Have you ever wondered how different mediums connect with the spirit world? Are you curious about the various ways they communicate messages from beyond? If so, you have come to the right place.

Mental mediums are individuals that connect and communicate with the spirit world. They use their psychic abilities (The Clairs) to telepathically receive messages from those spirit people in the afterlife. Mediums act as a bridge between our world and the spirit world by bringing through heartfelt messages that comfort, guide and support us.

Keep reading to learn about all 8 types of mediums and how their work differs from one another.

1. Evidential Medium

Trance Mediumship

Evidential mediums use their psychic gifts to connect with the afterlife and bring through details about loved ones in spirit. They reveal key insights about the spirit person’s life, sharing details about their personality, family, relationships, hobbies, and other relevant aspects, as proof and validation of the spirit’s presence. The medium is fully aware of the experience and the communication feels like a back-and-forth conversation between the spirit world, the medium, and the loved ones.

Discover my latest blog post “Top 10 Mediumship Development Books by Mediums.” I’ve ranked and reviewed these insightful books to guide you on your spiritual journey.

2. Trance mediums

12 signs of claircognizance

Trance mediums enter a trance state to let spirit beings talk through them. The deeper the trance, the more control the spirit has over their mind, body, and energy. The stronger the hold, the higher the quality of communication, be it through spoken or written language, healing, or even artistic expression. These are known as automatic speaking, automatic writing (Pneumaographic medium), trance healing and trance art (spirit art medium), or automatic drawing. During deep trance states, it is possible to observe subtle changes in voice speed, vocabulary, mannerisms, and body language but you will not encounter any physical phenomena.

Learn more about trance mediumship to find out about different trance states, how to enter trance, and develop mediumship skills.

3. Evidential Trance Medium

Evidential Trance Mediums provide recognizable details about the spirit person during a trance state. This form of mediumship combines the best of evidential mediumship and trance mediumship. During deep trance states, it is possible to observe subtle changes in voice speed, vocabulary, mannerisms, and body language.

4. Medical Mediums

A medical medium uses psychic abilities to assess the body and detect imbalances or “dis-eases”. By connecting with the spirit realm, they receive insights into one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. These mediums provide healing and guidance to restore balance and promote overall well-being. Anthony William is a famous medical medium and author of 8 books designed to help people regain their health.

5. Animal Medium or Pet Medium

What our deceased pets want us to know

Animal mediums communicate with deceased animals, much like evidential mediums. They usually receive insights about the animals’ life experiences, including family members, descriptions of their homes, and details of their passing. But other animals wish to discuss reincarnation and the specifics of their future return.

To learn more about pet mediumship, check out “A complete guide on Pet Mediums“, or learn how you can “connect with pets in the afterlife“.

6. Channeling or spiritual mediums

Channeling mediums communicate spirit people, spirit guides, ascended masters, enlightened beings, and collectives of spiritual beings. They receive spiritual wisdom, insights, and inspirational messages from the spirit realm to help humans lead happier lives, spiritually grow, and become enlightened. Channeling mediums often bring through messages both verbally and in written form.

7. Trance healing Mediums

In Trance Healing, the Medium directly channels healing energy from spirit guides, helpers, angels, and ascended masters. For this to happen, the trance medium must enter into a passive state so that they do not interfere with the spiritual essence of the healing.

Check out my other blog post on trance healing to discover how it works, what it is like, how it differs from other healing modalities and how you can develop trance healing.

8. Physical mediums are not mental mediums

Physical mediums are not the same as mental mediums, but I’ve included them to give you a full picture of all the types of mediums. A physical medium connects with spirits, letting them temporarily control their body, mind, and awareness. This partnership allows spirits to create things that can be seen, heard, or felt, like moving objects, knocking sounds, spiritual lights, and speaking through the medium’s voice.

Read my complete guide on physical mediumship or discover the “15 Types Of Physical Phenomena You May Experience In Séances

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