Have you ever felt someone was staring at you, and as you look up you make eye contact with that person?

Well, this is f so, you too could possess the ability to communicate with the spirit world.

But what is interesting is that most people fail to realise that they do in fact have the natural ability to speak to the spirit world and disregard or try to explain away these magical encounters.

Communicating with spirit doesn’t require tools like Ouija boards, pendulums or tarot cards. Instead, we can learn to ground our energy, control our breath, calm the mind, connect with our body, and raise our awareness to meet spirit realm. This helps us build a strong connection with ourselves and the spirit realm.

spirit world

How to connect with the spirit world?

There are 7 steps which you need to safely and quickly talk to the spirit world. Each step focuses on elevating your frequency so that you can communicate with spirit.

The seven steps to communicate with spirit are as follows:

Step 1: Relax and ground.

Acknowledge our current state of mind brings a higher level of awareness.  Find a quiet spot where you can relax without interruptions and close your eyes. You can sit or lay down for this exercise. Simple observe your thoughts, the frequency, the type of thoughts, and allow them to flow. Do not try to suppress them or change them in any way.Do this for a couple of minutes before you move on to the next step.

Step 2. Focus on the breath.

Quietening the mind is critical in reaching higher states of awareness.Once we have checked in with our thought, we want to quieten the mind by focusing our attention on the breath.Begin by observing the breath for a couple of minutes and allowing it to flow naturally. Notice how you breathe. Is the breath relaxed, steady, fast, deep, or shallow?

Then begin the following breath exercise:

Take a couple of deep breaths in, and on the out-breath, make any sound that feels good to you. Allow the tension to leave your body.

Continue breathing through your nose and slightly contract the back of the throat so that there is a light sound and restriction of air.

This type of breath is called Ujjayi Pranayama and is a quick way to relax the body and calm the mind.

Keep taking slow deep breaths and allow the chest and belly to naturally expand on the in-breath and contract on the out-breath.
Repeat as many times as necessary, until you feel relaxed or calm.

Then allow your natural breath to resume.

Feel into your body.

Step 3. Feel into your body.

Connecting to the feeling we trigger our clairsentience feeling. The next step involves connecting to our feelings and the energy within our bodies. Whilst allowing our breath to flow, we begin scanning our body, notice any signs of tension, and feel into these areas. You may feel a throbbing sensation, tingling or changes in temperature. Simply observe these and allow them to be. Then slowly expand your awareness to your whole body, from your feet to your head. Fully immerse yourself in the experience and allow this healing energy to replenish your body.

Step 4. Expand our energy.

Allows your soul to perceive beyond the limits of the body. Whilst you bathe in this delightful energy, allow it to expand beyond the confines of your physical body. Send this energy out to either side of you and feel your expansive nature. Remain there as long as you wish.

Step 5. Connect to universal consciousness.

Raise your awareness to the spirit world and allow yourself to blend with spirit .Whilst feeling into your essence, allow your energy to flow upwards, a breath at a time. See yourself move out of the crown of your head and shoot upwards towards heaven or the universe. Envelop yourself in the pure white light. Allow the light to replenish your body and become one.


Step 6. Become one with the spirit realm.

Allow the spirit realm to communicate with us.   Whilst remaining in this blissful state, enjoy and observe consciousness at play. Allow this experience to naturally unfold.
Many people see different colours, images, hear sounds or feel the presence of multiple beings.

See if you can sense any of the following things:

  • Can you sense a presence?
  • If so, is it a male or female figure?
  • What were they like as a person?
  • Does it feel like any member of your family?
Become one with the spirit realm.

Step 7. Return to the body.

Bring your awareness back into the body. When you ready shift your attention inwards, back into your body. Then with each breath start moving back down towards your head. Enter through the crown of your head and become aware of your body. Your heart, your belly, your toes and your hands.When you are ready open your eyes.

Remember that although the steps to communicating with the spirit realm are easy, not everyone can instantly reach these altered states of awareness. Although some people can connect to a spirit communicator on their first try, this is not always the case.

By repeating the exercise, you are raising your vibration connecting to the spirit realm.

Over time you will notice improvements in your mediumship and will receive more impressions through the 8 clair senses.

How can I be safe when I communicate with spirits?

Many people wonder how they can safely communicate with the spirit realm. These fears arise from the exposure to movies and scary stories we heard as children.  

But we are all expressions of consciousness living out a human existence through our physical bodies. Just like our loved ones in spirit, we are a speck within consciousness itself. The difference is that they are consciousness expressing itself in a formless state.

As we commune with spirit, we are connecting to our higher selves and sensing the communicator’s essence or soul. In doing so, we can perceive details about the spirit communicator life, their personality, lifestyle, relationships and the messages they want to communicate.

This exchange comes from a place of love and interconnectedness with consciousness itself. 

Can an ordinary person talk to spirits?

Everyone can talk to the spirits in one way or another what varies is the depth in the exchange. Some people are more intuitive than others, but everyone can develop the psychic senses.ย 

The exercise above raises your awareness, opens the portal between our realm and the spirit world and activates our psychic abilities. They use these extrasensory abilities to reveal insights and messages through our mind. So anything we can do to strengthen these senses will improve the accuracy of the exchange.

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