14 Incredible Benefits of Animal Communication for You and Your Pet
Have you ever wondered what goes through your animal’s beautiful mind?
Yes, you can! The benefits of animal communication are amazing, helping you connect with your pet on a deeper level and understand their needs more clearly.
Animal communication sessions are beneficial for us and our pet families. A pet psychic can help us better understand our pets, deepen our bond, deal with behavior problems, find lost or missing animals, assist with grief, accompany them into the afterlife, connect deceased animals, and ask about future reincarnations.
These sessions provide a communication channel for animals to freely speak and express their thoughts, emotional states, their needs, wants, and desires.
So let’s dive right in.
14 benefits of getting an animal communication consultation
1. Animal communication gives pets a voice
Our animals often get frustrated at our ability to hear them. They try and try and to no avail, their message doesn’t get through. This can be extremely frustrating. Giving your animal family a voice is a great act of love and one that they will appreciate beyond words. Every animal wants to have a voice and express their thoughts, feeling, fears, wants, and desires.
2. It Strengthens our bond with our pets
Just like us, when our animals feel heard, they feel like a valued member of the family. This strengthens the bond with our animals. Our pets want a say on their preferred foods, treats, toys, the duration of their walks and what games to playing their free time.
Funnily enough, many clients complain about their animals not listening to them. If you have a dog or a cat that doesn’t listen to you. It could be selective hearing! They may feel annoyed that they aren’t being heard and are choosing to ignore you. So, if this is one of your complaints, my question to you is “Have you been listening to your pets?” if so, “What are they trying to tell you?”
By listening to our furry friends, and taking time to understand and communicate with them, we acknowledge their importance, respect their wishes and take them into consideration.
3. It helps our pet relax and feel safe
All animal lovers want to make their pets just as happy as they make us. We want to make sure that they are happy, comfortable and their needs and wants are being met. But if, we can’t hear them how can we know they are truly happy? Well, we can definitely observe their behavior but sometimes it isn’t that they aren’t happy, it is just a few little things that are bugging them.
I recently did a reading for a dog called Charlie who loved his pet parents, Linda and Tom. Ever since moving to their new home Charlie just couldn’t seem to relax. They tried everything! During the reading Charlie said he loved his new home, the only thing that was bugging him was the noises in the house. He said that Tom was hard of hearing so would watch the TV with the volume raised. Charlie’s bed was right next to the TC, he didn’t complain but it made him anxious. All it took was moving his bed to a different location and Charlie was back to his old self again.
5. It helps pets deal with fears & phobias
As a certified dog trainer and behaviorist I know all too well, that almost all behavioral issues start off as a fear or phobia. So identifying the root cause of the problem is the best way to overcome and stop behavioral issues from developing further down the line.
An animal communication session offers our animals the opportunity to discuss their fears, phobias, or even past traumatic experiences. This unburdens them and is the first step towards helping them overcome and release their fears. The sessions explore their thoughts, heal emotional trauma, and help them let go of the past.
6. It Addresses the root cause of behavioural issues
The best way to deal with behavioral issues is to try to prevent them. But this isn’t always possible. Unfortunately most of the time, we are unaware of situations or circumstances that trigger fear, anxiety, or stress in our animals. They initially communicate with us telepathically and using their body language, but many of us often misread or inappropriately deal with the situation.
We often miss the early warning signs and only react when an undesirable behavior arises. We may convince ourselves it is a one-off, but over time, the behavioral issues worsen, until they become problematic or even dangerous.
By getting an animal communication consultation, we can identify the root cause, reassure our animals and take immediate steps to address the situation. Sometimes, animal communication sessions resolve the problem entirely, but other times you will need to work in tandem with a dog trainer or behaviorist, a cat trainer, a horse trainer etc.
4. It Uncovers their spiritual mission on earth
Although many of us think we have chosen our animals, our pets actually chose us. Before they incarnate, they have already decided to come into our lives and support us in our spiritual growth.
Their ultimate mission is to help us love unconditionally and live inspired and happy lives. But this can take multiple animal lifetimes to achieve. So, they will choose to focus on a particular aspect of your life and help you get a bit closer to living your most fulfilled life. No mission is the same, even among family members within the same household.
To learn more, have a read of “15 dog behavioral issues animal communicators can help fix”.
7. It can Help locate lost or missing pets
Dealing with a lost or missing pet can be extremely stressful, as we often imagine the worst-case scenario. In these situations, we need to stay calm but act promptly, just in case our animals are hurt or need our assistance.
During an animal communication session, the lost animal can shed light on their location by revealing important landmarks, their emotional well-being, if they have suffered any injured, and whether they can return home. This information can be lifesaving when our animals are seriously injured or trapped and unable to escape.
8. It Helps with eating disorders & dietary preferences
If you have a picky eater at home or your animal has lost their appetite, it could mean there is an underlying health problem. But it could also mean your pet is suffering from emotional distress and has lost their appetite. Other times they may want to let us know that they don’t enjoy the food they are getting or that their diet needs to change to address dietary deficiencies. Our animals are completely in-tune with their bodies and know just what they need.
9. You can let pets know about upcoming changes
Another reason you may want to book an animal communication session is to let your animals know of any changes household or family changes. Our animals know ahead of time if we are planning to move house or relocate, but they don’t always understand how they fit into this equation. Alternatively, if the parents are going through a divorce, it can make their cats, dogs, or birds feel stressed.
They don’t know what will happen to them, who they will live with, or what to expect. By getting an animal communication you can set their minds at ease and find ways to limit fears of being left behind or no longer loved.
10. It can Support your animal through grief
We all know how painful it is to deal with the loss of a loved one, and it is no different for our animals. They too feel the pain of losing their animal companions and family members. Just like us their experience profound sadness, emptiness, despair, shock, numbness, guilt, and regret. So we need to support them during this difficult period in their lives.
We want them to know that we understand and share their pain. That we are there for them, that they can unburden themselves and help them find ways to heal.
11. It can help pets with health issues
When our animals get sick, we often become stressed, controlling, or anxious and try to do everything in our power to help them deal with their illness. But our animals don’t want to stress us out, which is why sometimes they keep their symptoms hidden and suffer in silence. By getting an animal communication session we can identify possible health issues early and address them in a calm and relaxed manner.
Our animals are much smarter than us, they know what is going on in their bodies. They will pinpoint the areas and even call out their health problems by name.
12. It Prepares animals for their transition
An animal communication session can help our animals prepare for their transition. As our animals age, their bodies start to weaken or they may have difficulty getting around as they once used to. And many times pet parents are confronted with the idea of having to put their pets down.
But most of the time we don’t consider the animals’ perspective on the matter. During an animal communication session, our animals can let us know how they wish to cross over. Some animals chose to have euthanasia while others prefer to cross over in their own time. An animal communication session lets us hear their wants and offer them choice.
We can set up signals so that our animals can tell us they are ready to go naturally and others if they decide to get some type of assistance in their passing. We can let them decide.
13. It Supports animals During their transition
One of the greatest gifts you can give to your pets is to accompany them during their transition into the afterlife. Knowing that you are there with them, listening to them, and comforting them is one of the most painful yet special moments we can share with our pet family.
Although it is extremely difficult, you can experience a deep sense of calm when you surrender to the process. This reassures our animals and helps them move on to the afterlife. As much as we want to keep them here as long as possible, we need to think about what is best for our animals.
Accompanying the process is not only healing for us but for them too. Knowing that they are not alone. Often times they show us glimpses of what is waiting for them in the afterlife. Keeping your animal relaxed and coaching them through the process is one of the most beautiful ways we can accompany our animals.
14. It allows you to Talk to Pets in heaven
Another reason you may choose to get an animal communication is to speak with your animals in spirit. Many pet parents, want to know how their animals are doing and share loving messages with them. Our animals do too!!
Sometimes they share messages of love, other times they offer advice and on many occasions, they want to discuss their future reincarnation. When our animals are ready to reincarnate they can reveal the following information about their future reincarnation:
- When they plan to come back
- How they will reincarnate
- What animal they will reincarnate as
- What they will look like
- How you will find each other
- If they will return to the same family
- and any other information they find relevant
Thank you for reading, I hope this post was insightful.
Let me know about your experience with animal communication and how it helped you improve your relationship with your pets.
Leave a comment below, I love hearing about your experiences.