Have you ever felt the lingering presence of a loved one who has passed away and wondered if there’s a way to truly connect with them? Well did you know that meditation could can serve as a bridge between this world and the next, allowing you to communicate with those who have crossed over?

Losing someone close to you can be hard, and finding a way to feel connected to them again can bring comfort. One effective way to connect with loved ones who have passed away is through meditation. This practice helps you communicate with them and feel their presence.

Here’s a simple guide to help you receive messages from your loved ones in the afterlife using meditation.

1. Create a Calm Space

How to prepare for a psychic reading

Begin by finding a quiet, comfortable spot where you won’t be disturbed. It should be a peaceful place where you can fully relax and explore your connection with your spirit person. It is also worthwhile including objects that remind you of them such as pieces of jewellery, a blanket, or photos of them.

2. Set an Intention to connect with a loved one

Before you start meditating, you need to set a clear intention for the meditation. You could ask to feel their presence, to receive messages, or have a question answered by them. You can say something like this, “I wish to connect with [loved one’s name] and feel their presence.”

3. Focus on Your Breathing

Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths. Breathe in through your nose, letting your belly expand, then exhale slowly through your mouth. This helps you relax and get ready for deeper meditation. I suggest practicing box breathing: inhale for a count of four, hold your breath for four counts, exhale for four counts, and then hold again for four counts. Repeat this cycle to help calm and focus your mind.

4. Visualize Your Loved One

connect with loved ones in the afterlife

Picture your loved one in your mind standing in front of you and imagine them in a happy, peaceful place. Visualize a white divine glow around them and feel them walk towards you. Greet them and tell them how happy you are to see them.

5. Ask for a messages

Whilst maintaining a calm and relaxed state ask your loved one for a message, advice, or spiritual wisdom. Then allow yourself to naturally receive messages, don’t try to force or resist the experience. Just keep an open mind, and know that messages can be received in different ways. There is no right or wrong, here. Just trust what you get.

6. Listen and Observe

Once you have asked for a message it is important to stay present so that your psychic senses kick in. Then observe any subtle changes in your body, thoughts, emotions, or any images that appear in your mind’s eye. These signs are subtle, fleeting, and unexpected, so keep an open mind. If you receive messages through images, notice what stands out. Sometimes, the messages are symbolic or hidden, and you’ll need to interpret their meaning.

7. Express your Gratitude

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Once you have finished the mediation take a couple of moments to thank your loved ones for visiting and sharing messages with you. Acknowledging their presence and thanking them strengthens your connection with them and encourages them to visit again.

8. Keep a Journal

How to prepare for a psychic reading?

After you have completed the session, I recommend spending 5-10 minutes in silence writing down your experiences in a journal. Make a note of any feelings, thoughts, physical sensations, messages, or any other sign you received during meditation. This can help you understand symbolic messages and wisdom that you may have missed. It is also a great way to overcome doubt in our abilities and strengthen our intuition.

9. Practice Meditating Regularly

If you are serious about developing your intuition, make meditation a part of your daily routine. The more you practice, the easier it may become to feel connected to your loved ones and receive messages from them.

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10. Speak to a medium

If you find it hard to connect or need extra support, consider talking to a spiritual advisor or medium. They can offer guidance and help you communicate with your loved ones.
Meditation can be a powerful way to feel connected to your loved ones who have passed away. By setting up a calm space, focusing on your intentions, and practicing regularly, you can open yourself up to meaningful connections and find comfort in their presence.

Pets love having fun with their human family and cherish these memories, even in the afterlife. Animals in spirit love talking about all the things they love doing with their pet parents. They talk about their favorite games and all the trips and adventures you shared. So create memorable moments together and know that your pets will continue to cherish these moments even in the afterlife.

What messages did you get from your loved ones? Let me know, leave a comment below.

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