8 Reasons Mediums must charge for their Services

Should mediums charge or not charge for their services? Well, that is the question all mediums ask themselves at some point in their mediumship development journey.

Professional mediums must charge for their services for several reasons because they recognize it is their profession, it reflects self-worth and value, it ensures financial stability, enables us to reinvest the funds, it sets clear boundaries, it focuses our attention to help the spirit realm and their loved ones here on earth.

If you are starting off as a medium, charging for readings may not feel right. So honor your truth. Instead, you can accept voluntary donations, suggest an exchange, or ask clients to pay it forward.

So let’s dive right into the 10 reasons professional mediums must charge for their services.

1. It is a profession and career choice

Professional mediums charge for their services because they have committed themselves to using their gift to help others. Spiritual jobs are legitimate professions and all types of mediums including evidential mediums, trance mediums, spiritual mediums, physical mediums and pet mediums, are no exception.

We pay for many types of spiritual and nonspiritual services. When we visit a psychologist, or a chiropractor, join a yoga class, or attend a spiritual retreat, we expect to pay. It is no different when booking a session with a medium, including pet mediums.

2. It reflects our self-worth & value

When we start our journey as mediums our focus is to understand the basics and practice as much as possible. We find ourselves offering free readings to everyone and anyone interested. But as we deepen within our practice our goal changes from quantity of readings to quality of readings.

Over time we get better at this and once we reach a certain expertise, we are no longer amateurs, but expert mediums. At this point, we may choose to receive donations or charge for our services. We know our self-worth and value the work we do to support our clients and the spirit world.

3. It creates financial stability

Most mediums would love to offer their services for free so that everyone can benefit. This is possible if you have enough money to sustain yourself or do not have any financial obligations or commitments.

But the reality is that most people including mediums need to survive. Mediums also need to pay for rent, a mortgage, bills, food, buy clothes, and lead a normal life. Getting paid is necessary, otherwise we would need to stop using our gift and find a career elsewhere. Therefore dishonoring our gifts and the potential to help others.

4. We reinvest money in professional growth

Mediums are always looking for ways to improve their mediumistic. We read books, enroll in online courses, attend weekly development classes, and sign up for mentoring classes. But these all cost money. By charging for our services, we can reinvest the money into our development and continuously improve the quality of our services.

5. It sets clear boundaries and expectations

Charing for services ensures that the medium’s work is valued and avoids their services and time being taken for granted. Mediums may choose to offer donation-based or free readings for those experiencing financial difficulties, but they must avoid becoming overwhelmed by high demand for free services.

6. It is a form of gratitude for the exchange

Paying for mediumship readings is a sign of appreciation for the medium’s time and energy. It acknowledges their knowledge and expertise about mediumship and values the time and energy exchange of the session.

Most people feel a sense of gratitude and want to pay for these services. When denied the opportunity, they may feel uneasy, and not want to book future readings with you.

7. It focuses your attention on the mission

When our basic financial needs are met, we feel more settled and relaxed. This is important for mediums as connecting with the spirit world requires us to relax and enter deep states of awareness. This helps us focus on the true purpose of serving the spirit world and supporting their loved ones here on earth.

8. not everyone wants to develop their gifts

There is some debate among the spiritual community about receiving money in exchange for spiritual gifts such as psychic or mediumship readings, healings, or teachings.

But the truth is we all have intuitive abilities, we can all learn to heal each other and develop mediumistic abilities. But not everyone wants to dedicate their time and energy to develop these faculties.

Instead, we prefer to pay someone passionate about their spiritual job to provide that service for us. We get all the benefits of these sessions and dedicate our time to things we enjoy and are passionate about.

Final Thoughts

Deciding whether or not to charge for your services is a personal choice. But what is important, is that you honor your truth and pick the form of exchange that you are comfortable with. You may choose not to charge or accept donations for your sessions, in which case keep the energy flowing, or ask clients to pay it forward in any way they can.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this post and found it helpful.

Let me know about your thoughts on the matter. Leave a comment below, I love hearing your opinions.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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