If you have ever met someone with a purple aura, you’ll naturally feel drawn to them as they exude a sense of mystery, creativity, and spiritual depth, like the enchanting hues of twilight igniting your curiosity.

If you have experienced their vibes, you’ve probably noticed how captivating their auras are and how infectious their desire for spiritual growth can be.

Auras are like unique energy fingerprints that reveal valuable insights about ourselves, such as our personality, love, relationships, careers, well-being, talents, and spiritual journey.
Picture a purple aura, which comes in various shades like lavender, violet, deep purple, and indigo. The shade and intensity of the purple aura color can give us valuable information about our strengths, challenges, and what might be holding us back from living a fulfilling life.

From soft lavender to dark purple, this aura color holds precious insights about our current state of being and lessons that can positively shape your life’s journey.

1. What does a purple aura mean?

A purple aura means a person that devotes themselves entirely to a spiritual cause, philosophy, or way of life. They may willing to make sacrifices and give up the worldly comforts and pleasures. This unwavering dedication often earns them important positions where they can influence and guide others spiritually.

2. The different shades of Purple Auras:

The different shades of Purple Auras

Pale or light purple auras mean you are are intuitive, creative and gentle

A light purple or lilac aura is a clear sign that you already have a natural sense of intuition, creativity, and foresight. They can intuitively understand how others feel and think, so they can offer help and support. But they are just starting their spiritual journey and haven’t fully developed their inner power yet. As they spiritually develop, they will begin to channel spiritual wisdom from the source.

Lavender auras mean you are spiritual and have a mysterious & dreamy vibe

People with a lilac aura have a dreamy and mysterious vibe. They often get lost in their thoughts and have fantastic imaginations. Their aura adds a touch of magic and spirituality to their presence. They receive intuitive insights and wisdom, making them even more enigmatic. Though they have a strong spiritual connection to the divine, they are still exploring their spiritual path.

They value their inner gifts and knowledge but aren’t ready to share them with the world yet. This makes their mysterious nature even more captivating, and people are drawn to their gentle and kind spirits. They show sensitivity and compassion towards those around them, and their playful and whimsical charm positively affects others.

Violet auras mean dedication and spiritual wisdom

People who have a violet-purple aura are deeply spiritual and have dedicated their life to exloring this path. They find meaning and purpose in their spiritual practices, inspiring others with their commitment. Their mission in life is to help others find their divine spare and make the world a better place.

They do this by sharing their spiritual wisdom and may act as guides, teachers, or mentors in their communities. Their understanding of higher truths can transform those seeking guidance.

A vibrant purple aura indicates the person’s profound dedication to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Dark purple mean greet, control and abuse of power

A dark and murky purple aura may reveal a negative aspect of spiritual dedication. Some people with this aura might misuse their spiritual power to manipulate and control others for selfish reasons. They could cause emotional, mental, and even physical harm to those they influence.

It’s important to differentiate between those who embrace spirituality for good reasons and those who use it for personal gain. The negative aspects of purple auras serve as a warning to be cautious and avoid falling under the influence of such individuals.

3. The Chakra Connected to Purple Auras:

Purple auras are linked to the crown chakra, situated at the top of the head. This chakra represents higher consciousness, spiritual connection, and enlightenment. When the crown chakra is balanced, individuals feel a profound unity with the universe and spiritual truths.

4. Challenges of Having a Purple Aura:

Purple aura personality traits

While a purple aura signifies spiritual dedication and wisdom, it also brings unique challenges. Those with purple auras may struggle to find balance in their lives as they deeply immerse themselves in spirituality. It’s crucial for them to stay grounded and connected to the physical world while exploring the spiritual realm. But they shouldn’t get carried away with earthly desires and impulses as this can lead them down the wrong path away from their spiritual nature.

5. Personality Traits of Individuals with Purple Auras:

Positive Traits – Dedication, Insight, and Compassion:

These individuals radiate a sense of tranquility and peace, creating a calming atmosphere that draws people toward them. Their profound insights and open-mindedness allow them to share a wealth of spiritual knowledge, guiding others with patience and grace.

As mentors and teachers, they inspire those around them to seek self-discovery and fulfillment on their own unique paths. Though they face their own struggles, their unwavering dedication to growth and their genuine care for others make them powerful sources of inspiration and guidance in the quest for spiritual enlightenment.

Negative Traits – Manipulation and Greed:

As the negative purple aura intensifies, these individuals become experts at exploiting others’ weaknesses and using charm to deceive. Their unquenchable greed drives them to pursue power and wealth relentlessly, regardless of the harm caused to others. Their relationships are transactional, lacking empathy and genuine connection.

Their manipulation tactics involve gaslighting and emotional exploitation, making it hard for victims to break free. They thrive on secrecy and hoard information to maintain control. The wake of their actions leaves broken relationships and emotional devastation.

However, it’s essential to remember that auras can change. With self-reflection and a genuine desire for positive growth, they can transform their aura into a force for good, fostering empathy and compassion instead.

6. Love and Relationships for Individuals with Purple Auras:

In love and relationships, those with purple auras seek partners who share their spiritual values and dedication. They desire deep connections and spiritual intimacy with their partners. However, those with negative purple auras may take advantage of their partners for selfish reasons, leading to unhealthy relationships.

In friendships, individuals with purples aura are drawn to like-minded, spiritually inclined individuals for fulfilling connections. They value deep, respectful friendships over shallow ones and prioritize understanding and empathy.

7. Professional Life for Individuals with Purple Auras:

purple aura professions

People with purple auras are naturally drawn to careers that allow them to use their spiritual wisdom, intuition, and psychic abilities to help others. They find their greatest joy in guiding troubled souls toward happiness, peace, and spiritual development. This often leads them to pursuing professions like spiritual teachers, healers, counselors, or leaders in spiritual organizations.

Have a read of “Purple Auras: Discover your perfect career” to find out what qualities employers value most about purple auras and a list of 33 career choices you may want to explore. 

8. Money Matters for Individuals with Purple Auras:

They may not prioritize material possessions but instead use their resources to support their spiritual growth and contribute to causes aligned with their beliefs.

When it come to finances, people with purple auras handle money responsibly and with spiritual awareness. They prioritize spiritual growth over material possessions. They may chose to lead a simpler lifestyle, valuing experiences and connections over comfort and possessions.

While focusing on making the world a better place and instilling more compassion. So, they may chose to donate money to charitable causes or use their money to start a charitable project which aligns with their higher purpose.

They’re not motivated by fame or money, although those things might come their way; their true driving force is their sense of purpose.

9. What does a purple aura say about your health?

For people with green auras, when their heart chakra is not balanced, it can lead to physical, emotional, and mental challenges.

Physical issues that individuals with purple auras may experience include:

  1. You may suffer from brain health issues
  2. You frequently suffer from headaches or migraines
  3. You may experience pain in the joints or problems with your bones
  4. Your teeth may become brittle or weak
  5. You may suffer from blood disorder
  6. You may experience issues with your skin

Emotional problems that individuals with purple auras may experience include:

  1. You feel lost or disconnected
  2. Feel like you are on an emotional rollacoaster
  3. You may become irritable when things don’t go your way
  4. You may be controlling

Mental problems that individuals with purple auras may experience include:

  1. You feel confused or lost
  2. You are unable to concentrate or lack focus
  3. you can become obsessed with things
  4. You engage in obsessive thoughts
  5. Your inflated ego may lead you to think that you are better than others

10. How to balance a purple aura?

Balancing your purple aura involves embracing your spiritual awareness, intuition, and inner wisdom while cultivating a serene and harmonious energy. To enhance your purple aura and foster a sense of balance and well-being, consider the following practices:

  1. Explore spiritual teachings and philosophies to expand your understanding of consciousness.
  2. Dedicate time to meditation every day
  3. Practice mindfulness
  4. Spend time in peaceful contemplation to deepen your spiritual connection
  5. Develop your intuitive abilities using divination tools such as tarot reading, palmistry, and astrology
  6. Balance the chakras by using essential oils, crystals, and yoga. 
  7. Surround yourself with the color purple and connect with its mystical essence.
  8. Spend time outdoors in nature to the ground your energy

By incorporating these practices into your life, you will maintain a serene and balanced purple aura, radiating spiritual energy to both yourself and others.


discover the gifts and potential of your aura

Aura Readings sessions

Curious about the color of auras and what it can reveal about your future? Then consider booking an aura reading to discover your hidden talents, gifts, and unexplored areas of your life. Find out what is holding you back, how to attract love, wealth, health, enlightenment, and much, much more.

Aura Reading Course

If you are interested in learning how to read auras, you will love my Aura Reading Course. We will explore, auras, the different layers, how to sense the colors, interpret their meanings, and learn to shed light on a person’s past, present, and future life possibilities. These readings can help people with their love life, relationships, careers, health, and money and provide advice on how to overcome obstacles in our lives.

Discover how the spirit world communicates through auras using color. Perfect the art of mediumship with this course! Enroll now and deepen your spiritual connection!

Related Post: “How to See Auras: 7 Steps to Read People’s Energy” – Learn simple techniques to develop your ability to see and interpret auras. Perfect for beginners, psychics, and mediums!

Recommended Reads:

The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Auras by Cassie Uhl – A beautifully illustrated guide to sensing, cleansing, and protecting your aura. Includes an aura quiz, energy work techniques, and interactive exercises.

A Little Bit of Auras by Cassandra Eason – A beginner-friendly introduction to aura colors, meanings, and healing, with practical exercises to enhance your spiritual energy.

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Frequently asked Questions about purple auras

How can I tell if I have a purple aura?

Those with purples auras will be drawn to all things spiritual. If you are intuitive, introspective, and have a strong craving for spiritual knowledge and wisdom in your life, you most likely have a purple aura.

Can a purple aura indicate challenges?

A very dark purple aura can be a sign of spiritual and physical imbalance. You may lack grounding in your thinking, emotions and human expression. Perceive yourself spiritually superior and showing signs of spiritual by-passing.

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