Do you ever felt the healing presence of your pet? Or maybe you’ve noticed that your pet always shows up just when you need comfort the most? Well that could mean you have soul contracts with your pets.

Animals with healing soul contracts comfort us during difficult times and when we are feeling emotionally overwhelmed. They can sense our emotions and help us feel calm, relaxed and safe. Their presence reduces stress by calming the mind and promote emotional healing. Simply petting your dog or cat for a couple of minutes can instantly bring peace and heal your heart.

Keep reading to learn all 7 signs that you have a Healing Animal Soul Contract with your pet.

1. They help connect to the divine within

If you have a pet healing contract, you will feel a deep energetic connection with your pet. Every time you look into their eyes, you align with your spiritual essence and become one with all. You sense beyond their physical body, personality, thoughts, and fears. This is a sign that you have a spiritual healing soul contract with your pet.

Discover “7 Spiritual Practices To Deepen Your Connection With Your Pet” that you can do everyday.

2. They support you emotionally

A clear sign that your pet has a healing soul contract with you is how they support you emotionally. They can sense when you’re feeling sad or stressed and will always be around to comfort you. Your pet may snuggle up beside you when you are feeling down to lift your spirits. Or they may bug to take a break from your computer screen.

3. They can help you Physically heal

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All animals can improve our physical wellbeing by simply being near us. But cats are especially gifted healers. Studies have shown that the frequency of a cat’s purr is healing is healing. The vibrations of their purr has been shown to reduce stress, decrease blood pressure and healing our bodies. So don’t be surprised if you healing cat lays on specific parts of your body that need healing.

4. They reduce your Stress and anxiety

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Another sign that you have a soul contract with your pet is that they help you feel calm and relaxed. Therapy dog are wonderful at easing away our troubles and multiple studies show that they can relieve stress and anxiety. Just petting them for as little as 10 minutes reduces cortisol, a major stress hormone and improves our overall well-being.

5. They make you happy and joyful

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Your pet wants nothing more than to see you happy, and they’ll go out of their way to lift your spirits and bring a smile to your face. Their excited greeting and wagging tails can instantly brighten anyone’s day. Watching them play, whether chasing a ball or enjoying their playful antics, fills your heart with laughter and happiness. Research shows that spending time with pets can boost our dopamine and serotonin levels, and release oxytocin, known as the “love hormone,” making us feel happiness, love and connection.

6. Mutual Growth and Transformation

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In a healing pet soul contract, both you and your pet grow and change in meaningful ways. Your pet becomes a teacher, showing you how to be strong, patient, and kind so that you can become a better person. In return, you give them love, care, and a safe home where they can both develop.

Did you know that there are other “Types Of Pet Soul Contracts?” to discover which other soul contracts you may have with your pets. Want to know if you have a soul contract with your pets? Then have a read of “10 Signs you have a Soul Contract with Your Pet.”

Final Thoughts

Recognizing the signs of a healing pet soul contract can deepen your understanding of the profound bond you share with your pet. They will comfort, heal, and bring joy into your life. And our spiritual connection to our pets can profoundly change our lives for the better. We just need to understand and honor our animal soul contracts.

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