Have you ever felt an inexplicable bond with your pet and wondered if they were more than just your furry companion? Well, you could be right! Our animals come into our lives for different reasons, it all depends on your ‘soul contract‘.

Many pet parents feel that they were destined to find their pet and know they have entered their lives for a special reason. Does this sound like you? Well, this is a sign that you have a pet soul contract, but what type of contract do you have?

Here are 10 types of pet soul contracts you may share with your pet soul mate.

1. A Companionship Pet Soul contract

Some pets are meant to be your loyal companions. They stay by your side through thick and thin, offering constant love and friendship. These pets may appear in your life when you are feeling lonely or isolated and when you are struggling to build meaningful connections with others.

2. A Healing Pet Soul contract

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Pets with a healing soul contract bring comfort and peace. They help you through tough times, such as illness or emotional distress. Your cat might lay on you to ease aching joints and relieve your pain. Your dog may do their best to get you out of the house to ground your energy and forget about your problems. But simply being around their calming presence makes you feel better and more at ease.

3. A Teaching Pet Soul contract

Some pets come into our lives to teach us important lessons. Their purpose is to help us grow as a person. So, they may teach us the importance of being patient, having empathy, or taking responsibility for our actions and decisions.

4. A Protection Pet Soul contract

Pets with a protection soul contract try their best to make you feel safe. They are always alert, watching over you, and ready to protect you from harm. Dogs generally pick this contract and may decide to incarnate as a powerful-looking breed. But in reality, any sized animal can protect and make their human companion feel safe and secure.

5. An Adventure Pet Soul contract

Some pets bring excitement and adventure into your life. They are usually full of energy and almost force you out of the house. Their vibrant and playful energy encourages you to explore new places, try new things, and live life to the fullest.

6. An Emotional Support Pet Soul contract

If your pet has an emotional support soul contract, their mission will be to lift your spirits and help you emotionally heal. They can sense when you’re feeling down and magically always know how to comfort you. They encourage you to heal your emotional wounds and find inner balance.

7. A Teaching Love Pet Soul contract

Some soul pets come here to teach us about unconditional love. They show us how to open our hearts and teach us the true meaning of love. Their angelic presence can encourage even the most unlikely people to open up their hearts and feel love, even if it’s just a little each day.

8. A Spiritual Growth Pet Soul contract

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Pets with a spiritual growth soul contract support us on our spiritual journey. They keep us grounded and help us connect to inner world. These pets guide you towards spiritual enlightenment but sometimes that means working on your shadow side too. They may encourage you to reflect on your actions, your behaviours and let you know when your aren’t spiritually aligned.

9. A Lifelong Partners Pet Soul contract

Animals can reincarnate and live many lives.

Some pets have lifelong soul contracts with us. That means they chose to spend multiple reincarnations with us, sharing life’s ups and downs. Although they have a lifelong soul contract, each life incarnation may have a different mission. In one lifetime, they may focus on emotionally supporting us. Then in another, they may offer healing or support with our spiritual growth.

10. A Teaching Forgiveness Pet Soul contract

Are you struggling to let go of the past and move forward in your life? Well, don’t be surprised if your pet has come to teach you about forgiveness. They may make mistakes to show you the importance of letting go of the past and not obsessing over the present. These furry angels help us learn how to forgive ourselves and others, but not forget the lesson.

Final Thoughts

Recognizing the different types of soul contracts can help you better understand the special bond you share with your pet. Whether it’s companionship, healing, or adventure, each type of contract is special and unique. Your furry friends love you and are here to support you. So stop for a moment, look into your pet’s eyes, and thank them for being a part of your life. Then all you need to do is love your animal family and spend every moment you can with them.

What soul pet contract do you have with your pets? Leave a comment below, I love reading your comments.

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