27 Essential Oils to Improve Your Mediumship

Ever wondered how essential oils can boost your mediumship and strengthen your spiritual connections? Or which scents could help you tap into your intuition and communicate better with the spirit world? Well, you have come to the right place.

Essential oils can supercharge your mediumship by sharpening your intuition and deepening spiritual connections. Scents like lavender and frankincense can help you relax, focus, and clearly receive messages from the spirit world. Whereas sage can help you overcome self doubt and improve your connection to the afterlife.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 27 essential oils that can enhance your psychic abilities and deepen your practice. Find out how these powerful scents might become your new go-to tools for connecting with the other side.

1. Sandalwood Develops Intuition

Sandalwood helps you develop your psychic senses, in particular clairsentience & clairvoyance. Sandalwood is well-known for its grounding and calming effects on the body, mind, and soul. It is considered one of the most sacred essential oils and has the power to connect us to the divine and the spirit realm. Using sandalwood as part of your daily meditation practice, not only develops your intuition, and connect with the divine whilst keeping you grounded. This will help you flow in your mediumship and maintain your connection for longer.

2. White lotus flower Helps you blend with spirit

White lotus flower essential oils can help you spiritually awaken and more closely blend with the spirit world. This essential oil stimulates the crown chakra and its main function is to transcend the self and experience oneness with consciousness, god, or the divine source of creation. If you want to let go of the egos hold over you and more closely blend with the spirit world, this essential oil is for you. You can use it during meditation or sitting in the power practice. To help you go into deeper states of trance, channel messages from the afterlife, get a closer blend with spirit, and maintain the link for longer

If you struggle to closely connect to the spirit world, check out my ‘Blending with Spirit Course“. You will learn about your unique style of mediumship and the ways that you can more deeply connect with spirit people in the afterlife.

3. Lavender Improves communication with spirit

Lavender is wonderful at improving your communication and understanding with the spirit world. It helps you relax and feel reset so that it can clearly receive messages from the afterlife. Lavender naturally increases blood flow and circulation in the head improving cognitive function, which helps the spirit world more clearly bring through messages. So, if you find that your readings lack clarity, or that you just can’t seem to find the right words, try adding lavender essential oils to your daily self-care routine.

4. Sage essential oil Reduces self doubt

Sage essential oil is wonderful at reducing self-doubt and improving your ability to sense or feel spirit. When we doubt or question our intuition and mediumship abilities, we make it difficult for spirit communicators to exchange messages with their loved ones. So use this purifying essential oil to relax your nervous system, reduce stress or anxiety, and regain trust in your spiritual gifts.

5. Frankincense helps you spiritually align

Try using frankincense to deepen your spiritual connection, connect with the afterlife, and improve your telepathy skills. Frankincense is considered a sacred holy oil that raises our consciousness and helps us receive spiritual wisdom. So take advantage of this essential oil if you want to alight with the consciousness, receive spiritual wisdom, connect with spirit guides, and telepathically receive clear messages from the other side.

6. Jasmine helps develop clairsentience

Jasmine purifies and aligns the body, mind, and spirit, and creates the ideal conditions for spirit communication. All mediums benefit from this essential oil, as it manages to quieten the mind, purify the body and balance your emotions, all at once. In doing so, it activates the psychic sense called clairsentience. Jasmine can help you communicate with the spirit world on a soul-to-soul level without interference from the mind.

7. Orange helps maintain the link with spirit

Orange essential oils boost your energy and can help you maintain a strong link with the spirit realm for a longer duration. Although it is great for professional mediums, it can work wonders for aspiring mediums that struggle to feel the presence of the spirit communicator. Not only that, the Orange scent can also uplift our mood and help us feel better when our mediumship is going through a rough patch.

8. Ylang-Ylang raises our state of awareness

Are you struggling to find time to meditate or sit in the power? Then get yourself some Ylan-Ylang essential oil to instantly raise our conscious awareness and connection to the divine by balancing the masculine and feminine energy within. Ylang-Ylang can help us spiritually grow, protect us from self-sabotaging thoughts or negative emotions, and connect us to spirit guides, ascended masters, or loved ones in spirit and receive divine wisdom.

9. Patchouli improve spirit communication

Patchouli essential oils activates and balance sthe sacral chakra which governs creativity, emotion, fluidity, and self-confidence. So no matter what aspect of your mediumship you are struggling with, patchouli essential oil is a must-have for all. It improves your communication with the spirit world, heightens the senses, and sharpens your mental faculties.

10. Peppermint helps you understand spirit messages

Do you sometimes feel brain fog or struggle to focus whilst doing mediumship readings? Then add a couple of drops of Peppermint essential oil to refresh your mind, sharpen your focus, and clearly receive insights from your spiritual guides, ascended masters, and loved ones in the afterlife.

11. Geranium rose improve psychic abilities

If you are looking for an essential oil to heighten your intuitive perception of the physical world and the afterlife, try using Geranium Rose. This soothing scent activates the heart chakra and promotes feelings of peace, compassion, and love. Using geranium rose essential oils can refine our psychic gifts to better sense energies in the physical world and spiritual realm too.

12. Lemongrass Helps you to surrender

Are you a controlling medium that finds it difficult to surrender and allow spirit communication to naturally flow? If so, you definitely need to get some lemongrass essential oil. It can balance the solar plexus help us find emotional balance and help us when we feel stressed, anxious, or doubt our mediumistic abilities. Using this essential oil strengthens our link with the spirit world and creates the right conditions for effortlessly communicate with spirit communicators.

13. chamomile Connects you to your higher self

So you have probably hear of chamomiles calming and sedative effects. But did you know that blue chamomile can connect to higher states of consciousness? It help you receive spiritual guidance and insights, improve the accuracy of readings, and more closely feel the presence of spirit guides and loved ones across the veil. Blue chamomile (German) is another must-have essential oil for all psychic mediums.

14. Lemon essential oil develops clairvoyance

Are you looking for ways to develop clairvoyance? Then reach out for lemon essential oil. It stimulates your third eye which is responsible for our ability to see images and get visions about loved ones in heaven. So, if your clairvoyant images feel a little dull, or your visions look blurry or clouded, get yourself some Lemon essential oil. This refreshing and uplifting aroma also improves our cognitive functions, and mental clarity, and combats brain fog in our daily lives.

15. Rosemary removes energetic blockages

Rosemary essential oil is great at detoxifying the body, mind & soul and removing energy blocks from your auric field. It has been historically used as part of religious and spiritual purification rituals. I recommend using this essential oil after, difficult or challenging readings, to uplift your mood, improve cognitive abilities, sharpen memory, and reset your body, mind, and soul.

16. Bergamot promotes harmony & Balance

Are you going through a challenging period in your mediumship development? Sometimes we find ourselves dealing with multiple bumps in the road and desperately need to feel a little harmony and balance in our lives. If that sounds like you, Bergamot is an excellent choice. It can reset your nervous system, reduce stress, balance your hormones, increase energy levels, and promote restorative sleep. Don’t let anything get in the way of your mediumship.

17. Clary Sage reduces negative thoughts

Clary Sage does wonder for mediums that have a noise mind and that suffer from obsessive thinking or negative thoughts. Clary Sage can help you quieten your mind, increase mental clarity, relax the body and reduce the insensitive of emotional overwhelm.

18. Neroli improves spirit communication

Neroli essential oil is an uplifting aroma that can help reconnect with our spiritual essence and improve our ability to hear, understand and communicate with loved ones on the other side. But that is not all, neroli essential oil is also great at boosting our mood, combating grief, easing the feeling of depression or sadness, and instilling a sense of peace.

19. Basil Reduces brain fog during readings

If you are looking for an essential oil that will awaken your intuitive gifts while reducing brain fog, exhaustion, and stress, try using basil. It has a unique ability to calm, uplift, energize, and reduce mental fatigue. This one is another must-have for all mediums suffering from psychic burnout.  

20. Thyme Connects you to consciousness

Thyme essential oils have been used over the centuries to ward off negativity and to transform negative emotions like anger and hatred into more positive ones, such as kindness and forgiveness. Many professional mediums use thyme to evoke feelings of love, develop their spiritual gifts, and to connect with the divine.

21. Vetiver Supports spiritual growth

Vetiver is wonderfully suited to mediums who need to ground their energy and work on their shadow or negative part of themselves. It balances and heals the root chakra and can help you feel grounded and reduce stress, fears, and addictions. Vetiver is particularly good for mediums who feel ungrounded, and those who want to do shadow work as part of their spiritual development.

Final thoughts

Using essential oils can really boost your mediumship skills. Scents like lavender help you relax, while frankincense helps you focus, making it easier to connect with the spirit world. Try these natural aromas and see how they can improve your psychic abilities and deepen your spiritual journey.

Simply chose your preferred essential oil and add them to your daily routine. Add a couple of drops to an essential oil diffuser during meditations, mediumship readings or any other time you feel to use them. And always remember to purchase good quality essential oils and follow the recommended guidelines.

My top 5 recommended brands ranked in order of preference:

  1. Plant therapy
  2. Rocky Mountain Oils
  3. Young Living
  4. Edens Garden
  5. doTERRA

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Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

View Comments (2)

  • Very helpful information. It can be challenging to find information about spiritual uses of essential oils. I really appreciate that you put all this information together in one place.

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