Find Your Reincarnated Pet: 10 Questions To Ask A Pet Medium

Are looking to find your reincarnated pet by hiring a pet medium? If so, you are probably wondering what questions to ask, so that you can get the most out of your session.

As a professional pet medium, I recommend asking any or all of these questions during an animal communication reading. They will help you understand your pet’s future plans and whether or not they will be reincarnated back to you.

Here are 10 questions to ask a pet medium to find your reincarnated pet.

1. Are you planning to reincarnate?

Most people assume that their pets will reincarnate back to them. But even though our pets love us unconditionally, they don’t always return. It all depends on whether or not they complete the mission in their soul contract. If the contract has been fulfilled, it is unlikely that they will return to you.

2. What will you look like?

If we want to recognize our pets in their future reincarnation, it is important to ask about their physical appearance. A professional pet medium can give details of the species, and the breed and share details of special markings on their body or characteristic traits.

3. When and where will we meet again?

Knowing when and where you’ll meet your pet can reassure us that we won’t miss the opportunity to reconnect with our deceased pet. This information can give us peace of mind and get ready for the reunion.

4. How will I know it’s really you?

Many pet guardians worry about not recognizing their reincarnated pets. By asking this question. We can know what signs to look for, such as an instant connection, an inner knowing, or seeing certain behaviors upon meeting them.

5. What will your mission be?

Learning about your pet’s soul contract can help you understand the reason behind their reincarnation. Not only does it help you appreciate their role in your life, but it also gets you thinking about the lessons and areas that you need to work on in your life.

Learn more about ‘soul contracts and the ”10 different types of Pet Soul contracts you may experience with your pet.

6. Do you have any messages for me?

You always want to ask your deceased pets if they have any messages about their return or your future together. These messages can guide, support, and comfort us whilst we wait for their return.

7. Is there anything I can do to get ready?

Your pets might come back as different animals, big or small, with their own unique physical, emotional, and mental needs. It’s worth thinking about how you can get ready and create a cozy place for your pet if they do return.

8. How can we stay connected until they return?

Our connection with our soul pets transcends time and space. Whether or not they decide to come back to us, we will always be spiritually connected. Knowing we can reach out to our pets is very comforting and reassuring. If you want to find out how to stay connected with your pets in the afterlife, don’t forget to include this one on your list of questions.

9. how can I find peace if you don’t come back?

If you are struggling with the grief of losing your beloved pet, ask them how you can heal and find peace. Our animals know us best and will do anything to support our emotional healing process. They can help you find closure, healing, and gratitude for the love shared.

10. What Afterlife signs will I receive from you?

Our pets try extremely hard to connect with us from the afterlife, but their signs often go unnoticed. We might miss these signs, dismiss them as coincidences, or even question our sanity when we sense something magical happening. You may want to know how to trust these signs and know they are from your pets. Asking this question to your pet medium can validate your experiences and help you recognize the signs and feel closer to your animals across the veil.

Check out my other blogs to discover “6 Ways to Find Your Reincarnated Pet.” or learn the “9 Signs Your Pet Wants To Reincarnate Back To You“.

Final thoughts

These questions are designed to provide clarity, comfort, and readiness as you explore the possibility of reconnecting with your beloved pet through reincarnation. Each question invites deeper understanding and preparation, ensuring you’re aligned with the spiritual journey of your cherished companion.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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