Most of us have experienced psychic burnout at least once in our lives. Whether you needed to prepare for an end of term exam, meet strict deadlines or simply juggle many obligations simultaneously you know how it feels.

But did you know that psychics and mediums can also experience burnout too?

Well, as a psychic medium I can tell you that it is in our nature to support others. So much so, that we often forget about ourselves, our needs and end up taking on way too much.

We get so caught up in the loving exchanges that come through from the spirit realm that we can’t seem to stop. And although experienced mediums are better than newbie mediums at setting healthy boundaries, they also experience psychic burnout.

So what exactly is psychic burnout? What are the 12 common signs? How do we avoid it? These are all important questions and will be discussed below.

What is psychic burnout?

Psychic burnout is the physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion caused by working too much and not giving yourself enough time to rest and recharge. But psychic mediums have a perception of energy and can intensely perceive things about people, animals, places and things. Although this is great if you want to be a psychic medium it can drain our energy and negatively affect us.

We can detect subtle energies including a person’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Oftentimes we perceive physical ailments and emotions can be felt within our bodies as if they were our own. So it is important to distinguish between our own sense of well-being and the short-lived residual effects of reading.

So you see, psychic mediums are highly vulnerable to psychic burnout. We all perceive at different intensities and have different tolerance levels. So we can’t take a one size fits all approach to avoiding psychic burnout.

What we can do, is look out for the 11 signs of burnout and be mindful of our current experience.

Not sure if you are experiencing psychic burnout or how to avoid it? Then do keep reading.

11 signs of psychic burnout

The 12 Signs of Psychic Burnout

So, the best way to avoid psychic burnout is to recognise and look out for the 12 most common signs in our daily lives. If you find that yourself experiencing at least one of the following warning signs, take immediate steps to rectify the situation.

Then you will benefit from reading “10 ways to overcome psychic burnout”. In this post, you will discover 10 ways to quickly reverse psychic burnout.

1. Feeling exhausted before even starting your psychic mediumship readings.

One of the first signs of psychic burnout is a decrease in our energy levels and an unshakable sense of tiredness. When this starts to happen we often look for possible reasons for feeling so drained. Common reasons include; I’m feeling stressed, I’m an empath, I’ve been doing too many readings, I am not getting enough sleep, or the energy in my space needs clearing, or I am feeling a little under the weather.

It could be any or all of the reasons which are affecting our energy levels. Our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day and some days are more exhausting than others. But when you are experiencing profound exhaustion even before you have started your daily readings this is cause for concern.

It is our body’s way of letting us know that something is not quite right and that it needs our attention. So reassess your work-life balance. In my experience, outsourcing unproductive jobs such as cleaning or getting an assistant a couple of hours a week to manage your schedule or respond to emails.

Feeling exhausted before starting work?
Psychic burnout signs: Feeling Exhausted

2. Finding it difficult to blend with the sitter or the spirit world.

Psychic burnout can interfere with our ability to blend with the spirit realm. When we are physically, emotionally or mentally drained it can be debilitating and we often go on autopilot. We do this so that we can continue as ‘normal’ and disconnect from ourselves, our emotions, our state of mind and our bodily sensations.

And although this can keep us going for a little longer it impairs our ability to connect with the client psychically and the spirit communicator during a mediumship reading. If we numb our emotions, ignore our thoughts and disconnect with our bodies we have effectively turned off our psychic senses.

Without this, we can’t receive insights and instead, we may avidly demand spirit to blend with us. This only causes more problems. Remember that connecting with spirit is a divine collaboration and the blending process cannot be rushed nor forced.

If you are having difficulty blending with the spirit realm start off by checking in with your body, your emotions and thoughts. Allow them to express themselves and if needed give yourself some timeout. Try slowing down your breath and allow your body to relax.

If you are still unable to successfully blend, ask your client to reschedule the session or offer them a full refund.

Difficulty connecting with the client and the spirit worldrk?
Difficult connecting with the spirit world

3. Having difficulty sensing evidence psychically or mediumistically.

Another sign of burnout is our inability to sense insights psychically or mediumistically. When this happens it is because we are unable to raise and maintain our connection with the spirit realm.

The spirit communicator uses our energy to communicate through us. When we experience burnout our energy field is depleted and spirit can not establish a strong communication link.

This is yet another reason why we should be mindful of our physical, mental and emotional states and proactively make time to replenish ourselves.

I recommend a change of scenery, going for a walk, getting a massage or meeting a ‘positive’ friend for coffee. Taking a short break from our home/workspace usually shifts our focus and helps us get back on track.

If that is not enough try a 30-minute power nap to help you disconnect and recharge.

Having difficulty sensing evidence psychically or mediumistically.

4. Noticing your cognitive abilities interfering with readings.

According to Deligkaris and colleagues, 13 out of 15 studies concluded that burnout diminished cognitive abilities. It impairs and disrupts the three main cognitive functions; our problem-solving skills, our memory and our concentration.

So, we can confidently conclude that burnout does have a direct effect on our psychic and mediumistic skills. When our cognitive abilities are functioning optimally, we can deeply explore psychic impressions, our feelings and intuitively understand or decipher messages from the spirit realm.

Therefore, if you want to excel as a psychic or medium, avoid psychic burnout at all cost. Instead nourish your mind, your body and your soul every chance you get. Get your creative juices flowing and join a dance class, start painting or sign up for a silent retreat. Avoid overexerting yourself and ensure you get enough restful and restorative sleep.Feeling overwhelmed for no apparent reason.

Psychics and mediums are highly sensitive beings that can sense vibrations of people, places and things. If you are an empath like me, you know how easy it is for us to perceive and absorb the energies in our environment. Although it is great ability, it can lead us down the road to psychic burnout.

I often perceive insights through my emotional centre (AKA the solar plexus) even before a reading has begun. This usually comes through as an intense emotion which can last through the whole session and continue after the reading has ended. They may linger for a couple of minutes, a few hours hours or days after a reading.

But sometimes the emotions are overwhelming and may persist beyond a couple of days. When this happens it is a sign that we have some unresolved business. The reading may have triggered something in us that we have not addressed in our lives that needs healing.

Diminished Cognitive Abilities

In such instances, acknowledge the feeling and allow sensations, thoughts or past memories to arise. As you take time to honour and explore these feelings the intensity decreases and eventually disappears. Give yourself time to observe all areas including our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Psychic mediumship is requires us to spiritual growth and connect to our emotions. Our feelings and emotions act as our psychic antennas and could be considered our inner GPS or guidance system. When our needs are being met we usually feel happy, energetic and ready to take on the world.

5. Doubting your abilities as a psychic medium.

So, you are feeling exhausted, you are struggling to blend with the spirit realm, the information coming through isn’t quite right and you are feeling overwhelmed! Well, that is the perfect concoction for doubting our psychic abilities.

Although this may seem like a rational conclusion we need to appreciate that we are humans not machines. Our intuitive abilities can throughout the day depending on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual states. If any of these are out of sync, they will have a negative affect on our connection and negatively impacts our readings.

If our communication receptors are not functioning optimally, spirit is unable to effectively use them. We simply need to accept that our vital energy force has been depleted and make changes to balance our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual areas of our life.

So stop feeding the negativity, think of ways that you can change your mindset and quieten the mind. In doing so, we reconnect to our inner essence and ‘remember’ that we truly are psychic mediums.

If this sounds like you, I recommend scheduling some self-care time. I recommend getting a relaxing massage or booking a day a spa with a friend or family member.

6. Struggling to articulate or relay messages from the spirit realm.

Psychic burnout can also manifest as an inability to succinctly express ourselves. If you find yourself pausing mid sentence to find the right words to say, then it is likely your psychic mediumship work is suffering too.

Psychic mediumship effectively communicate and accurately articulate nuances of meaning. Let’s consider the following two statements: ‘your dad fixed cars’ and ‘your dad tried to fix cars’. Each statement has a different meaning. So if your father wasn’t particularly good at fixing cars, the latter statement would ring true. Saying that your dad fixes cars distorts the message and is not accurate.

The words we chose affects understanding and can make the difference between an OK reading and impactful and spot on reading.

So if you find yourself struggling to find the right words, take it as a sign that you need to slow down and recharge. In such instances, I recommend spending some alone time in nature away from our technical devices and allowing a sense of spaciousness to flow through us. This can reset our minds and help us reconnect to our inner selves.

7. Feeling disappointed or defeated with any of the above.

Psychic mediums such as evidential mediums and trance mediums use their minds to receive insights. But when things don’t flow as normal we may feel disappointed or defeated and not know how what to do.

Most Psychic mediums have an innate desire to help others and we often end up forgetting about ourselves. We often end up adding extra readings slots to our schedule and soon after after find ourselves living life autopilot. In doing so we lose our connection to ourselves, our intuitive senses and the spirit realm. As our natural flow diminishes so does the sense of disappointment and defeat.

But, instead of dwelling on the situation just recognise the warning signs and take action. We wouldn’t ignore a flashing red light on our car’s dashboard, so why do we ignore our internal warning signals?

If this sounds like you, i suggest taking some time out to truthfully answer the following questions:

  • What is making me feel this way?
  • What have I done to contribute to this situation?
  • What can I do to find harmony again?
  • Is there anything I can do in this moment to feel better?

I suggest writing down the answer to these questions and allowing yourself to feel any emotions that arise. Once you have gone through this process take steps to do something that make you feel good.

8. Isolating yourself at home or work.

Are you working from home and spending most of your day in front of the computer screen? Well, if this sound like you I am sure you are enjoying the perks of not having to travel to work, being in the comfort of your own home and spending more time with family.

But it isn’t all roses! This shift to online readings keeps us hooked to our computers and disconnects us from the world around us. So much so that many people only leave the home to to run errands. As you can appreciate this is unhealthy and affects our mental, emotional and physical states.

Are spending most of your day connecting with the spirit realm but don’t have time for friends and family? Then it is time to set clear and healthy boundaries in all areas of our lives. As mediums we need to be a part of the spirit realm and remain anchored to the physical world. This keeps us grounded and keeps us from feeling isolated, alone or depressed.

So find a healthy balance between working at home, connecting to nature and socialising with others. Join a local club and go on weekly hikes or sign up to a Zumba class and meet new people. Reconnect with your friends and family and make an effort to meet in person.

9. Feeling alone even when in the company of others.

As a medium it is normal to spend significant amounts of time with the spirit realm. So much so that it becomes second nature to connect with spirit. Remember that we are social creatures and need to interact with other people. Even if you consider yourself a hermit or a little anti-social, there is no excuse.

One of the reasons some psychic mediums avoid connecting with friends and family is because they don’t understand them. If this is the case you many need to expand your social network and sign up to a development class or weekly practise circle. Alternatively you can use the app called Meet Up to find like minded individuals in your area.

Another reason that you may be finding it difficult to connect with those around you could because you need grounding. When we spend long periods of time connecting to spirit our energy can vibrate at a higher frequency that we find it difficult to interact with others. In this case you need to ground your energy.

You can also uses crystal such as black tourmaline, hematite, agate, jade, Jasper and obsidian. I also enjoy enjoy swimming in the sea, walking barefoot and doing gentle exercise such as yoga or Qigong.

10. Experiencing sleeping problems which seem to be getting worse.

All of us have experience sleeping issues at some point in our lives. But did you know that it could also be a sign of psychic burnout? Spending long hours in front of a computer screen, particular at night disturbs our circadian rhythm. It interferes with our biological clocks ability to recognise when to slow down, rest or speed up. In fact, reducing screen time in the evening or a couple of hours before bed time can significantly reduce insomnia.

Does this sound like you? If so, consider doing online sessions earlier in the day and avoid evening readings. When possible, opt for face to face sessions and use and avoid incandescent lighting, always opt for full spectrum light bulbs.

If the event that you need a little extra help, you can try taking melatonin to help induce sleep. But as always consult your doctor before taking this supplement.

11. Procrastinating and finding it hard to complete tasks.

Procrastination is often linked to perfectionism but psychic burnout is another another possible cause. When our energy life force is running low, we find it difficult to make decisions, plan and sequence tasks. Orr lack of energy reminds us that everything feels like such an effort and we end up ignoring what needs to be done.

In this state of fatigue our emotions, mood and mindset also suffer making it even more difficult to motivate ourselves into action. And although Many people associate procrastination with laziness or lack of motivation this is not the case.

We need to address the root cause by bring about harmony and balance back into our lives.

A great way to overcome procrastination is to write a ‘to do list’. Break down your daily tasks into manageable chunks and set a time limit for each activity. Setting an alarm helps your fully focus for the duration of the task.

I always set an alarm as this helps me focus like to use an alarm clock Then start

I also recommend allocating a maximum amount of time to each task and set the alarm. This helps us focus and encourages us to complete the tasks far quicker.

Another tip is to alternate tasks and change environments. Start off with simply things to tick of your list and change environments. This can give energise us and reinforce a new sense of purpose.

Finally avoid all distractions whilst working on a task. Turn your phone on silent, add a do not disturb sign on the door and find a quiet place to get you started.

Final thoughts

As discussed above the best thing we can do for our psychic mediumship abilities is to avoid psychic burnout at all cost. If you only take one thing away from this article, remember the 12 warning signs of burnout and take immediate steps to balance our lives. Then make small and deliberate deliberate lifestyle changes and always consider your needs.

To summarise, the 12 sign of psychic burnout are:

  1. Feeling exhausted before even starting your psychic mediumship readings.
  2. Finding it difficult to blend with the sitter or the spirit world.
  3. Having difficulty sensing evidence psychically or mediumistically.
  4. Noticing your cognitive abilities interfering with readings.
  5. Doubting your abilities as a psychic medium.
  6. Struggling to articulate or relay messages from the spirit realm.
  7. Feeling disappointed or defeated with any of the above.
  8. Isolating yourself at home or work.
  9. Feeling alone even when in the company of others.
  10. Experiencing sleeping problems which seem to be getting worse.
  11. Procrastinating and finding it hard to complete tasks.

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