Curious about mediumship and the different types of mediums out there?

Then keep on reading to discover 9 different kinds of mediums, how they connect to spirit and their role in mediumship.

What is a mental mediums?

Mental mediums use their psychic sense to telepathically communicate with the spirit realm. This extrasensory abilities can receive information in the form of images, sounds, scents, thoughts, emotions and feelings. While all mediums use their intuition, each medium has a different blend of abilities.

How do mental mediums communicate with spirit?

Mediums have the ability to perceive information through various clair senses, which are ways of perceiving beyond the five physical senses. The 8 clairs that mediums use are:

  1. Clairvoyance: seeing images in the mind’s eye
  2. Clairaudience: hearing sounds or words in the mind
  3. Clairscent: smelling scents or odors
  4. Clairgustance: tasting insights without physical stimuli
  5. Clairsentience: sensing through feelings
  6. Clairtangency: discerning through touch
  7. Claircognizance: inner knowing
  8. Clairempathy: feeling emotions and ailments).

What are the different types of mediums?

There are 8 types of mental mediums: evidential mediums, trance mediums, medical mediums, spiritual mediums, energy or healing mediums, channeling mediums, and animal mediums. Each works uniquely and serves a specific purpose in connecting with spirits and providing different forms of mediumship services

1. Physical Medium

Physical mediumship is a specific type of mediumship that enables the spirit realm to directly convey messages and create physical manifestations using the medium’s body and energy field. It encompasses a range of phenomena, including direct voice communication, ectoplasmic transfiguration, the appearance of objects (apports), mysterious knocking and tapping sounds, spiritual lights, the materialization of spirits, and even levitation.

2. Medical Mediums

A medical medium uses psychic abilities to assess the body and detect imbalances or “dis-eases”. By connecting with the spirit realm, they receive insights into one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. These mediums provide healing and guidance to restore balance and promote overall well-being.

3. Animal Medium or Pet Medium

Animal mediums communicate with deceased animals, much like evidential mediums. They usually receive insights about the animals’ life experiences, including family members, descriptions of their homes, and details of their passing. But other animals wish to discuss reincarnation and the specifics of their future return.

Learn more about pet mediums by reading the following blog post: A complete guide on Pet Mediums, 7 things that affect the cost of pet mediumship readings, 17 Questions to ask a pet medium and how to connect with pets in the afterlife.

4. Evidential Medium

Evidential mediums are mental mediums that provide evidence of the presence of spirit communicators. They reveal specific details about the spirit person’s life, sharing details about their personality, family, relationships, hobbies, and other relevant aspects, as proof and validation of the spirit’s presence.

5. Trance mediums

Trance mediums enter a trance state to let spirit beings talk through them. The deeper the trance, the more control the spirit has over their mind, body, and energy. The stronger the hold, the higher the quality of communication, be it through spoken or written language, healing or even artistic expression.

These are known as automatic speaking, automatic writing (Pneumaographic medium), trance healing and trance art (spirit art medium)or automatic drawing.

During deep trance states, it is possible to observe subtle changes in voice speed, vocabulary, mannerisms and body language. However, it is important to point out that Trance Mediumship is not the same as Physical Mediumship.

Read another article on trance mediumship to learn about different trance states, how to enter trance, and develop mediumship skills.

6. Evidential Trance Medium

Evidential Trance Mediums provide recognisable details about the spirit person whilst in a trance state. This form of mediumship combines the best of evidential mediumship and trance mediumship. During deep trance states, it is possible to observe subtle changes in voice speed, vocabulary, mannerisms and body language.

7. Channeling Mediums

Channeling mediums communicate with one spirit or a collective of spirits, relaying messages and guidance. They establish a connection by blending their outer aura layer with the spirit, forming a closer link with the spirit realm than evidential mediums but not as deep as trance mediums.

Channelling mediums often bring through messages both verbally and in written form.

8. Spiritual or Inspirational Mediums

Spiritual or inspirational mediums connect with spirit guides, ascended masters, and enlightened beings to share spiritual wisdom and inspiration from the afterlife. Their goal is to help people grow spiritually and live happy and fulfilled lives.

9. Energy or Healing Mediums

Spiritual or inspirational mediums connect with spirit guides, ascended masters, and enlightened beings to share spiritual wisdom and inspiration from the afterlife. They aim to support people in their spiritual development, helping them reach their full potential and live happy and fulfilling lives.

10. Physical mediums are not mental mediums

Physical mediums are not the same as mental mediums, but I’ve included them to give you a full picture.

A physical medium connects with spirits, letting them temporarily control their body, mind, and awareness. This partnership allows spirits to create things that can be seen, heard, or felt, like moving objects, knocking sounds, spiritual lights, and speaking through the medium’s voice.

Physical mediumship is the most connected type of mediumship. It involves fully merging with the spirit world and becoming one temporarily.

Explore the fascinating world of physical mediumship with my complete guide. You’ll discover different types of physical phenomena, learn about signs that suggest you might be a physical medium, and find out how to develop this special ability.

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