Are you someone with a radiant purple aura? The dedication, sacrifice, and spiritual wisdom that can be seen around individuals with purple auras are truly remarkable.

If you’re seeking guidance on aligning your aura with your career path, you’ve come to the right place.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the top career choices that perfectly complement the characteristics and traits typically associated with people who possess purple auras.

Individuals with purple auras are deeply dedicated to their spiritual quest for wisdom and enlightenment. They find fulfilment in careers that allow them to serve a higher purpose, inspire others, and make a significant impact. They are drawn to positions of power and authority acting as religious or spiritual leaders.

Purple Aura Careers

What Purple aura qualities do employers value?

Spiritual Wisdom: Individuals with purple auras possess profound spiritual wisdom. They have a deep understanding of higher principles, metaphysical concepts, and the interconnectedness of all things. Their spiritual insights and intuitive abilities enable them to approach challenges with a unique perspective, often finding innovative solutions that others may overlook. Employers value their ability to think holistically and bring a sense of purpose and meaning to their work.

Dedication: People with purple auras demonstrate unwavering dedication to their chosen cause or spiritual path. They are willing to make sacrifices and commit themselves wholeheartedly to their beliefs. This commitment translates into a strong work ethic and a willingness to go the extra mile to achieve their goals. Employers appreciate their steadfastness and reliability, knowing they can rely on them to give their all to the organization’s mission.

Leadership: Purple aura individuals naturally possess leadership qualities. They have a commanding presence and the ability to inspire and motivate others. Their strong sense of purpose and vision helps them guide teams towards a shared goal, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration. Employers recognize their ability to lead with integrity, empathy, and a focus on the greater good.

Influence: Individuals with purple auras have a remarkable capacity to influence others. Their deep conviction and magnetic personality make them persuasive communicators. They can convey complex ideas in a compelling and relatable manner, inspiring others to follow their lead. Employers value their ability to inspire and engage teams, fostering a positive and motivated work environment.

Mentorship: People with purple auras are natural mentors and teachers. They enjoy sharing their spiritual wisdom and guiding others on their journey. Their empathetic nature and profound insights allow them to offer valuable guidance and support to those around them. Employers recognize their ability to nurture talent, foster personal growth, and create a supportive and nurturing work environment.

Empathy: Purple aura individuals possess a deep sense of empathy and compassion. They understand the emotional needs of others and are sensitive to their feelings. This enables them to build strong relationships based on trust and understanding. Employers appreciate their ability to create a harmonious work environment and their knack for resolving conflicts with empathy and fairness.

Careers for Purple Auras: Embracing your spiritual dedication

People with purple auras gravitate to jobs like spiritual leaders, philosophers, lifestyle gurus, spiritual teachers, spiritual authors, pastors, healers, chaplain, nuns, monks, and peace ambassadors. They are seek out careers where they use their spiritual wisdom to guide and lead others on their spiritual journey. 

Here are 12 fulfilling careers that resonate with the essence of purple auras:

  1. Spiritual Leader: Guide and inspire others on their spiritual path as a religious leader, guru, or spiritual teacher.
  2. Philosopher: Explore profound questions about existence, meaning, and ethics, sharing your insights through philosophical writings and teachings.
  3. Lifestyle Guru: Inspire others to lead fulfilling and balanced lives through advice on wellness, personal development, and self-improvement.
  4. Spiritual Author: Share your spiritual insights and wisdom through books, articles, and online content, uplifting and enlightening readers.
  5. Mantra Singer: Use the power of music and chanting to create a spiritually uplifting and transformative experience for others.
  6. Pastor: Provide spiritual guidance, lead religious services, and support the spiritual growth of your congregation.
  7. Chaplain: Offer spiritual and emotional support to individuals in hospitals, military settings, or other institutions.
  8. Doula: Provide emotional and spiritual support to expectant mothers during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.
  9. Spiritual Artist: Express your spiritual journey and insights through various art forms, creating pieces that inspire and uplift others.
  10. Spiritual Teacher: Deliver inspirational speeches and talks that touch the hearts and minds of your audience, motivating them on their spiritual path.
  11. Peace Ambassador: Promote peace, understanding, and reconciliation in conflict-prone areas or on a global scale.
  12. Spiritual Healer: Utilize alternative healing modalities to support individuals’ physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Discover the perfect career for the other aura colors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Indigo and Purple.


These are just a few examples of the diverse career paths that align with the qualities of purple auras. Remember, your aura is as unique as you are, so explore different options that resonate with your personal aspirations and passions.

Embrace your dedication, spiritual wisdom, and influential nature as you embark on a career that allows you to make a meaningful difference. Let me know if there’s a specific job that catches your interest! The world of purple auras eagerly awaits your inspiring presence.

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