Are your own beliefs the biggest obstacles standing between you and your full potential as a medium?

Or many you’re wondering why, despite your dedication and practice, your mediumship skills seem to have hit a plateau?

Then it’s time to explore the limiting beliefs that might be holding your mediumship back.

Here are 8 common limiting beliefs that all mediums experience at some point in their development.

I am not a good enough medium

Many mediums often doubt their abilities when they start practicing and during their development. We compare ourselves to experienced mediums and end up feeling bad about our abilities. But the truth is that over time, your mediumship will improve. So be kind to yourself. Accept yourself right here and now. Then do your best and keep working on developing this God given gift.

What if other people judge me

What if other people judge me

Many mediums worry about being judge or criticised for the work they do. The important thing is to remember why you started this work in the first place! It was to help others find healing by bridging the connection between this world and the afterlife.

When you focus on the reasons for doing this work, other peoples judgements and criticism ends up mattering less.

I will never be as good as other mediums

If you find yourself comparing yourself with other mediums and criticise or get upset with your self, STOP. Every medium is different, you need to harness your unique abilities. Observe how other successful mediums work and bring though evidence, then forget about them.

Focus on yourself, work on your development and simply focus on becoming the best medium you can possible be.

I am afraid of saying I am medium

I am afraid of saying I am medium

It is true that there has been a lot of negative stigma connected to being a medium. But it is also true that many people are open to this wonderful experience. They cherish the opportunity to feel a little closer with their loved ones. And guess what, they came to because they needed a medium to help them connect with the afterlife.

Be open about your work, tell people about it, and share all the wonderful and moving stories with them. Help people open their hearts to mediumship and the future possibility of connecting with their loved ones

My mediumship isn’t getting better

Another common complaint by mediums is thinking that your mediumship isn’t getting better. If you think your mediumship hasn’t improved, it could be because what you are doing isn’t working for you. So change things up, enroll into a new class, try a new approach to your mediumship development.

I am not sensing anything

In the early days of our development we may doubt our abilities and the information that we receive from the spirit world. If you find your self saying I’m not feeling anything, know that this is not the case. You are feeling things using a different set of senses and sometimes your mind gets in the way and convinces your that you are stuck. Simply take a deep breath and be open to working through the discomfort. The success of your mediumship is a step away, all you need to do is go beyond your comfort zone.

I can’t authentically be myself as a medium

I can't authentically be myself as a medium

Being a medium is about discovering the divine within you and honouring the spirit world in their communication with their loved ones on Earth. That requires you authentically be yourself and embrace every part of you. You don’t need to change to behave, act, dress or speak like others mediums. That would be a clone, how absolutely boring! Be yourself, connect to consciousness and allow spirit to guide you through your communication.

I am afraid of becoming famous

Most people talk about the fear of failure, but it is also possible to fear success too. Becoming a famous medium can put you in the spot light and may attract a lot of unwanted attention. But ultimately, it gives you the opportunity to help change so many more lives.

If this sounds like you, forget about the future and focus on the now. Enjoy every step of the journey and trust that the spirit world has your back.

Final Thoughts

By recognizing and challenging these limiting beliefs, you can reach your full potential as a medium.

Embrace the journey of self-growth, and watch your abilities improve like never before. Trust yourself and your connection to the spirit world—your path to success is within reach.

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