10 Reasons Why Your Deceased Pet Isn’t Visiting You

Have you been waiting for your deceased pet to visit you from the afterlife but cannot understand why they haven’t connected with you yet? It isn’t because your pet doesn’t love you or miss you.

Some animals struggle to communicate with loved ones, especially recently deceased pets. It can take time for them to adjust and process past trauma or grief. But we may miss their messages if we are experiencing grief or sadness, find it hard to stay present, lack grounding, and doubt, or feel afraid of the afterlife.

1. Your Pet Recently Passed Away

Your deceased pet may not be able to connect with you after their transition if they were weak or barely unconscious in their final moments of life. It could take them weeks, months, or even years to fully recharge their energy. So don’t despair, be patient, but if you can’t wait any longer book a session with a pet medium.

2. They Are Still Adjusting To The Afterlife

Adjusting to the Spirit Realm takes time which is why our pets may not immediately visit us after their transition. Young souls need to re-learn how to move around in spirit form and practice manifesting themselves in the physical world. Whereas animals that have reincarnated many times will almost immediately be able to connect with their living pet parents.

3. Your Pet Needs Time To Process Their Trauma

Did your beloved pet experience any trauma in their lives? If so, they may need time to process and heal from these past traumatic events. Every animal works through their baggage at their own speed, so there isn’t a specific timeline for them to work towards. Some pets may only need a couple of weeks, while others may need a lot longer.

4. It Is Not The Right Time For Them

Once your pet moves into the afterlife, they create their ideal version of heaven, often called the rainbow ridge. But our pets also use their time to reconnect with their human and animal family as well as their friends on the other side. This is another reason why our deceased pets can take time to reconnect with us.

5. You Aren’t Fully Open To The Experience

Many pet parents want to connect with their deceased pet but may be worried about opening up to spirit communication. But we shouldn’t let our fear of the unknown keep us from communicating with our beautiful furry angels. Our pets haven’t changed! They are still the same old loving beings you knew before their transition. The only difference is that they are no longer limited to a physical body.

6. You Don’t See Their Signs From The Afterlife

Do you recognize and acknowledge the afterlife signs from your animal companions? Pet parents often miss or unintentionally ignore signs from the pets in spirit. This is because they don’t know how pets in heaven can communicate with us. Afterlife communication can include dream visitations, animal and insect encounters, flickering of lights, and sensing your animals watching you, just to name a few.

Read my blog post for a full list of “25 common signs from pets in the afterlife”.

7. Your Grief Is Blocking Your Communication

When grieving the loss of a pet, it can feel difficult to spiritually connect to our animals. Grief keeps us in a low vibration and affects our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. But to connect with our deceased pets, we need to quieten the mind, feel love in our hearts, and sense our connection to them through our physical body.

8. Your Analytical Mind Is Getting In The Way

Do you doubt the existence of an afterlife or find it difficult to believe that deceased pets can visit or communicate with us? If so, I encourage you to put your beliefs to one side and try a little experiment. Ask your pets to send you specific signs, such as a swarm of butterflies, coins with their birth year, or any other signs your mind cannot deny. You don’t want your mind to get in the way and stop you from reconnecting with your beloved pets. Keep an open mind and send your animals love throughout the process.

9. You Find It Hard To Stay Present

You can communicate with your deceased pet as long as you stay firmly rooted in the present moment. If your thoughts fluctuate between the past and the future, it will be hard for them to get messages through to you. Our pets communicate telepathically, mind-to-mind communication. But to hear their messages, you need to quieten the mind and be fully present in the now.

10. You Aren’t Spiritually Open To It Yet

Connecting with loved ones in spirit requires us to raise our energy to meet the Spirit Realm. Most people struggle to do this because they are so caught up with their earthly experiences. They aren’t focused on their spiritual development and don’t engage in practices such as meditation to raising their state of consciousness.

11. You Need To Develop Your Intuition

Have you ever had a gut feeling about a person or animal? If you answered yes, then you are aware of your intuitive abilities. Otherwise, you simply need to develop this ability and learn to send and receive messages from your pets in the afterlife. A little effort goes a long way to reconnecting with your furry companions.

But if you want to get pet visitation dreams, try using my 6-Step Process To Communicate With Your Deceased Pet Through Dreams. Or if you want just want your pets to visit you and let them know you miss them, have read 12 Ways to Connect with your Deceased Pets.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post and found the content useful.

Let me know why you think your pet hasn’t visited you yet.

Leave a comment in the box below! I love reading your messages.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

View Comments (10)

  • I had to help my doggy passed last night. It was horrible and heartbreaking. I didn't want the ashes or a paw print at that time last night. I already talked to the vet this morning and asked if I could still get a paw print if it wasn't too late. She called me a couple hours later and saying they are able to send me a paw print to the vet. I went to go for a walk and my dog pretty direct me another direction I said I want to see a sign for you pretty can you give me a sign, but so I went around the corner to a little nature spot and there was paw prints in the dirt. 😭 ❤️ . I believe they were given to me from my pretty baby mama in heaven as a sign connected me because I'm getting her paw prints back from her it still doesn't help missing her it just happened last night I asked her to give me some all the time I need her I miss her I love her so much.

    • Hi Tamera

      I am sorry to hear about your beloved Pretty passing away, I know how much you must be missing her! Thank you for sharing such a divine experience, I too believe the paw prints were her way of letting you know she was with you and that her paw prints were on the way. Thank you for sharing with us all, and opening other people's hearts and minds with your experience.

      Sending you love and healing. :)

  • I had to put my 15 year old maltese to sleep 2 days ago. I can not imagine living in a world where he is no longer alive.
    The pain i feel, the grief... i can't explain it. I would trade the world just to see him again. It hurts so much, i wish he could send me some signs, or if he could appear in my dream just to knoe that he is waiting for me somewhere out there.. it hurst to breathe...

    • Hi Dushica

      I am sorry to hear about your Maltese passing away. There are no words that can really explain what it feels like. But losing our little angels stirs up a lot of emotions, pain, grief, loneliness, and sadness. Trust that your beloved dog will visit you as soon as he can, be patient, and allow yourself to heal and process your emotions. But if you want to try connecting with him through your dreams, have a read of my blog post called '6 Simple Steps to communicate with deceased Pets in Dreams'. Try it for 21 consecutive days and see how you get on.

      But above all, allow yourself to grieve the loss and be compassionate and patient with yourself. In case you are interested, I also wrote another blog post called '25 self care tips while grieving the loss of a pet'. Many of my clients have found these tips helpful during their grieving process. All we can do is take it one day at a time.

      Sending love and healing your way.


  • I lost my boy Donner two weeks ago. He was 4.5. We adopted him from a foster five months after we lost our 13 year-old Fiona. We only had Donner for three months. We had no idea that he had splenic cancer that had already metastasized to his lungs until his spleen tumors started bleeding, putting him in danger. I have not received messages from him yet like I clearly did with Fiona and I’m worried he wasn’t connected enough to us, that his soul is somehow “lost”. Everyone who got to know Donner while he was here, including his former owner, is convinced from video evidence, of actually being around him, that he knew we loved him. I am bereft and also lost

    • Hello Marianne

      Please know that Donner is safe and doing well. It can just take some time for them to reach out to us. So please be patient and trust that he will reconnect with you when the time is right. But if you want to try connecting with him right away, read my blog post called 6 Simple Steps to Communicate with Deceased Pets in Dreams. Try it for 21 consecutive days and keep a journal by your bedside so you can write down the details of the dreams. If you decide to try this technique, do let me know how you get on.
      Sending you love and healing.

      Warm regards


  • A few days ago I had to put my beloved 11 year old collie down. We are assuming he had a stroke and then a grand maul seizure that seemed like it lasted forever. When he kinda came out of it, he was very scared and confused and we rushed him to the ER vet. He seem to be having severe anxiety and not knowing what was going on, and he was terrified. The vet sedated him so we could determine what happened. instead of doing a lot of tests that would create more anxiety. They observed him for a few hours as I sat with him, they came to the conclusion that being a senior he would not be able to recover from the stroke, and the best thing to do would be to put him down.. it broke my heart having to do this, but I knew it was in his best interest as I did not want him to suffer anymore. I laid with him and cuddled him for while and through the process of being euthanised. My heart is so broken, I hope he knows how much I loved him because I know how much he loved us.

    • Hi Catherine,

      I am so sorry to hear about Collie passing away and the heartbreak that you have been experiencing since his passing. Yet, what a divine experience to cross over into the arms of your favorite person in the entire world. The love and compassion you showed him at the end is a reflection of how much you loved him, and he knows that. You comforted him, loved him, honored the experience, and let him know you were there for him no matter what. That despite your desire for him to stay and the heartbreak, you did what was right for him. You loved, protected, and made him feel safe.
      Thank you for sharing your experience with us all.

      Sending you love and healing, in these difficult times.

      Sandra :)

  • I feel like I failed her. I didn't get her to the vet soon enough and she wasn't strong enough to overcome her sickness. That I didnt.know wjat she needed on her last day and she suffered until I told her it was ok for her to go to sleep. The minute i said those words, she took a gasp for air and was gone. What happened next was horrible and I felt so bad for her and wished her passing had been easier.

    • Hi Diana
      I am sorry to hear about your animal passing away. And you are not alone, we all feel like that when our animals pass away. We second guess ourselves blame ourselves and feel guilty for not having realised, or done enough. So, it is important to remember how much you loved her, and that your words helped cross over.
      Sending you love and healing

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