Are you looking for some simple practices that can help you become an animal communicator? Or maybe you are feeling stuck and need a some simple daily practices to progress with your animals communication skills.

So what daily practices can we use to improve our animal communication skills?

Learn to quieten the mind, recognise your intuitive voice, overcome negative self-talk and be compassionate with yourself. But we also must learn to trust our intuition and spend time observing our pets. Over time, with practice and dedication, you will learn to sense changes in an animal’s character, mood and emotions.

1. Listen to your gut feeling

Listening to your intuition is one of the best things you can do to become an animal communicator. By acknowledging and following our gut feelings, we strengthen our psychic abilities. This is important because animal communication telepathically, so unless you strengthen you psychic muscles, you won’t be able to successfully exchange messages.

2. Practice quietening the mind

Practice mindfulness and instil a meditation practice to help you stay fully present in the moment. By quietening our minds we can send and receive their messages. We can clearly hear their thoughts, feel their emotions and understand their needs, wants and desires.

3. Observe your thoughts

Most of the time people can’t tell the difference between hearing their own thoughts and those of their pet. By observing our mind, we learn to recognise the voice of our mind and overtime can sense the subtle difference between what we think and what our pets tell us.

4. keep your energy grounded

Grounding practices help us recharge our body, attune our chakras, and strengthen our auric field. This helps you receive a constant flow of information and avoid scattered or interrupted messages. You can incorporating simple habits such as taking cold showers, walking outdoors barefoot, or practice walking meditation.

5. Observe your pets behaviours and decisions

Ig you want to develop your skills start observing them their behaviours, decisions and reactions to others and their environment. Sense subtle change in their energy and notice how their mood and emotions shift from one moment to another. Overtime, you will learn to connect with animals face-2-face and remotely too. This trains you to feel those same impulses and teaches you to trust your intuitive senses.

6. Trust and believe in yourself

Positive self-talk is important to our development, specifically at the beginning of our development. We need to believe in our abilities and change our negative mind chatter. I recommend using or creating your own positive affirmation. Here are some examples to get you started.

I am an animal communicator, I listen to animas and they communicate with me.

I am an animal communicator and I do my best to support them and their pet families.

I am an animal communicator, I have the honor of voicing our pets thoughts, feelings, emotions and requests,

7. Be compassionate with yourself

Animal communication is the language of love and compassion. Yes, it may be easy to treat our animals compassionate but we need to also treat ourselves with the that same love. Accept that not all readings will be perfect and stop criticizing or putting yourself down. This will put more pressure on us and negatively affects our animal communication abilities. Instead remind yourself of the reasons that you became an animal communicator. Could it be because you want to help and support animals? Well that is what you are doing to the best of your ability. Acknowledge that and keep developing your skill.

8. Practice makes perfect

Animal communication takes time to perfect and master. So before you make the decision to become an animal communicator, decide if you are willing to invest time and money on developing this ability. It can take years and even decades to master animal communication, but it is such a divine and rewarding job.

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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

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