people have sought out mediums to connect with their loved ones in spirit. Getting the chance to exchange words with family or friendโ€™s is a unique experience and can be extremely healing.

But others remain sceptic and ask themselves are mediums real? If so, why do so many people visit them.

We have all heard stories in the news where a psychic or medium has been caught misleading others or labelled a fraud.

But does that really mean that mediums donโ€™t exist?

Mediums are real, you just need to find the right one. Over the last few decades there has been a shift, whereby good mediums are called upon to support local, state and federal law enforcement to solve crimes, cold cases and mysterious disappearances.

So much so that the CIA decided to investigate the matter and interviewed officers across different police agencies. They found that 8 out of 11 officers thought that using mediums to investigate these crimes was effective. And out of those eight officers, three found missing bodies by following up on the mediumโ€™s information.

Are psychic mediums real?

What are mediums?

Mediums are individuals that can connect with the spirit world using extrasensory abilities called the ‘clair senses‘. These allows mediums to receive recognisable details from the realm of spirit. Many people possess these abilities to one extent or another. If you have ever had a nagging thought telling you something seems off or that gut feeling about a situation. Then you too have psychic abilities. A mediumโ€™s ability will be more refined and can detect nuances by consciously training their psychic muscles.

What do mediums do?

Mediums can get into an altered state of mind which allows them to connect with the spirit realm. In doing so they can perceive things about a particular spirit communicator. The act as a bridge between this world and the spirit world and bring through information that the sprit person wants to get across. The mediums do not chose what information comes through this is down to the communicator. They receive details and relay them to the client.

Have a read of “the 9 different types of mediums” to learn about the different styles of mediumship and how they work.

How to mediums communicate with the spirit world?

Once the medium has achieved an altered state of mind, they raise their energy to the spirit world. In doing so, they can closely merge with the spirit person and receive messages from our loved ones. The medium receives impressions using extra sensory abilities that perceive beyond the 5 basic senses.

If a medium receives details clairvoyantly, it means they can see images through their mind’s eye. The image relates to the spirit person and could be about any aspect of their life.

There are a total of 8 clairs which can work simultaneously to create a multi-sensory experience. The medium uses all these faculties and communicates the message to the client.

Are mediums able to talk to spirits?

How do you know if a medium is real?

Some people may wonder how they can know if a medium is real or fake. But in fact, what they want to know is if the medium is accurate or not during the communication. This does not mean that they are fake mediums they may still be refining their abilities.

Most mediums want to serve and help others reconnect with their loved ones. Connecting to the spirit world is an act of love and is what bridges our realm and the spirit world. It is their their life’s calling and if the medium is genuine it can be felt throughout the reading.

Some people say that mediums are in it for the money, but most mediums making less than US$50,000. With the average salary in the US at $82,754 USD I guess we can say they are not doing it for the money.

How to know if the medium is good?

A good medium can accurately bring through evidence of the communicator and deliver a message from the other side.

Mediums will usually begin the communication by providing details about the spirit communicator, their personality, hobbies, experiences, or any important aspect of their life. At the beginning of a reading the spirt communicator details which the sitter can recognise and could be considered evidence of their presence.

E.g. You have a mother in spirit with strong management skills. I know she ran the family business.

As the reading progresses the information will become specific in nature usually on the same topic.

E.g. She sold premium real estate. These were house located in Spain. These new build houses are located on the coast. The medium unfolds the information one piece at a time.  

A good medium will make statements about the spirit person and only ask you to respond โ€˜yesโ€™ or โ€˜noโ€™ after each statement. They will not ask you to reveal details or get into a conversation midway through.

And they will end the reading with a final message from the communicator.

How to find a real psychic medium?

How to find a real psychic medium?

Finding the right medium isnโ€™t always as easy as it may seems and can take some trial and error. But there are a couple of things we can do to make the process easier.

  • Ask for recommendations.

If you are looking to find a โ€˜realโ€™ or โ€˜goodโ€™ medium I would suggest that you ask your family and friends first for any recommendation. Many people visit psychics and even if your friends and family havenโ€™t, they may know someone that has had a good experience.

  • Check out reviews

Another option is to search for a medium online and look for past reviews. If you donโ€™t mind doing an online reading I would suggest visiting one of the websites below. All of the sites have decades of experience with high calibre psychic and mediums. You can see the medium, read their bio and check out their star ratings and reviews.

These are the top 5 online website where you can get readings from expert mediums and psychics.

Most sites offer introductory offers and prices start from as little as US$ and the first three minutes are free.

So why not give it a try? Book yourself a session and enjoy this unique opportunity to directly hear from your loved ones.

How to prepare for a Psychic Mediumship Reading?

Psychic mediumship sessions usually comprise of a mix of psychic readings and mediumship depending on the clients needs. And although you cannot really prepare for the mediumship aspect of the session but you can set an intention and ask a loved one to come through and offer guidance. This does not guarantee they will come through but it does send through a request for them to consider.

What you can do is prepare for the psychic element of the reading. There are several things you can which include the following:

1. Picking the right reading for you

2. Research to find the psychic medium that most resonates with you.

3. Preparing questions ahead of the session

Check out my guide on “How to prepare for a psychic reading” to learn about the different types of readings, how they work, and tips to get the most out of your psychic reading.

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