Are you looking for that perfect book to help you spiritual grow?

Well, any seeker of truth needs to have at least one non-duality book on their nightstand.

Non-duality teaches us that we are all one and what we perceive as separate is in fact our mind’s perception. Non-duality is about allowing polarised ideas, thoughts, emotions and behaviours within ourselves to co-exist in harmony.

So, I have put together a list of the Top 10 non-duality books of all time.

Right let’s get to it.

Best Non-Duality Book of All Time

1. The power of now

By Eckhart Tolle

The power of now is the first spiritual book I ever read and my all-time favourite. This is a spiritual transformational book that vibrationally connects you to the divine essence within. As you progress through the book you realise the power our thoughts hold and they drive our behaviour and interactions with others.

Eckhart Tolle reveals the real cause of our pain and suffering and liberates us in the process. In doing so we return to our natural expansive state of being.

If you haven’t already read this book I highly recommend it. It will transform your life and those around you! The divine words in this book will expand your consciousness, ground you in the present moment and set you free from your egoic pain.

The Power of Now is the all time best Non-Duality Book.

2. White fire: Spiritual Insights and Teachings of Advaita Master Mooji

By Mooji

White Fire is a collection of Mooji’s most inspiring spiritual teachings. These nuggets of wisdom bypass the mind and firmly reconnect us with the present.

His teaching resonates with an internal knowing and a feeling of wanting to go home. As you incorporate the teaching into your daily life you will feel more drawn to the inner spaciousness and silence. Mooji’s effortless spills petals of truth and refers to our boundless nature.

This book is for those busy spiritual seekers that prefer to contemplate on the short but powerful teachings. This book does not need to be read from page to page. I enjoy opening a page out of this book randomly and feeling the essence of the teachings.

White fire is the best Non-Duality book if you are looking for snippets of wisdom.

3. Diamond in your pocket

By Gangaji

Diamond in your pocket is a story about a thief that spends his entire life trying to steal a jewel. Despite his lifelong failed attempts, he discovers that the diamond was in the only place most unexpected place.

This book discusses the seeker that lies within us all. Some of us spend our lives seeking external validation, and many chase the dream of financial success but most people seek meaning and fulfilment.

Gangaji masterfully uncovers the paradox behind this persistent searching and invites us to relinquish the search and remain still. This book is transformational and will instantly draw your attention inwards and reconnect your true essence.

A silent expansiveness where thoughts subside and we connect with all that is wrapped in a layer of vulnerability and unconditional love. We connect to unresolved and deep-seated suffering but find innate strength and courage to fearlessly be at one with life itself.

Diamond in your pocket is the best Non-Duality Spiritual Story.

4. You were never broken

By Jeff Foster

You were never broken is a collection of poems which introduces us to the principles of non-duality. Jeff Foster gently guides us to fully explore our feelings, thoughts and fears. The poems draw upon Jeff’s personal experience of anxiety, restlessness and suicidal thoughts. Jeff reminds us to sit with the discomfort of our emotions, embrace our vulnerability, fully experience them and allow them to pass.

This book is best suited for those that enjoy poetry and that is going through anxiety, restlessness or are experiencing distressing thoughts.

This book is great for those that enjoy poetry and reading bite-sized spiritual snippets that resonate with these issues.

You were never broken is the best Non-Duality Book for individuals struggling with addictions.

5. Be as you are: The teachings of Ramana Maharshi

By Ramana Maharshi & edited by David Godman

Be as you are is a collection of Sri Ramana Maharshi’s thought-proving and inspirational teachings. The book presents the teachings in a Q&A format and covers important topics such as mediation, yoga, self-enquiry, the nature of god and the importance of surrendering.

Ramana leads us on an inner journey and helps us find the answer to the question “who am I?”

This book is great for anyone looking for a step-by-step guide to spiritually awaken. If you are a complete beginner, I would recommend reading one of the other books on this list before delving into these teachings.

If surrendering to the present moment is an area you struggle with you will benefit from this book.

The teachings of Ramana Maharshi is best for advance spiritual seekers.

6. Blisstears: Bliss, the root of all suffering

By Karl Renz

Blisstears is another of my all-time favourite non-duality books. This book transcends the egoic mind and resonates at our core. Karl Renz has an uncanny way of exposing and tumbling your mind-made spiritual concepts.

As with all his other books, I find myself laughing while my thoughts set themselves on fire and are once again reborn from the ashes. No matter how many books you have read on the topic of non-duality Karl Renz will not let you down.

Another favourite of mine is The Myth of Enlightenment, also written by Karl Renz.

Bliss, the root of all suffering is the best noon-duality book for those who are light hearted.

7. Wake up and roar: Satsang with Papaji

By Papaji

Wake up and roar is a collection of Papaji’s most inspiring conversations and talks. His words remind us of the simplicity of awakening the boundless nature.

This book transmits love and compassion to all on the spiritual journey. Papaji’s words miraculously transcend the egoic mind and instantly jolt you into the present moment.

His message is simply, no technique will set you free, you just need to be. Give up the search for enlightenment and surrender to the present moment.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book but would recommend complete beginners to first read “Diamond in your pocket” or “The Power of Now”.

Wake up and roar: Satsang with Papaji is best for spiritual Satsang lovers.

8. Falling into Grace: Insights on the end of suffering

By Adyashanti

Falling into grace is another wonderful book full of spiritual revelations that ring true to the core of our being. Adyashanti invites us to focus on the present moment and observe the mind and its problems.

The book also discusses the “suffering as a temporary by-product” of the awakening process. This is important as many people do not consider this a normal aspect of our spiritual growth.

I highly recommend this book to all spiritual seekers out there looking for a simple yet insightful read. This book is also suitable for complete beginners.

Falling into Grace: Insights on the end of suffering is ideal for those seeking spiritual clarity.

9. I am that: Talks with Nisargadatta Maharaj

By Nisargadatta Maharaj

I am that is a collection of Q&A style interviews exploring the nature of non-duality. Throughout the book, Nisargadatta discusses the role of the mind and the ego’s attachment to its identity and form.

This book offers wonderful insights which pierce straight to our core. Nisargadatta message is clear and simple and can be summarised with the following words: That which you think you are, is not who you are. You are a timeless and boundless being

Yet again this is a must-read for all but it is most suited for spiritual seekers that already have some knowledge of non-duality or Advaita teachings.

I am that: Talks with Nisargadatta Maharaj is best for spiritual warriors.

10. Be here now

By Ram Dass

Be here now is a spiritual manual for those seeking guidance on their spiritual journey. In this book, Ram Dass discusses his path to spiritual enlightenment and innocent contemplation of ideas. Although this book was originally written in 1971, the principles and ideas are timeless as they reveal universal truths.

This book is divided into four parts; “A field of meditation”, “Saying yes to the mess”, “The courage to stand alone” and “Reasons to stay alive”.

Be here now is best for those seeking timeless spiritual truths.

Want to discover more spiritual books to support your spiritual growth? Then have a read of my Top 10 Spiritual Book of all time.

Summarised list of non-duality books and and links to Amazon

Read these books for FREE on Audible with the 30 DAY FREE TRIAL on Amazon.

  1. The power of Now
  2. White Fire: Spiritual Insight and Teachings of Advaita Master Mooji
  3. Diamond in your pocket
  4. You were never broken
  5. Be as you are: The Teaching of Ramana Maharshi
  6. Blisstears: Bliss, the root of all suffering
  7. Wake up and roar: Satsang with Papaji
  8. Falling into Grace: Insights on the end of suffering
  9. I am that: Talks with Nisargadatta Maharah
  10. Be Here Now

All the above are my personal recommendations, but please let me know what other books you enjoyed reading on non-duality.

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