35 Grounding Tips For Psychics

Most psychics know the importance of staying grounded to intuitively receive clear and accurate messages during their readings.

Psychics connect to their intuition by raising their awareness and tuning into the subtle energies around people, places, animals, and objects. But if their energy becomes too ethereal, the psychic data steam slows down or stops completely.

But fear not.

There are 35 ways psychics can stay grounded to strongly receive and deliver messages from the afterlife. These include taking a cold shower, walking barefoot in nature, breathing fresh air, switching off wifi and routers, listening to quantum resonance meditation, dancing to the rhythm of drums, joining a Qi Gong class, and many more.

1, Take An Ice Cold Shower

One of the quickest ways of grounding your energy is through cold water exposure. By immersing ourselves in cold water we become instantly grounded, and present, and our body is energized.

This grounding technique was popularised by Win Hoffman and studies show it also has many health benefits, it increases our energy levels, boosts our mood, increases our immunity, and reduces fat too.

Try taking a cold shower when you are feeling tired, overly emotional, or when your energy is too high.

If you are not used to cold water showers start off slow. Shower as normal and then in the last 30 seconds reduce the temperature until you feel slightly uncomfortable. Keep doing this every day until your body becomes accustomed to the cooler temperatures. Do bear in mind that it can take at least three to four weeks, so be patient.

2. Breathe In Fresh Air

As a psychics, it is important to reconnect to ourselves and get back into balance after each reading. If you are having a hard time focusing or struggling to stay awake during your sitting in the power practice, try stepping outside for some fresh air.

It can help you calm down, relax the mind, boost your mood, improve concentration and reduce anxiety. Add a 5-minute walk outdoors as part of your daily ritual to recenter your energy after each reading or as and when you need it.

3. Turn Off wifi connection & Routers

All psychics are highly sensitive individuals which means that they can sense energy and frequencies beyond the physical body. To connect with the spirit world we develop the ability to sense subtle energies fields and frequencies. But this can also heighten our awareness of EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequencies) and radiation waves around us. 

A simple way to limit these effects on our body is to turn off all electrical devices such as routers, wifi, and Bluetooth every night. You can also choose to turn them off when you aren’t using them or when you leave the home. By doing this we can help our body’s ability to ground and stay grounded throughout the day, this is particularly important if you spend longer hours in front of the computer. I also wear a Q-Link pendant to protect me from the EMF effects. 

To learn more about EMF and how to limit your exposure I recommend reading “Radiation Nation: Fallout of Modern Technology  and “EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself“.

4. Walk Barefoot outdoors In Nature

Spending time in nature is a wonderful way to ground our energy and calm the mind. Walking or running barefoot can help with the flow of psychic readings and deepen your connection to the spirit world.

But the benefits don’t end there! It can improve mood, reduce inflammation, lower stress levels, boost energy, and decrease pain and blood pressure too.

If walking in nature is new to you, take it slow. Our feet aren’t used to walking barefoot and at first, it can feel uncomfortable or painful. But over time your feet get used to the pressure and you will fully enjoy nature’s free reflexology massages.

5. Stand In The Tree Pose

Taking a couple of minutes throughout your day to stand in tree pose can immediately help you feel more balanced. Yoga postures have the potential to balance our mind, body, and soul.

The tree pose is an excellent way to quickly ground yourself in between psychic readings. All you need to do is stand up straight with your legs hipwidth apart. Rest your arms on either side of your body and feel yourself in the position. Your feel should begin to connect to the ground and your neck will naturally find its natural position. Your neck and shoulders should feel relaxed and your head should feel supported and held in a neutral position.

To make sure you are doing the pose properly I suggest watching the Tree Pose Video by Yoga with Adrien on YouTube.


6. Practice The 5-4-3-2-1 Method

The 5-4-3-2-1 Method is a mindful technique that is used to connect us with the present moment. As we move our awareness into the body using the physical senses, we become grounded.

All you have to do is list 5 things you see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and something you can taste.

This technique is simple and highly effective as is used to reduce stress, focus the mind, and get into the right mind state to begin a psychics reading.

7. Dance To The sound Of Drums

If you love music, then you need to ground yourself daily through dance. Listening, dancing, or playing the drums is extremely grounding. It connects to a deep part within and quickly brings our awareness into the body and connects us to our spiritual essence too. Just 10 minutes a day can do wonders and help you stay on track with your psychic readings.

If the drums aren’t your kind of thing, don’t worry. Play your favorite songs and let the vibes take you over.

8. Join A yoga or Qi Gong Class

If you have a business schedule you should try adding a yoga or Qi Gong class to your weekly routine. Not only does it group your energy it is also a great way to connect with your inner force and quieten the mind for your sitting in the power practice.

Connecting to your energy force through movement is a wonderful way to boost your physical, mental, and emotional well-being and to help you connect to the non-physical energy within.

9. Listen To Quantum Resonance Meditations

If you are looking for a meditation app that can help you align with the Schumann Resonance to improve your well-being and attune yourself to Earth’s magnetic field then you may consider tying out these meditations.

As psychics, we are constantly working on the energetic level and when our intuitive abilities are off or not flowing as usual, it could be due to an energetic attainment. According to Eric Thompson, they use subtle energy to help us align with our natural frequency so that we remain healthy and can minimize the effects of negative frequencies that affect our auric field.

10. Practice Walking Meditation

Many psychics spend extremely long hours in front of the screen doing readings, attending practice circles, and engaging in continuous development. But we all need to recharge and connect with Mother Nature. Being out in nature attunes our chakras and strengthens our auric field.

Psychics cannot neglect this aspect of themselves as their intuitive abilities and their development are intertwined. If your energy field is out of whack, so will your psychics intuitive abilities. Take walks in nature to energize and connect to higher states of consciousness.

11. Practice Deep Conscious Breathing

Mindful intentional breathing has been practiced for millennia and is known to have many health benefits. Deep breathing has been used to connect us to our spiritual essence. As a psychic, our job is to connect to the nonphysical aspects of ourselves so that we can communicate with loved ones who have crossed over. 

Therefore exploring the spiritual life force that lies within is paramount if you want to effortlessly bring through messages from the afterlife. 

I recommend doing box breathing or 4-7-8 breathing. 

Box breathing: Breath in through the nose to the count of four, gently hold your breath for four counts, exhale slowly for four counts, and without taking a breath hold for four counts. Repeat this sequence for a couple of minutes a day. 

4-7-8 breathing: Take a deep breath through your nose to the count of 4. Hold your breath for 7 counts. Then slowly release the breath to the count of 8. Repeat this for a couple of minutes a day. 

12. Lay down Flat On The Earth

Another effective way to ground your energy is to lie down face down in nature. Connecting your belly button to the ground is one of the quicker ways to connect with Mother Nature and instantly ground.

Pick a natural location such as a beach, park, hill, or woods where you can safely relax. Then take deep slow breaths in through the nose and out of our mouth. Feel Mother Earth supporting your body and touch the texture of the ground to depend on the connection.

13. Take A Salt Bath Or Foot Soak

Another of my favorite grounding and relaxing rituals is to have a weekly bath or foot soak. Epson salt baths are extremely relaxing and have a unique ability to quieten the mind, reduce stress, and improve sleep. All of which are very necessary if we want to sustain or improve our psychic abilities. Don’t allow stress or tension to get in the way! You’re just one salt bath away from getting back into harmony.

14. Visualise Yourself Rooting Into The Earth

I encourage you to ground your energy using visualization exercises. You can include these as part of your meditation or practice of doing them first thing in the morning or before bed.

You just need to close your eyes, feel your body supported on the bed or chair, and take in 5 deep long breaths in through the nose and out of the mouth. Then visualize a beam of white healing light coming in through the crown chakra moving all the way down to the centre of the earth. Allow this energy to flow for a couple of minutes. Then visualize the energy moving up through your chakra centres into the cosmos. Create a healing loop, with the white divine energy moving down through you and then back up. All you need is 5 to 10 minutes a day to feel grounded.

15. Use Grounding Stones And Crystals

Adding grounding stones and crystals to your home or wearing stone-infused jewelry is a simple and beautiful way to ground yourself with little to no effort. 

There are many grounding stones and crystals to choose from but my favorites are carnelian, black obsidian, moss agate, red jasper, smoky quartz stones, shungite, jasper, and hematite. Always pick the stones that most resonate with you. 

I highly recommend checking out Conscious Items, they have very beautifully crafted pieces of jewelry including, crystals and stonesand home decorations, all of which are very reasonably priced. 

16. Give Yourself A Digital Detox

Are spending long periods of time on the computer, laptop, tablet, or phone and you are feeling ungrounded. Then it is a clear sign that you need a digital detox. 

Try doing the following:

  1. Start off by turning off all notifications on your phone.
  2. Activate Airplane mode when you don’t need your phone
  3. Log out of all social media accounts and restrict access to one device.
  4. Dedicate certain areas as device-free zones.
  5. Schedule wifi blackouts for the whole family.
  6. Book yourself onto a silent yoga retreat

Make the detox process manageable and remember to start off slow and build on the amount of time gradually. 

17. Try using Mudras during meditation

Yogis have used mudras which are hand gestures that can enhance the flow of energy in our physical and non-physical bodies. They can be used throughout the day to ground us or added to our meditation practice too. 

Depending on how we position our fingers, we can intentionally ground or raise our energy. For the purposes of grounding, you should try using the Prithvi Mudra. It restores balance to the root chakra and promotes inner strength and overall stability. If you want to read more about mudras, I recommend a book called “The Healing Power of Mudras: The Yoga of the Hands”

18. Spend time With Animals

Spending time with our pets is one of the most rewarding and satisfying ways to ground ourselves. Simply petting our animals can help us forget about the intense sessions, release stress, and make us happy. There is nothing better than seeing our excited animals waiting for us to return home, snuggling on the couch, sharing affection, and observing them as they naturally move around the house.

So take a break from the computer, ditch the phones, and give your furry loved ones the undivided attention that they so deserver. And if you don’t have a pet of your own, don’t worry. Offer to pet sit for a friend or visit a local animal shelter.

19. Use Aromatherapy

Introduce your senses to the wonderful world of essential oils, They help us awaken our senses and can improve our connection to the spirit world.

My favorite grounding essential oils are Lemon grass, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Vertiver, Geranium, Patchouli, Rosemary, Sage, and Eucalyptus.

Try using any of the above essential oils as part of your daily routine to ground, balance, and uplift your energy. Simply add them into an oil diffuser and mix or rotate as desired.

Remember to always purchase pure, natural aromas, not artificial fragrances as these are man-made centers made in a laboratory.


20. Cover Your Crown Chakra

Chinese and Indian medicine work to balance stagnated energy points in the body to increase our life force. They apply pressure to certain points in the body which are believed to connect to the chakra system and can restore our natural frequency. It can be used to ground, uplift, energize, and activate our energy centers to restore harmony.

One key grounding point is located at the crown chakra. To ground ourselves we just need to cover our head with a hat, cap, or scarf until we feel more grounded. If you don’t have any of these around you can also place your hand over your crown chakra for a couple of minutes.

21. Recite A Mantra

Words are powerful and can have the ability to support or disrupt our well-being. And mantras are no exception. We can use them to shift our energy and connect with our spiritual nature in a matter of minutes.

All you need to do is find a comfortable place to sit or lay down then repeat the mantras as many times as you like. These can include the following:

For grounding effects recite mantras for the first, second, and third chakra. You can recite them for as little as a couple of minutes or for as long as you see fit.

First Chakra The base of the spineBasic instinctsLaam
Second ChakraSacralSensuality and creativityVaam
Third ChakraSolar PlexusEgoRaam
Fourth ChakraHeart/ chestLove & compassionYaam
Fifth ChakraThroatYour expression Ka Ga Gha
Sixth ChakraIn between your eyebrows Intuitive abilities & insightsKshaam
Seventh ChakraAt the crown on top of your headSpiritual connectionOmm
Chakras, locations, relationship and corresponding mantra

22. Connect With A Tree

Directly connect to mother nature’s most rooted and grounded miracle of life, trees. There is nothing quite as enjoyable as connecting to the essence of trees to receive their grounding effects. The important thing is intuitively finding the right tree for you and approaching trees with respect.

First of all, find a tree that stands out. Approach it stand 40 inches (a meter away) and connect with the tree. You can choose to sit or stand and simply feel into the tree’s auric field. Once you are connected you will instantly start to feel your auric field expand and vibrate, this is a sign that you are connected to the tree. Once you feel fully charged thank the tree and only hug a tree if you feel compelled to do it. Not all trees want or need hugs.

23. Try Out Sungazing

Coupling sun gazing and grounding techniques can immediately connect us to the source and help us fully recharge after a long day of psychic readings. It replaces positive ions accumulated throughout the day with the energies healing elixir known as negative ions.

According to Michael S. Djanthi, NASA confirmed that sun gazing can also activate our extrasensory abilities. To learn more about Sun Gazing and how to safely practice it, I recommend reading his book called “Nasa confirms superhuman abilities gained through sun gaining: The Rest of the Story”.

24. Book An Energy Healing Session

Psychics are constantly working with energy and if they are not careful their energy can become depleted. That is why it is important to replenish your energy by getting a healing session.

The important thing is to pick any type of healing that resonates with you and your needs. Some people may choose a Reiki Session, Quantum Healing, Shamanic healing, chakra healing, and so on. The choice is yours, so trust your intuition and book a monthly well-being healing to keep your energy centers in tune.


25. Burn Natural Incense

Most psychics love using incense as part of their energy and space-learning rituals. But they can also be used to improve our psychic abilities too. Some incense can help ground us, reduce stress and anxiety, boost our confidence, purify the air, and improve our sitting in the power practice.

My favorite grounding incense are Sandalwood, cedar wood, Frankincense, Jasmine, Palo Santo, and lavender. 

26. Practice Mindful Stretching Everyday

Yoga, pilates, and Qi-Gong have become increasingly popular over the years, and for good reason too. Try adding a stretching routine to your day to keep your energy balanced. Pick an exercise routine you like and get started from the comfort of your own home.

You can sign up to an exercise app or watch a YouTube video too. Always remember to find something that resonates with you and take into consideration your personal needs and limitations.

27. Eat Grounding Food

If you have got a full day of psychic readings make sure you pre-prepare nutritiously grounding foods. After readings, we can feel hungry or perish but we need to avoid reaching out for cakes, biscuits, sweets, and all those unhealthy snacks.

Instead, prepare grounding meals or snacks to keep you going throughout the day. Include meat, and root vegetables such as potatoes, parsnips, carrots, beets, turnips, and artichokes. If you are a foodie you will enjoy adding these foods to your diet to keep you grounded.

28. Do An Activity With Your Hands

Ground yourself by taking on a hobby such as gardening, painting, or pottery that requires you to use your hands and get all messy and dirty. Whether you are connecting to the earth through your hands, connecting with clay, or creating works of art, they will all help you feel connected to the body. Helping you in turn feel calm and ready for another day of psychic readings.

29. Get A Pedicure Or Foot Massage

Another of my favorite ways to ground my energy is to get foot massages or pedicures. There is no more enjoyable way to grounding than having someone pamper and care for your feet.

I suggest combining foot massages with your favorite grounding essential oil to amplify the grounding experience (refer to the list of essential oils above).

30. Connect To The Body

Another quick way to ground is to move your awareness into the body. You can easily incorporate a body scan into your meditative practice or before you go deep into the sitting in the power practice. All you need to do is close your eyes and feel the body, start with the feet and move your attention all the way up to the head, and then all the way down again.

You could also try patting your body using a soft and gentle rhythm. ancient traditions such as Ayurveda and Chinese medicine use this technique to instill well-being. Simply cup your hands and gently tap around your head, you shouldn’t feel any jerky movements, pain, or pressure. It is a gentle stimulation. Then work your way down your arms, chest, abdomen, lower back, hips, buttocks, and legs, and end with a couple of final pats around your belly button.

31. Spend time with Good Friends

Sometimes all you need to feel like yourself again is to spend some time with a good friend. Organize a lunch out and bring a little joy and laughter back into your life. Laughter and enjoyment can go a long way to bringing us back into balance. Having a good laugh connects us with our lower chakras and quickly balances our energy.

But if things don’t plan out, watch a comedy or join a laughing yoga class instead. Anything that makes you giggle and laugh can help you release pent-up energy restore balance and ground your chakras.

32. Use Herbal Supplements

If you are looking for another natural way to ground you can try adding natural herbs and supplements to your list. These include lavender, Ashwagandha, Rosemary, Turmeric, Damiana, Lemon Balm, Valerian Root, St Johns Wort, Ginger Root, Licorice Root, Passion Flower and Skullcap.

I recommend taking a trip to your local herbal shop and speaking to the advisor about their range to find the one that best fits your needs. These natural supplements can come in the form of capsules, tinctures, or teas.

33. Listen To Bird Song

The sound frequencies of bird songs can help psychics ground and connect with the present moment. It can also be a calming and uplifting effect too. What is even more fascinating is that according to a study Nature and mental health: An ecosystem service perspective listening to bird songs can have similar relaxing benefits to walking or being outdoors in nature. 

So if you have a busy schedule and can’t get out for walks in between psychic readings, listen out for birds singing or play a bird song track. 

34. Drink Warming Beverages

Start your day with warm grounding beverages such as Tulsi, Hibiscus, Dandelion, Chamomile, Liquorice Root, and lemon Balm teas.

Alternatively, you can enjoy a cup of cocoa drinks, but always ensure I get high-quality cacao, not regularly store-bought chocolate drinks as the trends have been altered and do not contain the same natural vitamins and nutrients. My favorites are PukkaYogi Teas, and Tea Pigs.

35. Get To Bed By 10pm

Getting enough sleep can play an important role in your overall well-being. When we have problems sleeping or don’t get enough restorative sleep our psychic gifts can suffer.

That is why it is important to get to bed early, ideally going to sleep between 10 pm and 11 pm and waking up at around 5 am. We want to try to attune our biological clock to our environment. This can keep us grounded and energized and help maintain a healthy state of mind too.

I hope you enjoyed reading about all the ways that you can ground yourself even when things get busy with work.

Leave a comment below to let me know what’s your favorite way to ground yourself and which one of the above you will add to your routines.

Thanks for reading

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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