16 Signs you are a Medium. Are you a Psychic Medium?

Finding out that you are a medium can sometimes come as a surprise to many people. Why? Well, one reason is that most parents discourage their children because they believe their children have an overactive imagination. So they miss out on the opportunity to explore and develop their psychic abilities.

But our ability to communicate never disappears it simply lies dormant until we start practicing again.

So how do you know if you are a medium?

Well, in this blog post, I will list the 16 common signs or symptoms that can reveal if you are a medium too.

There are 16 common signs that could mean you are a medium. These include your ability to sense or spirit being around you, having difficulty sleeping through the night, feeling a strong connection to nature and animals, feeling overwhelmed in large groups of people, and going into deep meditative states.

If you have ever experienced any of these signs, it could mean that you are a medium, you have just forgotten about your abilities. have the potential to become a medium.

16 signs you are a medium

1. You sometimes feel a presence watching you

Have you ever felt like someone was watching you, but when you look around, you can’t seem to see or hear anyone? Well, don’t just brush it off as your mind playing tricks on you!

Just because you cannot see a spirit being with your eyes, does not mean that they are not there. In fact, many mediums don’t actually see spirits, they intuitively sense their presence.

2. You see shadows move in your peripheral vision

Have you ever caught a glimpse of something moving out of the corner of your eye? Whether you saw an outline of a body, a greyish shape, a flash or light or orbs, this could mean you are a clairvoyant. You have a heightened sense of seeing which may require some mediums many years of training.

Next time you see something move in your peripheral vision, don’t dismiss this experience and put it all down to their overactive imagination. It could be your loved ones in spirit trying to communicate with you.

3. You had “imaginary friends” as a child

Many people have childhood memories of sensing or perceiving the presence of people around them that others could not see. Some even remember shared experiences, heartfelt conversations and joyful moments spent playing games with their invisible friends.

Do you remember having an imaginary friend that only you could see and speak to? If so, you are a born medium! You just don’t remember how to see or communicate with spirit because your natural abilities are dormant.

4. You were scared of the dark

Although spirits are always around us, our intuitive abilities are heightened at night, especially in the moments leading up to sleep. As we relax and move into a relaxed state, our attention moves from our physical body into our astral body. It is during this state and upon waking that our spiritual gifts become more attune to the subtle energies around us.

If you have memories of being scared of the dark as a child, it is like down to your heightened sensitivity at night. You may remember sense things move in the room but couldn’t see what was happening because it was dark. This may have caused you to feel scared which is why many children insist on having the lights on at night.

5. You often feel like you don’t fit in

Another sign of being a medium is that you have always felt different and like you don’t fully fit in. Being sensitive and psychic makes us different! We experience life more intensely and can sense things beyond our physical senses.

Others may consider us overly sensitive and find it difficult to understand our experiences. But this is normal for those individuals that have not tuned into or developed their intuition. Yes, this can make us feel misunderstood, lonely, or isolated, we just need to find our spiritual tribe.

6. You are highly intuitive

Have you ever had a strong gut instinct about a person or a situation here you knew something was off. Or maybe you have a natural ability to sense when others are being dishonest?

Well, just like mediums, you can read between the lines and pick up subtle cues which others miss. You sense a vibrationally discord between the frequency of the words and the energy behind them.

7. You are an empath

Do you regularly feel waves of intense emotions that seem to appear out of nowhere? If so, this could mean you are an empath. Empath mediums are very sensitive to the energies around them and often connect to heightened states of awareness.

When they connect to source they can experience overwhelming feelings and suffering associated with the collective consciousness. This can be emotionally painful and cause bodily discomfort, but the potential to transmute suffering is immense.

This gift allows you to understand other people’s suffering and understand what the other person needs. But it can often lead you to prioritize other people’s needs before your own which can be physically, and emotionally draining.

8. You feel a higher force guiding you

Every single person one of us, has a group of guardian angels and spirit guides who look out for our well-being. Whether you are aware of them or not, their job is to guide and inspire us in life.

Our helpers may communicate with us through sounds, images, feelings, and thoughts, hiding messages in numbers, names, words, and colors. They are part of our soul family and support us on our path to self-discovery.

If you are a medium, you have mostly likely met your guides in dreams, sensed them around you, or felt comfort from them during difficult times.

9. You have always felt connected to nature

Another common quality among mediums is their love and need for nature. When mediums spend time in nature they feel whole and may experience a sense of coming home. This is because their extraordinary senses take over and they deeply connect with nature and their spiritual essence.

It can be experienced as a feeling of returning home or becoming one with nature. So much so that you become completely absorbed in the present moment.

If you are a medium you you most likely take frequent trips out in nature or engage in outdoor activities to decompress and nurture your soul.

10. Animals relax and enjoy being around you

Do you find that animals often come over to say hello and interact with you? Well, this is a sign you have a high vibration and that you are connected to the spirit realm. Animals love being around mediums, intuitives, empaths, and highly sensitive individuals. They mirror

If you adore animals.. and animals love being around you, then it is a sign that you are intone with your spiritual essence.

11. Your can go into deep states during meditation

Do you find that when you practice meditation, you often go into deep States of trance? You may feel yourself enter into an energy vortex as your awareness of the body begins to fade.

Some mediums may also see flashes of lights, shapes, objects, people, or animals while others hear whispers from the spirit world trying to communicate messages.

Although this experience can feel frightening at first, it is a sign that you are spiritually connected and that you are a medium.

12. You often have vivid dreams at night

Having vivid dreams is another way that we can communicate with the spirit realm. If you regularly receive answers or insights about your life during sleep, it is a sign that you are a medium. For some the dreams replicate their daily lives but for others, messages are received symbolically.

These dreams are very clear, intense, and emotionally charged much like we would experience in our waking life. When we experience vivid dreams, we may wake up in the middle of the night, feeling hot or cold sweats as we return to the body.

13. You have trouble sleeping or wake up around 3 am.

Mediums often have trouble sleeping or may be awoken around 3 am. This is the time when veil is thinnest and spirit communication just seems to get louder. This particularly affects people who have difficulty getting deep sleep, as they can easily be woken up and then have trouble getting back to sleep.

Does this sound like you? well, this means you are a medium, you just need to set healthy boundaries with the spirit world and disconnect from them at night.

14. You are a spiritual seeker

Spirituality and mediumship are intertwined, one cannot exist without the other. As we start on our spiritual journey, we move beyond our thoughts and become familiar with our inner world.

This transformational process moves our focus from an individualistic ego-centric lifestyle to a conscious way of living. The more we explore our inner world the more connected we are to the spiritual realm. It bridges the gap between our human form and our spiritual nature. And over time, we begin to receive wisdom from source and guidance from our loved ones in the afterlife.

15. You have family members who are psychic

So you may be thinking, I don’t know anyone in my family with psychic abilities. Well, I would recommend speaking to family members about previous generations.

Most families have at least one member that has been considered a psychic medium but it is often not discussed as mediumship has always been a taboo. And just because your immediate family aren’t mediums, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t one. Mediumship abilities can skip one or two generations.

16. You are obsessed about all things paranormal

Another sign you could be a medium is if you have always been drawn to the paranormal. You may find yourself watching movies or series about ghosts, hauntings, inexplicable paranormal incidents, or reality tv shows about psychic mediums. These could all be a sign that you are a medium and want to further explore your potential.

If you are looking for some interesting TV series including reality TV Shows you may want to watch any of my top 11 Best Psychic, Medium & Paranormal TV Series of all time.

How many signs did you recognise? Are you a psychic medium? Leave a comment in the comment box below.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.
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