Have you recently lost a beloved pet and found yourself struggling with feelings of guilt?
If so, you’re not alone. Coping with pet loss guilt is a common challenge that many pet owners face.

Do memories of your pet leave you feeling conflicted between sadness and guilt?
Dealing with feelings of guilt isn’t easy. But you can begin by acknowledging your feelings, focusing on positive memories, practicing self-care, allowing time for healing, and seeking support if needed. Honoring your pet’s memory can also bring comfort and peace during this challenging time of grieving.

Keep reading to learn all 15 ways you can navigate pet loss guilt:

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

Know that feeling guilt is a natural part of grieving a beloved pet. In fact, there are 8 stages of grief, ranging from shock, denial, pain, and guild, to anger and depression. So, it is okay to feel all these emotions, and regret and feelings of guilt are no different. By acknowledging these feelings we process what has happened and can move towards healing.

If you want to read more about the stages of grief when losing a pet, read my other blog post called “Coping With Pet Loss: A Guide To The 8 Stages Of Grief”

2. Focus on Positive Memories

When our animals pass away, we seem to focus on the things that we should have done and how we let our pets down. But we need to remember that before those final moments, we shared wonderful and joyous moments with our pets. I recommend creating a scrapbook or digital album filled with photos, videos, and anecdotes that capture the many special moments you shared together. Sharing these memories with family and friends is not only healing for you but for the whole family.

3. Talk About your feelings

Share your emotions with supportive friends or family members to alleviate guilt. Discussing your pet’s life and passing with those who understand the bond you shared can provide comfort and validation. Sometimes, simply expressing your feelings out loud can lessen their intensity.

4. Recognize Your Efforts

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Understand that you made decisions for your pet’s well-being based on love and care. Whether it was choosing treatments, making end-of-life decisions, or simply being there for them, your actions were guided by compassion. Remind yourself that you did what you could with the information and resources available at the time.

5. Find ways to get Closure

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Consider holding a memorial or performing a meaningful tribute to honor your pet. Planting a tree, creating a memorial plaque, or making a donation to an animal charity in their name can serve as a beautiful tribute. This act not only honors their memory but also helps you find closure in a tangible way.

6. Understand that death is also a part of life

Know that your pet’s passing was not in your control. Whether they passed away due to an Illness, accident, or age-related decline, dealing with death is a part of life. Take some time to reflect on what happened and be kind to yourself. Don’t punish yourself for things you can’t change, forgive yourself and your pet to lessen feelings of guilt.

7. Start A Self-Care Practice

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Self-care is a necessary part of coping with grief and feelings of guilt. Surround yourself with supportive people, prioritize rest, and give yourself permission to grieve at your own pace. You can also try exercising, meditating, or journaling. Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being is a must.

Discover “25 Simple Self-Care Tips While Grieving The Loss Of A Pet” to help you move through feelings of guilt and heal.

8. Give yourself time to Heal

Grieving is a process and can take time, so be patient with yourself as you navigate through it. Today you may experience feelings of guilt, tomorrow you may feel anger and then depressed again. It’s normal to experience ups and downs along the way. Allow yourself to fully live each experience while also reminding yourself of the happy moments you shared.

If you’re struggling and need some extra support, consider booking an ‘In-spirit Animal Communication Session’ to reconnect with your pet or a ‘Channelled Healing Consultation ‘to find comfort and healing.

9. Consider Speaking to a Professional

Ask for help when you are ready or if you feel you need guidance. There are many therapists specializing in pet loss that can help you overcome feelings of guilt. A professional can offer coping strategies, validate your feelings, and provide a safe space to explore more complex emotions.

10. Honor Their Memory

Honor your pets by hosting a remembrance dinner, releasing memorial balloons, or volunteering at a shelter. By contributing to causes that support animals, you can keep their spirit alive in meaningful ways.

For more ideas to celebrate and honor your beloved animals, have a read of “11 Ways To Honor Our Pets In The Afterlife.”

11. Connect with Supportive Communities

Join online forums, local support groups, or social media communities dedicated to pet loss and grief. Sharing experiences with others who have also loved and lost pets can provide comfort, validation, and a sense of belonging during a difficult time.

12. Learn about pet loss, grief and the afterlife

Read books or articles about pet loss and grief to gain insight and perspective on your feelings. Learning about the grieving process, the stages of grief, coping strategies, and how others have navigated similar experiences can help you feel less alone and more equipped to manage your emotions.

13. Create a Memorial

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Create a special place in your home or garden where you can remember your pet with photos, candles, or plants. This quiet space can be used as a personal sanctuary to remember and pray for your pets.

Read this blog post to learn more way that you can find ‘Comfort in Your Home After Losing a Pet

14. Celebrate Special Dates

Acknowledge birthdays, adoption days, or other significant dates by doing something meaningful in honor of your pet. Light a candle, visit their favorite spot, or gather with loved ones to share stories and memories. These rituals can provide comfort and keep your pet’s presence alive in your heart.

Check out my other blog post to learn 12 Ways to connect with your pets in the afterlife.

15. Channel Your Feelings

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Consider expressing your emotions through creative outlets such as writing, painting, or crafting a keepsake in memory of your pet. Creating something tangible and personal can be a therapeutic way to honor their memory and process your grief creatively.

Final Thoughts

Remember, healing from pet loss takes time, and it’s important to prioritize self-compassion throughout the grieving process. Each person’s journey through grief is unique, so embrace your emotions and seek support when needed to navigate this challenging time with resilience and love.

Have you found other ways to deal with feelings of guilt after the death of a beloved pet? If so, let us know by leaving a comment below.

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