17 Questions to ask a pet medium

Getting an animal mediumship consultation is a great way to reconnect and communicate with your animals in heaven.

But what questions should you ask your pets in the afterlife? Although you can ask them anything, there are some questions that need to be included on your list.

You can ask a pet medium any questions about your pet’s well-being, their final moments on earth, their experience in heaven, if they plan to reincarnate, and much more. You might also ask questions about their mission or soul’s purpose, what they are up to in the afterlife, and if they every visit you.

That help you get the most out of your animal mediumship consultation, I have put together a list of the 20 most common questions to ask an animal medium or pet medium.

1. Can you describe my pets personality?

One of the first questions to add to your list is a question that can validate whether or not your animal communicator has connected with your animal in-spirit. This question allows for very specific information about their character, how they behaved, and all those things that made them special. I highly recommend adding this question to the list, you won’t regret it.

2. How are you? Are you happy and at peace?

When my animals crossed over all I wanted to know was how they were doing. This is particularly important when our animal’s death has been painful, traumatic, or unexpected. These final moments can leave us with a bitter taste in our mouths and even feelings of guilt and regret. Asking them how they feel, if they are happy or at peace can provide a great sense of comfort and peace of mind.

3. How do you feel about your passing?

Speaking to our animals about their passing can be very healing for us and our animals. This question can help us better understand our pet’s experience and feelings connected to their passing.

If you had to make difficult decisions about your pet’s end-of-life care, this question can provide closure and understanding. You can also ask them if they understood why you had to make those decisions.

4. Were you ready to cross over?

Although this question directly ties into the question above it can validate what we intuitively felt in the days leading up to our animal’s transition into the afterlife. Although our animals may want to cross over, they may want to stay a little longer to fulfill any needs or to say goodbye to their loved ones.

By asking this question we acknowledge their needs and can help them let go of any unfulfilled needs or unfinished business. Such as saying goodbye to another member of the family and letting them know how much you love them. Sharing these messages can be healing for all parties, the animal in spirit and their family, pets included.

5. Are you enjoying your time in the spirit world?

I love asking animals in heaven about their experiences on the other side. They love sharing talking about their routine, their favorite activities, and their companions on the other side too.

Sometimes our animals are met by family and furry friends when they cross over and other times they decide to work on their spiritual development so that they can reincarnate as soon as possible.

6. What did you most enjoy about our relationship?

Another great question to ask our animals in spirit is what they most enjoyed about our relationship. They love talking about the moments you shared, how you made them feel loved, and how they felt about you.

A lot of the time our animals want to tell us how perfect we were to them and all our beautiful characteristics. They cherish being by our sides and often remind us of the beauty that lies within, which don’t fully acknowledge in ourselves.

7. What soul lessons did you come here to teach me?

Many of you will agree that our pets are angels in disguise. They want us to feel unconditionally and support us in our spiritual journey and development. They know what soul lessons we need to learn so that we can transcend our state of being and become enlightened.

8. Did you fulfil your mission here on earth?

By asking our animals if they have completed their mission we can get some idea about our animals’ future plans. Our pets have shorter lifespans so they do as much as possible in the time they are given.

Some animals may wish to reincarnate to continue with their mission while others will hand over their job to another pet. They will pick the scenario that will most help you in your spiritual development.

9. Do you have any messages, wisdom or advice?

Asking our animals if they have any messages for us, our family members, or other pets is a no-brainer. This allows the animal to guide the communication and share what they think is most important for everyone’s highest good. We don’t always know what is best for ourselves, our families, and pets, but our animals sure do!

10. Do you know how I feel?

Our animals always know how we feel and this is also true after they have moved into the afterlife. By asking our animals how we feel, we feel less alone and know that they have our back. Although we may no longer see our animals they never really leave us and this is a great way to validate their presence in our lives.

11. How can i heal from this grief of losing you?

Asking your deceased pet how you can heal their loss is absolutely profound. Our animals know us so well, sometimes better than we know ourselves. They don’t want to see us suffer and will do anything in their power to help us move forward and cope with our grief.

12. Do you visit from heaven or watch over me?

The bond with our animals is eternal and can never be lost. But some pets feel the need to visit their parents and watch over them. This usually happens when their family members are struggling with the loss of their beloved pet. Asking your animals if they visit you from the afterlife can validate or confirm their presence in your life.

13. How can I know when you are visiting me?

Asking our animals for signs when they visit is a great way to validate our experience and recognise them when they are present. Some pet parents see, hear, or feel their animals around them for days, weeks, months, years, and even decades after passing.

Many convince themselves that they are imagining things or question their experiences. Over time, they may feel like their efforts were futile and visiting your altogether. If you think your animals are visiting have a read of “25 Common Signs From Deceased Pets” to find out if your pet is visiting you from heaven.

14. Are you planning to reincarnate?

Asking your deceased pet if they plan on reincarnating will either help us come to terms with their departure or reveal insights about their future reincarnation. When our pets decide to reincarnate they decide what species and breed to come back as.

15. Will you come back to me?

So, just because our animals decide to reincarnate, it doesn’t mean that they will choose to spend another reincarnation with us. They may have completed their mission and now wish to help another family, live in the wild, or have a totally different experience.

16. How will i know it is you?

Many pet parents want to know how they will find their reincarnated pets. They will find a way to reincarnate at the right time and moment so that you will find them. But we need to stay alert and keep our eyes peeled.

Sometimes our animals casually walk to our doorstep, other times they turn up at a local shelter or you may see a picture of an animal and feel it is them. Finding your reincarnated pet isn’t easy and depends on their choices. To know what it feels like when you have met your reincarnated pet have a read of the “13 common signs your pet has reincarnated”.

17. Have we shared past lives together?

As mentioned before it is possible that you have shared multiple lives with your animals. By asking our animals about our past lives together, we may discover that our animals have come back to us in many forms. Asking them about their past lives can reveal causes of fears and anxieties that may have been exhibited in their last life.

If you have any queries or want to share anything, you can use the comment section below.

What questions you have asked your pets in-spirit? Leave a message below, I love reading your comments.

Thanks for reading.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.
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