Ever wondered if you could telepathically communicate with your pets? Curious about the steps to unlock this incredible connection? Well, you are not alone.

Communicating with animals is simple, but our loud thoughts, doubts, and insecurities often get in the way. The secret to animal communication lies with our ability to calm the mind, raise our awareness, connect with the animal’s soul, and listen attentively. 

In this blog post, I will teach you the 8 Steps process I use to Telepathically Communicate with Your Pets. So lets dive right in and start telepathically communicating with your beloved pets.

1. Get into the right state of mind

The first step in animal communication is to get into the right state of mind. Why is this important? Well, unless we can quieten our minds, we are unable to hear what our animals in spirit are saying. Animals speak in whispers, so if our busy minds are overactive, we can’t hear them. Not because we aren’t able to communicate with animals, but because we can’t hear their quiet voices, in our noisy, busy, repetitive chain of thoughts.

To calm our minds we must meditate or sit in the power to begin to create some distance between our thoughts and awareness. You can use guided meditation, listen to calm and relaxing music, or sit quietly and observe your thoughts as they come and go.

When your mind quietens, it means that you are ready for step 2: Connecting with your spirit guides.

2. Connect with your spirit guides

Even if you have never seen, felt, or connected with your spirit guides, don’t worry. It is much easier than you may think. All you need to do is ask your spirit guides to help you connect and speak to animals. You could say “I call upon my spirit teachers and guides to help me connect with Felix (replace with animal’s name) and open up my intuitive channels so that I can understand their thoughts, hear their words, sense their emotions or any discomfort in the body, and see through their eyes”.

Then simply open yourself up and get ready to connect with your beloved animal.

3. Say hello to your animal in the afterlife

Now that we have our teachers and spirit guides guiding us from above, we open up a communication link with the animal. You can call out their name telepathically (saying them in your mind not out loud), greet them, and introduce yourself.

It may sound something like this:

“Hi, Feilx. I am very pleased to meet you. My name is Sandra and I am an animal communicator. I am here to talk to you and see if there is anything you need or want that could help you feel happier or more content.”

4. Send them a wave of love

After the short introduction, we send a wave of love to the animal and ask them if it is ok for us to communicate together. If the animal wants to communicate you will feel a fuzzy warm feeling emitted back and you can begin telepathically communication.

5. Ask them to share any messages with you

What our deceased pets want us to know

Begin the session by asking your animal how they are feeling and if there is anything, in particular, they want to discuss. Remember, you are saying these words in your mind, without saying them out loud. You send out the question and then you relax and wait to receive something back.

You may sense information from animals in several ways, this includes receiving a thought, hearing a sound, seeing images, or feeling intense emotions. Stay open to the experience and accept that which comes.

6. Write down everything you receive

You don't reflect on our mediumship

During the conversation, it is best to have pen and a paper to hand. Write down everything that comes through, even if it doesn’t make sense. Sometimes we don’t get the full picture until the very end when all the pieces fit together.

Having a written record will also remind you to ask follow-up questions and clarify things that were not fully addressed during the reading.

7. Ask follow-up questions

Follow-up questions are a great way to get more specific information about an area already discussed or to talk about other things that may need to be resolved. This can be beneficial when dealing with undesirable or problematic behavior.

8. Thank your animal for sharing

Once the communication has come to a natural end, it is important to thank the animal for sharing their thoughts, feelings, fears, and needs with us. Without their trust and willingness to open up to us, we would not be able to help them or their pet parents. We end the communication by thanking you, sending them a loving embrace followed by a bubble of divine light to keep them safe and relaxed.

Final Thoughts

Communicating with animals can take time to master but be patient, practice, and trust in the process. By repeating these steps you are training your psychic muscles to receive information beyond the physical senses.

To learn more about animal communication pick any of the books on my list of the “14 Best Books on Animal Communication.” And if you want to work on developing your psychic abilities, check out my other blog post called “21 easy ways to increase your intuition.”

Thank you for reading, If you found this blog post useful or tried the steps above leave a comment below.

I love hearing about your experiences.

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