8 Reasons Animal Communicators must Charge for their Services

Should pet psychics get paid for their animal communication sessions? Some people believe that individuals with psychic abilities should use their abilities to help humanity and the animal kingdom free of charge.

Yes, animal communicators should use their gifts to serve humanity and the animal kingdom. However professional animal communicators must charge for their services. Their job is to communicate with our living and this is valuable. Animal communicators also need financial security to ensure they can pay their bills and continue to develop their abilities. Receiving money from readings sets clear boundaries and helps us focus on what matters most, helping pet parents and their animals.

So, what are the 8 reasons professional animal communicators should get paid for their readings?

1. It Is your profession

Professional animal communicators should charge for their services because they dedicate their time to helping pet parents connect with their animal families, strengthen bonds, understand their needs, and even address behavioral issues.

We don’t think twice about paying for many other spiritual and non-spiritual services such as visits to the vet, the hairdressers, animal behaviorists, pet chiropractors, and animal healers.

And animal communication sessions are no different. It is an important profession and should be financially remunerated like any other type of service.

2. It Is Important To Value & Know our Worth

When we start developing as a pet medium, our focus is to learn the basics and practice reading as many animals as possible to improve our abilities. We may decide to offer free readings as part of our development process which is beneficial to both the client and the animal communicator.

But as we improve our goal changes from quantity of readings to quality of readings. Over time, we get better at this and once we reach a certain level of expertise, we are no longer amateurs, but trained pet psychics.

At this point, we perceive the value of our work and our abilities and may choose to charge for our services, accept donations, or receive some sort of exchange for our services.

3. It Sets Clear Boundaries And Expectations

Charging for services ensures that the pet medium’s work is valued and avoids their services and time being taken for granted.

Less experienced animal communicators or those without financial obligations may choose not to charge clients. Accept voluntary donations, exchange services, or ask clients to pay it forward. They may choose to offer donation-based or free readings for those experiencing financial difficulties, but they must avoid becoming overwhelmed by high demand for free services.

4. It Provides Financial Security

Most pet psychics are altruists and would love to offer their services for free to help animals all around the world. But the reality is that most people, including animal communicators, have financial business obligations and living costs. We need to pay for food, rent, household bills, transport, clothes, just to survive.

Getting paid isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity for those wanting to honor their spiritual gifts to help pet parents communicate with their animal family.

5. We need to Spend money on our development

Another reason mediums need to charge is so that they can invest in their personal, professional, and spiritual development.

We are constantly working to develop our skills. We read books, enroll in online courses, attend weekly development classes, and sign up for mentoring classes. But all this costs money. By charging for our services, we can reinvest the money into our development and continuously improve the quality of our services.

6. It Is A Form Of Gratitude For The Exchange

Paying for a reading is a sign of appreciation for the animal communicators’ time and energy. It acknowledges their knowledge and expertise and values the time and energy exchange of the session.

Most people are grateful for the sessions and even leave tips as a sign of their appreciation. When we deny others the opportunity to pay us for the session, we can make them feel uncomfortable and not want to come back for future readings.

7. It Allows Us To Focus On Our Mission

When our basic economic needs are met, we feel more settled and relaxed around finances. This helps us focus on what is important. Our mission is to serve pet parents and support their animal families in any way possible.

8. Not Everyone Wants To communicate with animals

Some spiritual and non-spiritual people say that animal communicators should not get paid for using their spiritual abilities.

But the truth is we all have these divine gifts and can work on developing and even mastering them. But, not everyone wants to dedicate time and energy to developing these faculties.

Instead, they prefer to pay a professional who is passionate about their job to provide that service for us. This exchange benefits everyone, the client, the animal, and the pet psychics.

Final Thoughts

Deciding whether or not to charge for your services is a personal choice. But what is important is to keep the energy flowing. So even if you decide not to accept payments or donations, do ask your clients to pay it forward in any way possible.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this post and found it helpful.

Let me know about your thoughts on the matter. Leave a comment below, I love hearing your opinions.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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