21 Famous Physical Mediums of all time

Throughout the centuries, numerous mediums have gained fame for their astounding ability to materialize objects, channel voices from the afterlife, and levitate objects.

Physical mediums possess a unique sensitivity to the world around them, enabling them to establish connections with loved ones in the afterlife. They willingly allow spirits to influence their consciousness, mind, and body, communicating with audiences through seances and physical mediumship demonstrations.

While the validity of physical mediumship has sparked debates and skepticism, there have been several renowned physical mediums who have captured the public’s attention with their extraordinary abilities.

Not sure about the signs of physical mediums? Then have a read of “14 signs of physical mediumship phenomena”.

Here is a list of some of the most famous physical mediums throughout history:

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)

Edgar Cayce was a renowned figure known as the “sleeping prophet” and considered the most extensively documented psychic of the 20th century. Throughout over 40 years of his adult life, Cayce provided psychic “readings” to numerous individuals while in an unconscious state. His readings encompassed diagnosing illnesses, disclosing past lives, and revealing future prophecies. In essence, Edgar Cayce’s true identity and remarkable abilities continue to captivate curiosity.

Recommended Reading: Beyond Death: Visions of the other side

Discover Edgar Cayce’s profound vision of life beyond death in this latest book. He explores how our departed loved ones remain connected and offers insights on communicating with them. Cayce discusses dreams of death, the nature of the mind, reincarnation, and the continuous journey of the soul. According to Cayce, death is not an end but a transition to realms of activity and learning, leading us to understand our ultimate purpose.

1. Daniel Dunglas Home (1833-1886)

Daniel Dunglas Home, often referred to as D.D. Home, was a Scottish medium who gained widespread fame during the mid-19th century. He was known for his alleged ability to levitate and for producing various physical phenomena, such as objects moving or floating in the air.

Recommended Reading: Experiences in Spiritualism with D. D. Home

“Experiences in Spiritualism with D. D. Home” is a rare book privately printed in 1869, later released in a second edition in 1925. It documents 78 séances with D. D. Home, showcasing a wide range of spiritualistic phenomena. The book provides compelling evidence of Home’s genuine and remarkable abilities as a medium

2. Leslie Flint (1911-1994)

Leslie Flint (1911-1994) had the extraordinary gift of voices speaking through him directly, without a trumpet. These objective voices from the deceased could be recorded by sitters for later listening. Flint’s ability provided deep insights into life and emotions. He underwent extensive testing and was never found to be fraudulent.

Recommended Reading: Voices in the Dark

Read about Leslie Flint’s story and his experience of becoming the most respected medium of his time. Flint shares his knowledge and experiences at his seances as a physical medium with over 60 years of experience.

3. Gladys Osborne Leonard (1882-1968):

Leonard was a renowned British medium who specialized in physical mediumship. She would enter into a deep trance and allegedly allow spirits to communicate through her, providing detailed messages and evidence of survival.

Gladys Osborne Leonard collaborated extensively with the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) during her career. Her remarkable work generated a significant amount of evidence supporting the concept of survival after death.

Recommended Reading: My Life in two world

You can find books such as “My life in two worlds” and “She speaks to the dead” which discuss different aspects of her mediumship. These books provide valuable information about her methods and the phenomena involved.

4. Etta Wriedt (1859-1942)

Wriedt was a distinctive medium who didn’t enter a trance state during séances. Instead, she employed an independent voice phenomenon (IVP) where she conversed with sitters while a voice spoke through a funnel. Notably, Wriedt conducted her séances in light, unlike others. Despite her limited language skills in English, the voices heard in her séances spoke in unfamiliar languages to her.

Learn more about Etta Wriedt mediums and testimonials by visiting the “Psi Encyclopedia Website”

5. Gordon Higginson (1918-1993)

Gordon Higginson was a British medium who became well-known for his demonstrations of physical mediumship, including materializations and direct voice communication. He was among the rare physical mediums who publicly showcased these exceptional and valuable gifts to audiences of up to 300 people.
Higginson became well-known for the impressive accuracy of his platform mediumship. His evidence often included complete names, addresses, and telephone numbers.

Gordon was a devoted Spiritualist and holds the record for being the longest-serving President of the Spiritualists National Union (SNU). He was instrumental in the development and education of aspiring mediums.

For additional resources including videos and audios, visit Gordon Higginson’s tribute website.

6. John Sloan (1869-1951)

Sloan was a physical medium renowned for his abilities in direct voice communication and materializations. J. Arthur Findlay extensively documented Sloan’s work and the intricate details of the physical phenomena in two books.

8. Helen Duncan (1897-1956):

Duncan was a Scottish medium who became famous during World War II for her alleged ability to contact spirits of deceased individuals. She was known for producing ectoplasm during her séances.

Recommended Reading: The two world of Helen Duncan

Experience the true story of Helen Duncan, a materialization medium who faced conviction under the Witchcraft Act in 1944. Her daughter reveals Helen’s remarkable life, including her gifts, personal struggles, and the impact of her prosecution and imprisonment. Delve into Helen’s mediumship journey, her devotion to family, and the challenges she endured.

9. Monique Simonet (1920-1995)

Simonet was a French physical medium who gained fame for her ability to produce materializations and apports. She would allegedly manifest objects and even living beings from the spirit world.

10. Eusapia Palladino (1854-1918)

An Italian medium known for her ability to produce physical phenomena, including levitation and materialization. She gained fame during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

11. Alec Harris (1898-1974):

Harris was an English medium who gained recognition for his ability to produce physical phenomena, including apports and materializations. He often worked in collaboration with renowned paranormal investigator Harry Price.

Recommended Reading: Alec Harris – The Full Story of His Remarkble Physical Mediumship

This book tells the full story of a young man who started as a skeptic but became an incredible medium. Alec and Louie Harris spent many years helping and comforting people through various spiritual practices. The book includes stories of families reuniting and conversations in unfamiliar languages. Drawings by Alec Harris show nine members of their Spirit team.

12. Florence Cook (1856-1904)

Cook was an English medium who became famous for her association with the spirit known as “Katie King.” During séances, a materialized spirit claiming to be Katie King would appear and communicate with participants.

13. Franek Kluski (1873-1943)

Kluski was a Polish medium known for his ability to produce physical phenomena, such as apports, where objects seemingly materialize out of thin air. He also reportedly produced materializations and levitation during séances.

14. Ena Twigg (1899-1977):

Twigg was an English medium who claimed to have the ability to communicate with the spirit world through automatic writing. She gained fame for her accuracy and the detailed information she provided during séances.

15. Stanislawa Tomczyk (1890-1940):

Tomczyk was a Polish medium known for her ability to perform telekinesis, where she could allegedly move objects without physical contact. She gained international fame for her demonstrations of this ability during the early 20th century.

16. William Stainton Moses (1839-1892):

William Stainton Moses, an Anglican priest and author, made significant contributions to Spiritualism. His book “Spirit Teachings” is a classic in the field. Moses developed psychic abilities and practiced automatic writing, receiving messages from a spirit group led by Imperator Servus Dei.

His writings explore topics like the afterlife and prayer. Moses’ works provide timeless wisdom for those interested in spirituality and spirit communication.

17. Jack Webber (1880-1940):

Webber was an American physical medium known for his production of spirit materializations. He claimed to have the ability to summon spirits, who would appear in the form of luminous figures or full-body materializations.

Recommended Reading: The mediumship of Jack Webber

The mediumship of Jack Webber covers the 14 months leading up to Webber’s untimely death and includes articles by journalists who witnessed astonishing phenomena like levitating tables and flying “trumpets.” The book also includes remarkable photographs that capture the spirit world’s manifestations, providing a unique record of Webber’s dedicated mediumship.

20. Stewart Alexander (1960 – present):

Stewart Alexander is a highly respected physical medium with over forty years of experience. He gained recognition for his ability to produce physical phenomena, such as materializations and apports (objects appearing or disappearing).

Recommended Reading: An Extraordinary Journey

“An Extraordinary Journey” is not just a memoir but also a spiritual guide and a history of Spiritualism. It shares first-hand accounts from sitters, showcasing the profound and often wondrous connections made with departed loved ones. Through Stewart’s mediumship, he provides evidence that consciousness continues beyond physical death.

18. Kai Muegge (1961 – present):

Kair Muegge is a German physical medium who gained attention for his claims of being able to produce ectoplasm and other physical phenomena.

19. Scott Milligan (1970 – Present):

Scott Milligan is a contemporary British physical medium known for his ability to produce physical phenomena, including full-body materializations and independent voice communication.

21. David Thompson (1953 – present):

David Thompson is an Australian physical medium known for his ability to produce materializations of spirits and engage in direct communication with them.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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