15 Questions to ask an Animal Communicator

15 Questions to ask an animal communicator

Welcome to the wonderful world of animal communication where pets talk, tails wag, purrs abound, and conversations are sprinkled with friendship and love.

Ever wondered what goes on in your animals’ beautiful mind? Well, as an animal communicator, I get to hear your animals thoughts and understand their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

1. How Are You Feeling right now?

By asking our pets how they feel, we can better understand their needs and make any necessary adjustments to support their wellbeing. This simple question can help us learn about our pets physical, emotional mental, and spiritual well-being.

2. Do You Feel Loved?

Our pets offer us unconditional love through cuddles and kisses But have you considered if their needs are being met and if they really feel loved? This question usually reveals a ton of insight and is a great indication of your animals state of happiness and satisfaction.

3. Do you have any health issues? Are you in any pain?

Our animals can endure great levels of pain and discomfort, often suffering in silence. They can’t verbally express what is going with their health or even if they are in pain. But intuitive pet parents intuitively usually know when something isn’t quite right.

But during a pet psychic consultation, we can ask them about their health and identify any issues or concerns. This gives us an opportunity to identify problems early on and give us time to follow up with your local vet.

4. How are you emotionally Feeling?

Listening to our animals emotional states can help us understand what they are going through and address any imbalance. Our pets may wish to talk about their mood or discuss overwhelming emotions such as fear, anger, loneliness, sadness, happiness, excitement or love.

Listening to them and acknowledging their feelings is extremely liberating. It is important to understand emotions can originate with past trauma but a lot of the time it is due to their empathic nature. Our pets often mirror and absorb our emotions which can influence behaviour and ability to connect with others. By asking about their feelings we can find ways to comfort them emotionally. This helps them feel safe and loved.

5. Are you scared, worried or stressed about anything?

Our furry friends may have fears and phobias that we don’t know about. These can develop at any point in their lives, to one or multiple stress trigger. Ignoring them causing the situation to worsen over time and can lead to behavioural issues.

By asking our pets about their fears, phobias, worries or anything else that is stressing them, they feel a sense of relief and their world feels a little safer. Once the stressors are identified, we can take immediate steps to support our animal family and create a calm and relaxed environment.

6. Why has your behaviour changed?

Just like us, our animals behaviour can change throughout their lives. As puppies they may be full of excitement, bouncing off the walls, but their behaviour may not stay constant throughout their lives.

But if you notice a drastic change in their behaviour it could mean something’s up. There could be a million reasons why your pet has been themselves or acting strange. They may be missing or mourning a companion or maybe they are in pain. Whatever the reason, we want are animals to know that they are not alone! They we are there for them and will do whatever we can to support them, sometimes all they need is to be heard.

7. Do you like your diet?

Our pets love talking about a variety of topics but food is usually among the top of the list. Each animal has their own dietary preferences! Pets, just like us, have food items that they love and those they hate or dislike.

When asked about their diet, they usually come up with a list of treats and favorite foods for us to add to our shopping lists.

If your pet is a picky eater. it could be their way of letting you know that they are dissatisfied with their meals, nutritionally deficient or that they are experiencing digestive discomfort.

By asking them about their food cravings and desires we can help them enjoy mealtimes even more and make them even happier.

8. Do You enjoy Living with us at home?

Making sure our pets are happy in their surroundings is a big deal. When our animals feel safe and comfortable in the home it creates a sense of harmony for the whole family.

Most animals are happy with their overall living arrangements, they just need a few minor changes. During a reading, your dog may talk about disturbing sounds or noises, feeling confined to a small space or wanting their bed moved to a different location.

We simply need to acknowledge their needs and help furry friends feel calm, rested feel and content.

9. How Can I Make Your Life Happier?

This is one of my favourite questions to ask our living pets. Sometimes we overlook certain aspects of our animals lives including their wants, desires and needs.

Some may want a partner, a friend or a family of their own. Maybe your dog wants to spend more quality time together outdoors, while your cat may wants to negotiate staying outdoors for an extra hour. Each animal has their own needs, it is all about finding balance and taking their needs into consideration.

10. How Do You Feel in My Absence?

Many people go out to work and leave their animals at home for long periods of time. But how do our animals feels about it? Are they happy being home alone? Do they get anxious, stressed, bored, or feel lonely?

Discovering how your pets feel while left alone can help us make the necessary adjustments to help them feel more content. This may require adjusting your work schedule or hiring a dog walker to make the time at home more comfortable and relaxed.

11. Do you have any dreams or desires?

Our pets also have dreams about their future or adventures they would like to experience with their family. Some animals love visiting new places, going on road trips or spending the holidays with family. While others may want to have a quiet space at home free of other animals and children.

Understanding their needs not only shows your animals that you care, it also strengthens the bond and builds trust.

12. Are you getting your needs met?

Just like us, our animals need access to fresh air, a safe environment, physical exercise, mental stimulation and a healthy diet. We often may assume our animals are getting their needs met as part of their daily routine, but we don’t really know until we ask them.

We may find that despite hour-long walks our dogs are still not satisfied. The best way to find a routine that suits both us and our pets is to get insights directly from the horses mouth.

13. Is there anything else you want to tell me?

I highly recommend adding this question to your list. Sometimes we have an idea of what we want to learn about our animals and overlook key information. This open ended question allows our animals to bring through any information they consider important. Oftentimes they will share spiritual insights and messages of love, support, and guidance.

While other times they may choose to discuss past events that have caused them to feel fearful, hurt, alone, and fearful of people, animals, places or objects. It lets us know what is on their minds and their most pressing thoughts.

14. What have you come here to teach me?

Although most of us thing we chose our animals, they actually chose us. Every pet has a soul purpose to help us out in one way or another, they are our angels in disguise, our spiritual guides.

If you are interested in learning more about their mission here on earth, you may want to ask them about it. They can shed light on your hidden talents, lessons to be learnt, and guide you along your spiritual path.

15. How Do You Feel About recent Changes?

Pets sometimes struggle with changes such as moving home, relocating to another country, a new addition to the family, someone leaving home, or the furniture being moved around.

That is why it is beneficial to talk to our animals about any upcoming changes. We want them to know what is going to happen and find out if there is anything we can do to help them deal with the changes.

After an important change in their life we can reconnect with them and find out if they feel better about the changes or if there is anything more we can do to help them feel more settled. This can help reduce your animals stress levels and show them that they matter too.

If you want to try out your animal communication skills, have a read my “8-Step Guide to Animal Communication for Beginners”. You may also enjoy reading “11 Misconceptions of Animal Communication” or “The 14 Benefits of Animal Communication”

Final Thoughts

Whether you are using my guided communication meditation to speak to your animals or decide to book a consultation with me, the important thing is to whole heartedly connect and listen to our beloved animal companions. By acknowledging their thoughts, feelings, emotions, needs and wants, you will undoubtedly create a trusting, loving and authentic connection with your animal family.

If you have any queries or want to share anything, you can use the comment section below.

Let me know what questions you have asked your furry family? Leave a message below, I love reading your comments.

Thanks for reading.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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