Have you ever felt controlled or put down by someone who uses their spirituality to manipulate you? Do you find it hard to stay true to your own spiritual path when someone is always criticizing your beliefs? If so, you’re not alone.
When dealing with a spiritual narcissist, it’s crucial to set clear boundaries and stick to them. Be honest about your feelings and needs. Try to limit your time with them and spend more time with friends who truly support you. This will help you stay strong and focused.
Here are 10 easy strategies to help you handle these challenging interactions.
1. Set Clear Boundaries

If you are dealing with a narcissist, you must set clear boundaries. Calmly tell them what behaviors are acceptable and those that you will not tolerate. Then, keep reinforcing despite their attempts to wear you down. Clear boundaries help you keep your space and protect your energy.
2. Limit Your Interaction
Avoid unnecessary interactions with spiritual narcissists. If you don’t have to interact with them, stay away. Otherwise, keep conversations short and straight to the point. Avoid sharing personal information with them as they will likely use it to control or manipulate you.
3. Avoid Arguments
Spiritual narcissists love conflict and drama. They great at mind games and will do everything in their power to get your attention. Their egos love getting into arguments and enjoy watching your squirm. So instead, stay calm and simply walk away from conflict. Trust me, it will keep them at a distance and give you peace of mind.
4. Trust Your Own Beliefs
Trust yourself, and don’t let anyone’s criticism shake your beliefs or spiritual practices. A spiritual narcissist might try to put down your views, but don’t let their insecurities get to you. Listen to your intuition and value your experiences. Your beliefs are your inner strength and the foundation of your life.
5. Find Support from Others
One of the best ways to keep narcissists away is to surround yourself with supportive and genuine people who respect your spiritual journey. They want to be in control and don’t like being around positive and supportive groups of people. Having a supportive community keeps narcissists away and helps you stay strong.
6. Practice Self-Care
Take care of yourself by doing things that balance your mind, body, and soul. You can try spiritual practices such as meditation, and yoga, go for regular massages, or take relaxing baths. Pick an activity that balances you and helps you stay grounded. This can help you deal with their manipulative tactics and have the energy to fight back, if necessary.
7. Learn About spiritual Narcissists
If you are serious about dealing with spiritual narcissist behavior, you need to learn about how they operate. You can read books or watch videos to learn about their sneaky tactics and manipulative behaviors. By spotting the signs early on, you can stop them in their tracks by quickly responding to their controlling behavior.
8. Communicate Assertively
When you are around a spiritual narcissist it is important to communicate in a clear and assertive way. As you probably already know, spiritual narcissists are easily triggered. So you want to remain calm and use “I feel” statements to express your boundaries, feelings, and needs. You could say, “I feel uncomfortable when you dismiss my feelings”.
9. Focus on Your dreams and spiritual Growth
Where your attention goes, energy flows. So don’t give spiritual narcissists your power. Instead, focus on your own life, dreams, and spiritual growth. Don’t get trapped in their negativity, which can drain your energy. Instead, engage in activities that uplift and energize you. Over time, you’ll see the spiritual narcissists fade away.
10. Know When to Walk Away
Sometimes, the best thing you can do for yourself is to walk away from the spiritual narcissist. If their behavior is too toxic, honor your needs and do what is best for you. Your well-being is what matters most! So if you feel it is time to cut ties, trust your instincts. Our intuition is always right.
Final Thoughts
Dealing with a spiritual narcissist isn’t easy, but with the right strategies, you can protect your peace and continue growing spiritually. Remember to set boundaries, trust yourself, and find support from genuine people. By focusing on your well-being and growth, you can handle these challenging interactions with strength and grace.
Have you ever met someone who seemed to use their spirituality to control or impress others? What clues made you think they might be a spiritual narcissist?
Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!