Are you looking for fun and easy ways to increase your intuition? Do you want to learn how to hear and trust your inner voice? Whether you want to use your intuition to make better decisions, increase your self-awareness, improve relationships with loved ones and your pets, or just feel more confident in your life.
You can improve your intuition with these seven ways: activate the pineal gland, trust your gut feelings, use breath work to clear mental clutter, try divination tools like tarot cards, unlock your creativity with doodling, connect with your spirit guides, do a digital detox and spend time in nature to recharge.
I have compiled a list of 20 things you easily include in your daily schedule to develop your intuition in no time.
1. Trust Your Gut feelings and think less

Trusting your instincts is a quick and easy way to develop your psychic abilities. Listen to your gut no matter what your mind says! The more we listen to our inner voice or gut instinct the more we will be guided by a higher force in our lives. Be patient with yourself when you first start off. Remember, most people have been ignoring their inner voice for most of their lives and may find it hard to receive intuitive insights. It is just about remembering how to connect with ourselves, acknowledge what we get, and trust what we receive.
2. Decalcify and Activate your pineal gland
According to many spiritual traditions, the role of the pineal gland is to bridge the connection between the physical and spiritual realms. So it is necessary to decalcify and activate our pineal gland to accurately receive psychic insights and communicate with the spirit world. According to research, there is a direct link between fluoride exposure and the calcification of the pineal gland. So, the first step would be to limit fluoride exposure in your water and self-care products.
3. Meditate at least 3 times a week
Meditating is one of the best ways to raise our consciousness, attune our psychic antennas, and connect to the spirit world too. The best meditations to attune the chakras are visualization meditation, and to calm the mind use breath-awareness meditation or guided meditations. To develop mediumship abilities use sitting in the power meditations as these are designed for self-exploration and to elevate our consciousness to meet the spirit realm.
Download my free sitting in the power meditation, by using cupon code: soul24.
4. Spend Time outdoors in Nature
Nature has a magical way of quietening the mind and reconnecting us with our inner voice. So, if you are serious about developing your intuitive abilities, take walks in the park, hike, jump into the sea or just sit outside and relax. And remember to switch your phone off or put it on airplane mode.
5. Try Intuitive Exercises
A fun way to strengthen your intuition is to play the ‘guessing game’. So, next time the phone rings, pause and try to guess who is calling before checking the name that pops on the screen. Or, while waiting for the lift, intuitively guess which one will arrive first. The beauty of the guessing game exercise is that it is fun, easy, and can be played anytime and anywhere.
6. use Tarot decks or Oracle Cards
Have you ever considered using different divination tools such as tarot cards, or oracle decks, to develop your psychic gifts? Well, if you aren’t, you are definitely missing out. We can use divination tools to unlock our intuition and explore our psyche by tapping into our unconscious mind. So get yourself a deck, commit to pulling a card each morning, and think about its message and how it relates to your day.
If you need help choosing the perfect tarot or oracle deck, you should read “27 Best Tarot Decks: Listed And Ranked,” “11 Best Oracle Decks For Beginners,” or “Best Oracle Decks: Top 20.”
7. Balance and align the chakras
Our intuition depends on our ability to sense subtle energies, using our psychic gifts. But to do that, our chakras need to be balanced and vibrating at the right vibration. Past trauma and ongoing problems can negatively create energy blocks and negatively affect our intuition and spiritual development. One of the best ways to balance and align the chakras is through energy medicine, such as channeled healing, trance healing, reiki, shamanic healing, acupuncture, or acupressure.
8. Read books on intuition written by psychics
Another great way to develop your intuition is to read books on psychic development and intuition. It is one of the easiest ways to learn valuable tips and techniques from experienced professionals. My favorites include “Trust Your Vibes by Sonia Choquette” and Psychic Navigator: Harnessing Your Inner Guidance by John Holland. If you want to discover other books that can help you, have a read of “Top 10 Psychic Development Books“
9. Use crystals to boost your intuition
Crystals like Amethyst, selenite, and Lapis Lazuli are known to heighten intuition and spiritual awareness. So, whether you wear them as jewelry, carry them, or use them during meditation practice, you will definitely benefit from their energy. Discover crystals that help develop intuition, heighten spiritual awareness, align the chakras, and protect your auric field, read “15 Crystals To Improve Your Mediumship”
10. Get to know your spirit team
Connect with your higher self, your spirit guides and ascended masters to receive guidance in your life. Right before you start meditating, ask them a question and be notice any thoughts, feelings, or signs you receive. If you want to learn more about communicating with your spirit guides and the angelic realm, you will enjoy reading one or more of the books on my Top 10 Angel and Spirit Guide books.
11. Keep a daily Inspirational journal
Journaling is a wonderful tool to explore our spiritual gifts and to intuitively receive guidance and wisdom from spirit guides, ascended masters, and our higher selves. By taking as little as 10 minutes a day, we explore our thought patterns, feelings, emotions, and memories. Through reflection, we can identify events and situations that triggered emotions of anger, grief, anxiety, and joy among others. This is essential if we want to develop our intuitive faculties and begin to perceive subtle changes in ourselves and those around us. It is a form of self-discovery that can remove obstacles so we can clearly hear the inner voice of the intuitive mind.
12. Use essential oils to boost your intuition
If you love the smell of essential oils you need to try using them to strengthen your intuition and support your spiritual growth. Try using scents like lavender, jasmine, frankincense, and sandalwood to activate your psychic senses. You can add a couple of drops to a diffuser, apply them to your skin, or infuse your bath water to connect more deeply with your inner self.
Improve your intuition with these ‘27 Essential Oils to Improve Your Mediumship‘
14. tune into people and pets energy field
Another wonderful way to develop your psychic sense is to sense auras to intuitively discover things about people and animals. All you need to do is relax, quieten the mind and then gaze into the direction of the person or animal and sense the energy around them. Open yourself up and feel their emotions, notice any aches or pains and listen out for their thoughts. If you are really intuitive, you will also notice changes in the color of their aura too. Discover my 7-step process to “learn how to see auras” and “practice Seeing Animal.”
15. ground your energy everyday
Grounding should be a part of everyone’s daily care routine as it is important for our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Grounding ourselves strengthens our psychic skills by amplifying the physical sensations within the body. This is especially important to complete beginners seeking to receive insights more strongly or those who get psychic insights in dribs and drabs.
If you want to start grounding your energy have a read of 35 Grounding Tips for Psychics.
16. Practice Mindfulness
Being mindful means being present in the moment and connecting with your inner stillness. You can do this by fully engaging all your senses. For example, when eating, focus on the taste, texture, and smell of your food. Avoid distractions like your phone or TV. If your mind starts to flood with thoughts or you feel overwhelmed, acknowledge these feelings without judgment. Allow your intuition to guide you back to the present moment.
17. Try your hand at psychometry
We can develop our psychic abilities by using our hands. There are eight different psychic abilities with one being psychometry, which means receiving intuitive insights by holding or touching a physical object, a person, or an animal.
Practicing psychometry develops all your psychic faculties and with practice, you can receive more specific information.
18. Learn how to remote view
Remote viewing is a fun way to stretch your psychic abilities and is best suited to intermediate or advanced psychics. It uses the psychic ability to sense details about an unseen place or distant location without any prior knowledge of it.
This is a mental exercise that can refine and hone your psychic abilities and also develop your mediumship skills.
19.Take care of your health
A healthy body supports a clear mind, which is essential for intuition. Eat high vibrational foods, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep to keep your body and mind in top shape. Just add more fruits and veggies to your diet, go for short 30-minute walks every, and aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Read my other blog to learn more 15 Self Care Practices for Mediums.
20. Join a development class
For the newbies out there, I would suggest joining a mediumship class and a development circle. The development class will equip you with the basic working knowledge of mediumship and you will receive feedback from the teacher. The weekly circle provides additional practice and is a great place to refine your skills. But always remember to find a development class or circle that makes you feel comfortable. I would recommend looking for a group that is supportive and offers feedback.
If you are a bit of a book worm like me, check out my “Top 10 recommended books for psychic development”
21. Practice using your intuitive skills
Practice, practice, practice! Developing your psychic intuition takes time and dedication but it is completely worth the effort. All you need to do is set 15 minutes a day to one of the 20 tips and take it one step at a time.
You could practice meditation on Monday, read about psychic development on Tuesdays, Tune into your pet’s thoughts on Wednesday, and so on. Consistency is key but remember to have fun with it. If you don’t enjoy a particular tip, don’t worry, try something else.
Final thoughts
The best way to develop your psychic abilities is to incorporate simple habits that fit into your daily routine. Commit to just 5 minutes a day and watch how your intuition improves overtime. It is a skill like any other which takes time and practice to master. So just keep at it!
Let me know which of the above practices you most enjoy? And if you have any other tips that you use to develop your psychic abilities, leave a comment below.
Thank you very helpful you are appreciated 🌹🦅🌹