La Petit Mort. The awakening process

Are you going through a spiritual awakening or looking to progress on your spiritual journey?

Whether you are a conscious or unconscious seeker of truth you have stumbled upon an inner yearning.
And although this experience may feel like a daunting or lonely path, it is a way back home to source.

I call this process La petit mort. So what does La petit mort really mean?

La petit mort is the instance when we are fully faced with the present moment and notice our reflection staring right back at us. These are epiphanies which reveal glimpses of truth about our essence and our soul’s yearning. These occur sporadically for some and for others seem to be a part of their existential life. 

A tree with two faces. One side represent the seen the other what we ignore in our lives

But why and when do these glimpses of truth intrude into our lives? Well, there are many reasons but ultimately it is our soul demanding our attention after years, decades and even lifetimes of being ignored. 

La petit mort epiphany is triggered during times of change and turbulence.

La petit mort occurs when significant changes occur in our lives be it the end of a long relationship, losing a friend, relocating, and/or an illness diagnosis. It stops time in its tracks and allows a lifetime of inner turmoil to surface. Emotions begin to arise and grow in intensity while a part of you denies these emotions exist and attempts to continue as normal.

You try to deny, ignore, fix, or change the situation to no avail. Despite your ego’s best attempt to continue as normal, a deep pit opens up, deep inside. Wherever you look, you are surrounded by a thick gooey black substance made up of a massive dollop of anger, tons of sadness, a hint of betrayal and spoonsful of defeat.

But no matter your best attempts to leave this stenchful place, you can’t get out. No strategy seems to work and as you think about your life, everything appears to be going on as planned.

A dark forest with moon light creeping through the trees.

So, you begin to question the experience and try to dismiss this nonsense, you are just having a bad day, and things will sort themselves out tomorrow. And yes, you can ignore it for a short time but when la petit mort comes knocking at your door, there is no escape.

This petit mort consumes your entire being and overwhelms your body, mind, and spirit. You begin to cry inconsolably and feel intense waves of emotion envelop your entire body. It is a feeling so deep, so rooted in the deepest part of your being, your soul. 

“Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go”

The word emotions with a heart

Feeling the intensity of the petit mort

Although our feelings were triggered by an external event or traumatic circumstance our feelings connect much deeper than that. It soon becomes apparent that the pain and emotional hurt began a long time ago. A pain, so deep-seated that it triggers flashback memories and sensations of past hurts.

We may feel a sense of abandonment and recall a memory where a family member or friend unintentionally or intentionally hurt us. Things your conscious mind no longer recalled but that the unconscious held onto.

The petit mort is a unification of past, present and future. And like a ton of bricks, emotions and flashbacks of memories come crashing down all at once. Imagine feeling hurt, let down, ignored and unloved, unimportant, and replaceable all at once! These emotions can feel unbearable, and it is understanding that we wish to push them away.

Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realise that space is being created in your life for new things to emerge.

Eckhart Tolle

During this process, you discover that you let yourself down and ask “how could I have sacrificed myself and my wellbeing like that just to be loved by others?” A lifetime of ignoring your wants and needs for fear of being rejected, not being good enough, unloved and alone.

So you see, La petit mort is much more than grieving in the moment, it is a mourning of your entire life including the self-betrayals, self-criticism, self-abuse and much, much, more. It is a sheep dressed in wolves clothing; it really isn’t what it seems.

A black and white image of a man starting ahead

The healing potential of la petit mort

It is a wonderful blessing which heals, reconciles unresolved issues, and elevates our conscious awareness. La Petit Mort is a wonderful opportunity to heal the past, surrender to the present and release fears of the future.

Your own realization is the greatest service you can render the world.

Ramana Maharshi

So next time La petit mort comes knocking on your door, welcome the experience. Then fully feel the manifestation of emotions and and allow this cathartic experience to heal.

If you want to learn how to advance on your spiritual journey, you may be interested in checking out another of my articles with the the Top 10 spiritual books of all time.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.
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