Test your Psychometry: 8 Simple Step Exercise

Ever wondered if your favorite necklace holds more than just fashion appeal? Could that old book on your shelf whisper tales from its past? 

Well, psychometry is just the superpower you have been waiting to try out. With a little time and practice you can sense the energy field and uncover the mystery of the objects and the individuals they are below to. 

All you need to do is follow these 8 Simple Steps to Activate and Use your Psychometry skills. 

1. throughly wash your hands

Begin by washing your hands with water and a gentle soap. This removes any residual energy left on our hands and activates our chakras. Our hands are extensions of the chakra system and directly influence our psychic abilities.

2. Find a Calm & quiet location

Finding a calm and quiet space to practice psychometry can help you quieten the mind and relax. It is important that you find a spot free of distractions and interruptions so that you fully focus on feeling the object’s energy.

3. Sit down or lay in a comfortable position

Find a comfortable position, you can either sit or lay down. You want your mind and body for full relax so you can tune into the vibes of the object you’re reading. This more relaxed you are the easier it will be to sense intuitive feelings and understand the object’s history.

4. Place the object in your hand

Closer your eyes and hold the object or ask someone to place it in your hands. The object should be a possession that someone regularly uses or used to use that you have not seen before. 
If you are learning to read objects, start with pieces of jewelry such as watches, rings, and necklaces. 

5. Share what you see, feel or sense

As soon as you touch the object, feel its energy, and share anything that comes through. At first, it can feel like your mind is making it up. But it is important that you say what you feel without worrying about being wrong. You are training this ability. 

As you progress, you can start asking yourself these questions. 

  • What can you sense about the person who owns the object?
  • What can you perceive about their character?
  • Are they friendly, intelligent, innovative, inspirational, or maybe witty? What are their hobbies?
  • Do they enjoy fishing, water sports, yoga, signing?
  • What is their profession?
  • Are they an accountant, a farmer, a shop assistant, an actor?

Open yourself up, feel into the insights and ALWAYS say what you feel.

6. Stay with the experience

Stay with the feeling and see if you can receive anything else about the person. Pay attention to any changes in your body, emotions, or mind. Ask yourself these questions?

  • Are there any sensations in the body, such as physical ailments?
  • Maybe you feel back pain, a headache, or heart problems.
  • Do any feelings come up?
  • Is the person happy, stressed, or anxious?
  • Do you see any images, sounds, words, smells or tastes?
  • If so, what are they, and what is their importance?

Remember to share what comes through. Do not filter or change any of the information. 

7. Go beyond your comfort zone

You may receive an image that appears out of the blue and instantly disappears. As you receive this impression, notice any emotions or feelings that connect to it. Does any additional information come through?

Note: If you are struggling to receive any psychic impressions try rubbing the palms of your hands against each other for approximately thirty seconds to activate the energetic centre. Then go back and start at step 3.

8. Get Feedback

Once you finish the psychometry exercise, ask for feedback on how accurate your impressions were. Did you correctly guess details about the object’s owner, like their personality traits, hobbies, or job? Could you sense their emotions or physical state? Remember, everyone’s abilities are different—some may find it easier than others. Feedback is important because it helps you understand where you’re strong and where you can improve. Even if feedback is hard to hear sometimes, it’s valuable for getting better at psychometry in the long run.

Final thoughts

Learning psychometry is not only fun it is a wonderful way to develop your intuition. By staying calm, focusing on objects’ energies, and listening to feedback, you can improve your skills over time.

Even if you don’t get things right at the start, don’t worry! With practice, you can develop and sharpen your psychometry abilities. Like any skill, it takes time and persistence to improve. 

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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