The passing of our beloved animals is extremely challenging and can leave us feeling overwhelmed, lost, and profoundly empty. Our animals offer us unconditional love and fill our lives with great joy.
They offer comfort when we are feeling down and know just what to do to get our attention.
It is no wonder that many of us seek to connect with them even in the afterlife. The good news is that our deceased pets are never really gone, they remain with us even from across the rainbow bridge.
In the afterlife, pets communicate through subtle yet powerful signs. They make their presence felt, hear familiar sounds, and appear in dreams. Unexpected reminders like finding their toys or treats are heart-warming and are a sign of their eternal bond. Through these silent messages, they bring us comfort and peace.
In this post, we will look at 25 ways our animals in spirit communicate with us, so we can recognize the signs and hear their messages.
25 signs that your pet is visiting you from the afterlife
1. Hearing familiar sounds they used to make
Hearing familiar sounds such as paws jaunting around the house, door flaps opening and closing, faint barking, howling, purring or meowing sounds and thudding tails is a sign that your pet is still with you. It is their way of letting us know that thy are safe and reassuring us that they are right by our sides. This phenomenon is most common in the first two weeks after an animal’s passing. It is their way of comforting and accompanying us through our grief.
2. Seeing your pet out of the corner of your eye
Have you ever noticed a glimpse of your pet, a shadow, or something moving from the corner of your eye? Well, you may have just seen your animal in spirit. The reason why we doubt this experience is that when we turn to look we find nothing there. It’s not your eyes playing tricks on you! Most people perceive their animals in spirit using their peripheral vision, not direct vision. It is your animal’s way of making its presence known. Visits are most common among dog owners as they tend to stay close to their family, even in the afterlife. Next time you get a glimpse, acknowledge their presence and tell them how much you love their presence.
3. Smelling scents that remind us of them
Our animals in heaven may also communicate using scents and odors. Have you ever got a sudden whiff of your animal’s scent, musky breath, shampoo, food, or any other odor, that reminds you of them? Well, this could be a sign that your pet is nearby and wants to reconnect. Our animals can also use phantom smells or scents to trigger past memories or shared experiences.
4. Seeing orbs or small flashes of light
When our animals cross over, they often manifest themselves as a mist or luminous ball of light. This is common in the days, weeks, and even months after the passing of our pets. It is our animal’s way of comforting and supporting us through grief.
But orbs can also appear when we are dealing with challenging times. It is your loved ones’ way of letting you know that you are never truly alone. Our animals can remain by our side to heal and overcome difficult situations.
5. You get flashbacks of shared memories
Our dogs and cats can also use telepathy to communicate from the spirit realm. You can experience a sudden influx of memories that appear out of nowhere. Our pets can impress thoughts and images into our minds to boost our mood, make us laugh, and remember the beautiful moments spent together. The experience is sudden, fleeting, and with an essence of peace and love.
So next time your animal comes to visit, enjoy the experience and send your love back to them too.
6. unexplained electrical malfunction
Our pets in the afterlife can also communicate through electronic devices. You may notice lights flickering, appliances turning on and off, or your phone starts playing your favorite song. We could blame it all on a faulty device, but it could be your deceased pet’s way of saying hello.
7. Feeling your animals snuggle up next to you
Sensing your pet around the house is another common sign of our animals in spirit. Many people recall instances where they felt their animal jumping on their lap or on the bed to snuggle together.
Others observed footprints on the bed as they perceived the essence of the furry loved ones. These sensations are most strongly felt within the first two weeks of animal passing but can continue indefinitely.
8. Sensing your animals looking at you
Have you ever felt someone staring at you but then turned to see that you were all alone? You are not alone! And although this can seem a little spooky, it could be a loved one in spirit watching over you.
Our pets enjoy observing us during our daily routine and continue to do so in the spirit realm.
9. Special encounters with winged Beings
Another fascinating way our animals can connect with us is through winged beings such as birds and insects. They may appear as a butterfly, ladybug, dragonfly, magpie, red robin, or hummingbird.
Have you ever had a special meeting with one of these winged creatures? It could be your pet’s way of reconnecting and showering you with their love showing.
10. Noticing your pets stare into a corner
Have you ever noticed one of your furry animals stare into a corner or an empty space for no apparent reason? Then, it is possible that your living pets are seeing deceased animals or loved ones around the house. But if you see your dog staring into space and growling, it could mean they are being protective. Our deceased pets often come to visit during mealtimes, bedtimes, and snuggle sessions on the couch. So don’t be surprised if your living animals set boundaries and become protective of their food, toys, or favorite places around the house.
11. A Sudden feeling of warmth and comfort
Another way that we can know if our animals are present is by sensing the energy around us. Those in spirit have a higher vibrational frequency, so it is not a coincidence that we can feel physical sensations when they are around. Most people get goosebumps or a warm feeling across their bodies when a spirit person or animal enters the room.
12. Sudden changes in room temperature
Noticing a sudden temperature change could also mean your animals are nearby. When our animals visit us from the afterlife, they draw heat from the environment. This is why a sudden drop in temperate also referred to as cold spots is often associated with contact from the spirit realm.
Next time you feel the room get chilly, say hello to your animals and thank them for coming.
13. Seeing your pets doppelganger
Every pet parent knows that no two animals are the same. We can all spot our horses, sheep, dogs, cats, and hamsters from a mile away. Almost no one has seen an animal that looks, walks, and behaves just like their own pet. But have ever seen your pet’s doppelganger, an animal that looks, walks, and acts just like yours?
Then it is no coincidence! It is your animal wanting to say hello and put a smile on your face.
14. Finding feathers, fur, or whiskers
We all love our animals, but not everyone loves their shedding process. But did you know that our animals can continue shedding fur, whiskers, feathers, and fur around the house even in the afterlife? It is yet another way that our pets let us know that they are still with us.
This phenomenon is predominant among cats, as they live most of their life in the astral world and sometimes aren’t even aware they have crossed over.
15. Using words & numbers to communicate
Your pets will go to any lengths to communicate with you. They are even savvy enough to remind us of upcoming celebrations such as birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions.
You may notice a person or animal’s name plastered all over town and then remember to call them. Other times you may hear people talking about a birthday party and instantly remember an upcoming birthday.
16. finding toys in unexplainable places
Our animals love and enjoy playing with their toys, especially when we are around. If you start noticing your pet’s favorite toys unexplainable moving around the house, it could be your pet wanting to play.
Just because they are no longer physically here does not mean they can’t enjoy playing with their precious toys. Our deceased animals retain their soul’s essence, including their personality, character, and quirkiness.
17. Finding your animals favourite treats
Most pets love food and have a strong appetite. So much so, that they come back during meal times to enjoy their favorite treats. During these visitations, you may hear them munching on their favorite foods and leaving crumbs and pieces of food around the house.
18. Being drawn to particular objects
Our animals may also use objects such as picture frames to deliver a message. Even in the afterlife, they will try their best to guide and uplift us. If you are drawn to a particular object, open yourself up to the experience.
Your pets may be trying to offer advice, trigger a shared memory, or remind you of the good times you spent together. Trust your senses and see where it leads.
19. Finding lost objects in unexpected places
Could your pets in the afterlife be playing games with you? Absolutely! Our animals enjoy having fun and may decide to unearth and hide our personal belongings and their most priced possessions. If you notice that your animal’s toys or accessories keep appearing out of nowhere, it could be a sign that they are around.
You may also notice your belongings moved to different locations in the house, the car, and at work. They just want to get your attention and have some fun.
20. Finding objects Knocked over
Have you noticed objects being knocked over or inexplicably falling off shelves? Well, this could be a sign that your animal is trying to get your attention. Each animal targets different objects and areas within the house.
Dogs usually knock over items close to the ground and gravitate towards the living room and kitchen. But cats have full access to the house and enjoy messing with objects on higher surfaces such as shelves, kitchen countertops, and even wardrobes.
21. Finding unexplainable scratches or markings
Some people report personal experiences of unexplainable scratches or markings around their homes. Although this is a rare form of spirit contact, animals can interact with their environment in this way.
You may notice extra scratches on your sofa where your cat used to sharpen their claws. Alternatively, you may discover paw prints around the house or new tooth marks on furniture where they used to chew. This type of manifestation occurs around spiritually connected individuals.
22. Having vivid dreams about your pet
Dreams are perhaps the most common way for animals to communicate and visit us in the afterlife. These dreams are vivid, comforting, and open to multiple layers of meaning and symbolism. And upon waking, you feel profoundly calm, emotionally fulfilled, and spiritually connected to the divine. Our deceased pets can use dreams to let us know they are right by our side and also provide healing.
Follow my 6 Step process to communicate with your pets in dreams. Or find out the differences between pet visitation dreams and regular dreams.
23. Receiving visions from your pet
Although our animals in spirit can visit us at any time, we are most receptive during meditation, in the evening right before sleep and early in the morning upon waking up.
In these moments, our mind is quiet and we are highly receptive to physical manifestations and visions. You may see your animal appear before you express unconditional love and offer guidance.
Your animals may use visions to help you understand and resolve difficult situations in your life.
24. animals come knocking at your door
Do you find yourself randomly encountering animals looking to be petted or searching for a new home? Whether it is a wild horse, a squirrel, a bird, a feral cat, or a stray dog, it could be a sign from your deceased pet that you need a new companion animal.
Our animals want us to be happy and think it is the right time to care for and love another animal. Another possibility is that your deceased pet is getting ready to reincarnate and is waiting for you to be ready for the reunion.
25. Hearing songs that remind you of them
Our deceased pets can also send messages through our radio and on our music playlist. They may choose songs to uplift our mood, guide us, and remind us of beautiful moments we once shared. When our animals communicate in this way, the same song keeps playing everywhere we go.
Curious about animal reincarnation? Discover the “13 Signs Your Animal Has Reincarnated” and explore more with our blog, including “11 Ways to Honor Our Animals in Heaven.”
Want to learn more about pets in the afterlife and reincarnation? The Amazing Afterlife of Animals: Messages and Signs From Our Pets On The Other Side by Karen A. Anderson shares powerful stories, signs, and messages from pets in the afterlife. A must-read for any pet lover!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Animals In the Afterlife
Can deceased pets visit you?
Many people believe their pets can visit in unique ways, often when you least expect it. Maybe they show up in a dream, looking happy and playful, or you notice something strange, like a favorite toy showing up where you didn’t leave it. Sometimes, it’s as simple as a soft breeze or a bird acting oddly curious, making you wonder if it’s your pet saying hello. These little moments can feel like their way of popping back in to let you know they’re okay.
Why hasn’t my deceased pet visited me?
It can feel lonely waiting for a sign, but every bond is different. Sometimes, their presence is quieter than expected—learn why this happens and how to notice the little ways they might be reaching out. Check out our blog post, 10 reasons your deceased pet hasn’t visited you yet., to explore possible reasons and find comfort in understanding their journey.
How do I know my dog’s spirit is with me?
ou might feel your dog’s spirit in the little moments that catch you by surprise. Maybe it’s a sudden memory that makes you smile, a sense of calm when you need it most, or even a sound that feels familiar—like the click of paws on the floor. Sometimes, it’s just a feeling, a quiet sense of “they’re still here.” These signs can feel like your dog’s way of staying close and reminding you of the bond you’ll always share.
How do you know when a deceased pet is near?
You might notice little signs that make you feel like your pet is still nearby. Maybe it’s their favorite spot on the couch suddenly feeling special again, or a familiar sound, like the jingle of a collar. Some people notice it in quiet moments, like a comforting feeling out of nowhere or a favorite memory resurfacing at the perfect time. It’s like your pet’s gentle way of letting you know they’re still part of your life, even from afar.
What does my deceased dog want me to know?
It’s comforting to think your dog might have a message for you. Maybe they want to remind you of how much you were loved, or let you know they’re at peace now. Sometimes, it feels like they’re encouraging you to smile, move forward, and hold on to the happy memories you made together. Those moments of calm or unexpected joy could be their way of saying, “I’m still with you, and I always will be!!
Want to discover the comforting messages your dog might be trying to share with you? Don’t miss our blog post: 20 Things Your Deceased Dog Wants You to Know —it’s a must-read for anyone looking to feel closer to their furry friend.
Final thoughts: Signs From pets in the Afterlife
When our pets leave their physical body, it can feel overwhelming and challenging. But it is important to remember that it is not the end! Our animals are always around and ready to interact with us. We just need to understand how they communicate, recognize the signs, and acknowledge their presence.
The summarized list of signs from the afterlife includes:
- Hearing familiar sounds: footsteps, barking, howling scratching
- Smelling familiar scents that remind you of your pet
- Seeing their presence out of the corner of your eye
- Noticing orbs or small flashes of light
- Receiving a sudden influx of shared memories out of nowhere
- Experiencing unexplained electrical malfunction or disturbances
- Feeling your animals snuggle up next to you
- Sensing your animals looking at you
- Special encounters with winged animals, birds and insects
- Noticing your other animals stare at an empty space
- A Sudden feeling of warmth, love, and comfort
- Sudden changes in room temperature
- Seeing your pet doppelganger
- Finding feathers, fur, or whiskers around the house or on clothing
- Using words or numbers to communicate
- Moving toys or objects around the house
- Finding your animal’s favourite food around the house
- Being drawn to a particular objects
- Finding misplaced objects in unexpected places
- Knocking objects around the house
- Finding unexplainable scratches or markings
- Having vivid dreams about your pet
- Receiving visions from your pet
- A new animal comes knocking at your door
- Hearing songs that remind you of your deceased pet
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post.
I’d love to hear about any signs you’ve experienced—feel free to share in the comments below. I always enjoy reading your thoughts!
My almost 15 yr old dog passed sometime early yesterday morning. I’ve never been more in tune with any dog I’ve ever owned like I had been with this guy. Since he’s passed, I’ve heard sounds of him going up and down the stairs to my room, felt a press into my legs where I automatically reach down to pet him as I always did, and finally, keep thinking I see him out of the corner of my eye. My other dog and his best buddy heard the stair sounds too, and was looking just like I was. She now has taken over his sleeping spot beside me. I hope he is visiting, for I miss that big guy so much. He had literally been by side wherever I went for so long, that it just feels empty now.
Hi Rhonda, I am so sorry to hear that you dog has passed away. Dealing with the loss of our furry family is so difficult and the emptiness can feel intense and overwhelming. But I can assure you that they never really leave, a part of them will always be with us. Your dog has made contact so that you know he is ok and that he is still with you. He wants to comfort you and help you heal from the other side. The other dog is also feeling the loss and needs to connect with you to find comfort. You are helping each other grieve the loss of your animal soul mate. Your dog feels the emptiness and the sadness all three of you are feeling. When you feel up to it I recommend writing a letter to him. Telling him how much he means to, how he changed your life, how much you miss him and ask him to help you heal. In my experience, this process has been extremely healing and connected me to a deep sense of gratitude. I hope this helps. Thank you so much for sharing. I am sending you, your animals and you house healing energy. Sandra
Thank you! I’ll try that with the letter. It’s funny because I almost did that a few nights ago. BellaTrix is def dealing with the loss as well. She looks sad, acts sad-even looks like she’s been crying. They were best buddies. She’s my baby duck now and follows me every where. She finally looks like she has perked up a bit today which is good because I was getting worried about her.
My 20 year old cat died Christmas eve 2023. His name was Lazyboy. I can hardly function because he was part of everything I do . I don’t know how to heal.
I am so sorry to hear about Lazyboy. Dealing with the passing of our animal family is extremely difficulty. The healing process takes time and some days are worse than others. In my experience, the best way to heal is to allow myself to feel every emotion completely. This can feel very difficult at first because it is so overwhelming, but the more you allow your self to honour your feelings the quicker your reach a state of calm. It is simple in theory but a lot harder in practice. I would also contact the Blue Cross or a similar charity in your country that offers a pet bereavement service. The volunteers are absolutely amazing. Talking about what you are going through can be very healing. These calls are anonymous and you can discuss anything you like with them. You can talk about Lazyboy, how he made you feel, how you feel now that he is gone. Take your time to heal, and honour you needs. The healing process cannot be rushed and sometimes friends and family just don’t understand the impact their passing has had on our lives. So, look for support in your local community and try not to isolate yourself. I would also recommend journaling your thoughts and feelings too, this may provide some additional release. I hope this helps. Let me know how you get on. Sending you love and healing 🙂
Thank you Sandra. Is he with me? I think hes visiting my husbands dreams because he keeps calling for him in his sleep
Yes, it is possible that Lazyboy is still around in spirit. When out animals can’t get through to us during waking hours they can communicate with us through our dreams. It is also possible that the dreams are helping him grieve Lazyboy’s passing. I highly recommend keeping a dream journal and writing down any messages that come through, how your husband feels and include as many details as possible. Sometimes the messages come through in multiple dreams, so you won’t fully understand what they are tying to communicate, until you look back at your dream log and connect the pieces. When my dog Ludo passed away, I dreamt about him for months and felt such comfort knowing he was supporting me through my pain. Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Hello Sandra. Myself and my husband had to have our dog poppy put to sleep the 27/12/23. She was 17 and half. We are both heartbroken. The vet said she had a mini stroke. When my husband brought her ashes back from the vets yesterday as he put them on the table a random white petal fell off out of a vase of flowers that were on the table. Could this have been a sign from our beautiful dog? We miss her so much ❤️
Hi Jane
I am so sorry to hear about Poppy passing away. It absolutely is heart-breaking to loose such an important member of the family. And it is not uncommon for guilt to creep in there too, especially when we have had to make the difficult decision of putting them to sleep.
WOW!! What a magical sign from Poppy! Absolutely, our animals will communicate in any way they can to get or attention and let us know they are around. The synchronicity of it all is just amazing. It is possible that she will keep communicating with you, so keep your eyes peeled. She may continue sending messages through flower petals, feathers, coins, or move things around the house. What a wonderful gift this is! Thanks for sharing Jane, let me know if you receive anymore signs from Poppy. 🙂
I lost my 12 year old dog a year and a half ago. I rescued her off a euthanasia list in NC only a few hours before she was to be put down. She had healed broken bones, overbred and obviously beaten and just someone’s trash. Her name was Emma.
Together we went through high heartworm positive when she got home here. A few years later it was mast cell cancer that thankfully made her very lumpy, but not physically sick. A few years later she had a seized or stroke. Because of Covid, we couldn’t accompany her inside with the vet. Probably about a year later, I believe she had a set of mini strokes. Her death was traumatic for her. I was home alone with no emergency vet clinic to take her to. She spent hours gasping for air, gurgling, foam coming out her nose and mouth and more seizers. It was the worst day of my life.
I did eventually find a vet.
When I was home during the day, she was wherever I was. Waiting by the door for me whenever I was not home. I slept on the living room couch with her, the last three years of her life.
I dream extremely vivid and actually do remember my dreams. All my other dogs have come to me in a dream. Once or twice. I just sit with them. It is amazing. I have been waiting for Emma. I haven’t seen her. With as much as I miss her, I’m angry she hasn’t come to me.
I have started looking at dogs that look like Emma. A lot do but very few have her eyes. I have found a dog the spitting image of Emma and will be driving 15 hours this weekend to adopt her. Thing is, in the last week, I’ve had tv’s turn on automatically three times. I think it’s Emma. I don’t know if she’s telling me to get the dog or not get the dog. I already have 6.
Hi Lauri
I can sense how much you loved Emma from reading your words. You saved her life and supported her through very difficult moments and traumatic events. Having vivid dreams of our animals is a sign that they are visiting us from the spirit world. Mos people don’t see their pets, but they can feel them around. Our animals decide whether or not to come back and also pick the time to return. If they choose not to return it is because you have interiorised all the lessons they came here to teach you and their job lies else where. She may have sent those beautiful 6 dogs to continue her work and help you on your spiritual journey. But the unconditional love she felt for you remains even when they are in spirit, and your love and connection will never die. Whether she decides to reincarnate or not, she will always be a part of you. Trust that you will find her if she decides to reincarnate back to you. Thank you for sharing Lauri. 🙂
I lost my baby Oct 11th 4 days before her 17th birthday. She had stage 4 kidney failure. I forgot her birthday but so strangly I got an email from a pet place I haven’t taken her to in over 13 years the day after she died like she wanted me to know what it was . I’ve heard songs , seen butterflies , lady bugs , blue Jay’s, her name, and most recently shooting stars one week 4 nights in a row. Our new puppy looks like her kinda she’s 7 months old and some nights barks at nothing and does the awkward stare at nothing, some people don’t believe in these things but I like to think they are all signs from her I miss her sooo much it hurts everyday
Hi Wesley
What a beautiful sign from Blue Jay! That couldn’t have been timed any better even if you tried! Even when you forgot about her birthday she was there to remind you that she is still there with you. How wonderful is that! Once you open up to this magical and spiritual world, the signs just keep coming. Congratulation on getting a new puppy, I am sure she is filling your hope with tons of unconditional love. Our animals can see things that most people can’t, if they stare into a corner or bark at nothing it could be that they are sensing something. Our animals in spirit often come to visit new additions to the family and help them settle in and learn the house rules. So don’t be surprised if your new puppy has learnt things Blue Jay used to do. T
hanks for sharing your experience Wesley. 🙂
I put my beloved fur baby to sleep Friday (1/18/2024) her health was deteriorating quickly and I didn’t want her to have a painful death, but I still feel guilty and second guessing myself. She was my companion, when I was not working she was with me 24/7. I miss her so much, but I think she is giving me the strength to go back to my routine. I was not able to sit on the spot I took so many nap with her and now I’m typing this from that spot. I feel her laying down next to me and I see something that resembles her with the corner of my eye. I been crying since that day, I feel so lonely. My heart is broken beyond repair 💔💔💔 I miss you so much Leah, my baby, my faithful companion in the good and not so good times. “ If love could save you, you will lived forever” Love you baby girl 😭
I am so sorry to hear about Leah. You clearly loved her so much and only had her best interests in mind. Unfortunately, guilt is one of the emotions we can’t escape, especially when we had to make such a difficult and heart-breaking decision. But I can confidently say that not a single animal has ever been upset with their family about making these decisions. When our animals cross over they feel peace, love and joy. And I can assure you that Leah also feels that right now. She knows how much you loved and continue to lover her and that you would have done anything to keep her safe. And now that she is on the other side, she wants to be by your side to help you grieve and heal. Having her around you is such a wonderful and magical experience. Take time to sit in that spot with her and feel her presence around you. Talk to her and tell her how much you love and miss her and ask her to continue helping you in anyway that she can. Thanks for sharing your experience. Sending love and healing you way. 🙂
We had to let our dog Oscar go Jan 24 2024. Sudden stage 4 renal failure… seemed like it came out of nowhere. We had a couple of days with him at home before his death. We knew when he looked at us that he was ready and just waiting for us to realize it. We loved him for 15 years and he loved us for 15 years. We are crushed beyond words. The house feels so lonely and so do our hearts. Reading fellow pet stories here before mine has helped. We trust that he will show us the way to heal as we go on this journey. Thank you to everyone for sharing. ❤️
Hi Cathy
I am so sorry to hear about Oscar’s passing. You are right, they do know when it is time, and we are the ones who find it difficult to let go. But bless their gentle souls, they just patiently wait for us until we are ready. Everyone who lost an animal they deeply loved knows what you are going through. It is extremely difficult and the healing process will take some time. Our little angels fill up our hearts with unconditional love and our homes with peace and joy. It is no wonder that we feel so sad, empty, and lonely all at the same time. The love we share with them is so natural and pure but that love is what will guide us through those sad and painful days. Yes, trust that Oscar will help you heal through this difficult time, and remember to be compassionate to yourselves too. We often beat ourselves when our animals cross over, so be kind, patient, and compassionate with yourselves through this difficult moment.
Thank you so much for sharing Cathy, you are right that hearing other people’s stories can comfort us and help us feel less alone.
Our 1 year old puppy suddenly died on 01/04/2025 having violent seizures. She always made a high frequency whistling noise when she wanted to go outside. Sometimes I hear the noise and for a second believe she is around. Maybe she is.
Hi Dan
Sorry to hear about losing your 1 year old puppy. The high frequency could be her trying to communicate with you. Next time you hear that sound ask her to repeat it multiple times to confirm she is there. You may also hear a high pitch sound or ringing in one or both ears when she is around. Thank you for sharing. Sending love and healing your way 🙂
Dear Sandra, I don’t think I stumbled upon your website by accident.
I’ve lost my best friend Maja on January 23rd. I’ve lost her twice in my life, this time forever. The first time was eight months ago, when Maja suffered brain damage from anesthesia during surgery. She was never the same again, and every day I thought about how bad I had hurt her. I sent her for an operation that everyone said was completely trivial, but I just felt deep in my soul that it wouldn’t end well. I didn’t listen to my intuition, I didn’t know exactly what the feeling meant. Everything fell into place when it was too late.
Maja diead after a series of seizures that occurred eight months later. Her body didn’t want to let go, but her soul was leaving. When I laid her in the grave, I knew that she was not in the body, that she was with me.
That evening I took a picture of the window facing the garden where her grave is. In the photo, there is darkness, the reflection of lightning and Maja right outside the window. Another day, my location on my phone changed to York Crosstown by itself in the morning, even though my phone doesn’t offer that option at all. I live in the Czech Republic: Pilsen is supposed to be there.
I don’t know how I’m supposed to live without Maja. I don’t think she died the first time because I was pregnant. But I know it wasn’t our time, that we weren’t supposed to be apart. Not yet.
I begged her to come back in a different fur coat. Since January 29, I don’t feel Maja in my surroundings. I don’t know what to do.
I would like to book a session. I can write in English with mistakes, I understand the spoken word perfectly, but I am afraid that the sentences I speak would be very bad and I would probably be embarrassed.
Hi Andrea
I am so sorry to hear about Maja. You loved her very much, you would never try to intentionally hurt her. But I know what you mean, you had a gut instinct and went against it. We do that because we are not used to trusting our intuition or when we doubt ourselves because of the potential consequences. I can only imagine how difficult this situation must have been over the 8 months and then at the end. You felt her around you because she was in spirit form and chose to be by your side. Many people feel their animals around in the first couple of weeks after their passing and as they fully cross over, it can be more difficult to sense them around us. Be patient and trust that she will contact you when she is ready. Maya will not abandon you, her love is eternal and is within you. Thank you for sharing with us. Sending love and healing your way. 🙂
Hi Sandra,
We had to put our sweet boy Coco to sleep yesterday. The first day he was sick was Saturday and we had vet visits and communication for 3 days straight. Eventually blood work showed he had kidney failure and his liver was failing. He was almost 14. I had to make the decision that was best for him. I couldn’t allow him to suffer, as much as I wanted him to be with me for any amount of time longer. We rescued his mother and he was pet of her litter. We kept the two boys and my little girls named the boys (after chocolate) Coco and Hershey. I was the first one to hold him in life and the last one to hold him with kisses and love. Coco was so sweet and fun. He was so special to me and we had our own way of communicating. My husband said we had an “irrational relationship” because we were SO attached. He slept under my pillow and we did everything together. He was at my side for all my routines and knew how to communicate. I would see him sweetly staring at me. I would stare back and smile he would show me the whites of his eyes, like being shy. I deeply loved him with all my heart. His brother Hershey is a sweet, spunky dog, too and I love him so much, but Coco and I were connected. It was a different bond and special. I know I made the right decision and am not second guessing. He always showed up for me and I needed to show up for him. I haven’t been able to eat or function for two days and it doesn’t seem like it’s getting better. I am missing a piece of my heart and soul. I want him to bring me peace and help me heal. His brother is lonely and looks for him and it saddens me more. They have never been apart since birth. I feel empty, sad and broken. I love on Hershey. He is the closest thing to Coco and we both need to heal. I don’t know if my grief is making it worse for Hershey if he is sensing it. When I try to think of happy memories, which there are many, all I think about is how I want him back and miss him so much. Like it’s too soon for me to process memories, only loss. I can’t sleep and cry all night and day. I have a void, want to heal and remember the good times without pain and want to help his brother who I feel so sad for when he wanders and looks and sniffs his his brother he can no longer find. I feel broken.
Hi Michelle,
I am so sorry to hear about Coco. We can love many pets with all our hearts and if we are lucky we can also connect with a soul mate pet too. These connections are much more intense than words can explain. It is a spiritual connection that the two of you shared. You could understand each other beyond words and know what the other needed. This type of connection is rare yet so magical. That is why it hurts so much when we lose them because we have lost a connection within. It is extremely difficult to lose a soul pet. The healing process takes a lot of time, but your connection allows you to reconnect with them even in the afterlife. It was a spiritual connection too. You and Hershey are both processing the loss, and you can support each other through it. He will feel all your emotions but you too understand what he is going through. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself. And if you can find a local support group to help you process the grief. Unless the person has experienced this connection for themselves, they will find it difficult to understand the spiritual bond that you two shared. Your relationship with Coco was special and unique, and a wonderful gift. Honor your feelings and inner truth. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Sending you love and healing. 🙂
My dog penny died four weeks ago aged nine, her back legs had failed her and i had to have her euthanized, on returning home i went outside and heard her footsteps behind me. I have smelt her and my husband and myself heard her bark at us while we were watching the tv. I have seen a glimpse of her and really believe she is trying to connect to us. I have lost other dogs and even though i felt sad with their passing i am devastated over penny and really struggling with her death, although i didnt see her in my dream she did show me a new born puppy a tiny little black and white puppy its eyes still closed, penny was a rottweiler and even though i couldnt see her in the dream i knew she was there, i honestly think she was showing me my next dog,
buy i am so not ready yet to bring another dog into my home. I miss her so much and really do hope she will greet me when my time comes.
Hello Sharon
What a wonderful gift it is to sense and hear our animals after they have crossed over. It is their way of letting us know they are still with us. Oftentimes people convince themselves they sensed things that weren’t there and that it is our mind playing tricks on us. That is why is so wonderful when it happens when there are other people around. It is such a wonderful gift from the spirit world. You mentioned dreaming about Penny and seeing a little black and white puppy. This could be her next incarnation or your next puppy. Take your time to grieve and heal and when you are ready to open your heart again then consider introducing a new pet to the family. Penny will know when to come back or send a new puppy your way. Thank you so much for sharing these divine interactions. Sending you love and healing. 🙂
I appreciate this article. I just lost my best friend this week. I kept waiting to hear from her. As I was drifting off on the couch I smelled her breathe as she would always come over to my face if I fell asleep on couch and just stand there until I got up and let her out for the last time of the evening before going to bed.
I opened my eyes expecting to see her.
The last few nights I heard her. She made a lot of noise with her paws on our hardwood floors and we always knew when she was coming.
I heard it with me other dog who jumped up, ears up, and we looked at each other. I said “you heard that too?” She got sad and lied back down. Me too.
She is here. We feel her and hear her and smell her!
I thought I was losing it a little due to my grief. But reading this made me feel so much better. Thank you
Hi there,
I am so sorry to you about losing your furry best friend. I am very thankful to everyone who shares their experiences as it helps others who are dealing with the loss of an animal. And you are absolutely right, our mind convinces us, that we made it all up or that it was wishful thinking. It is only when someone else experiences the same thing we open our minds to the fact that our animals are still with us in spirit form. Thank your pet for being with you and let them know how much you love them. It is such a great opportunity to share what you are going through with them whilst you can still sense them around. Thank you for sharing your experience with us all. Sending love and healing your way. 🙂
I lost my dog 3 days ago. It is so devastating to be in the house and not have her around. She was the best, and smartest dog. She had a rough night her last night, and even snuggled up to my head and placed her head on my neck…I’m sure to get some comfort. She passed away in my arms as I was taking her to the car for a vet appointment I’d just made, hoping something miraculous could be done. Thankfully, with her help, I didn’t have to make the ultimate decision. I hope I can be alert enough to see signs of her around my home. I have seen a shadow out of the corner of my eye, along the couch where she usually napped. I miss her so
Hi Emel
I got goosebumps as I read your comment. Nobody wants to ever make that heartbreaking decision. What a wonderful gift it is to hold your dog so close to support them through their transition.
You are already seeing some signs, so keep your eyes and ears peeled as they usually appear in the favorite spots during meal times, and on sofas or beds.
Thank you for sharing with everyone 🙂
Sending you love and healing
Hi, I just came across this and it had to be perfect timing. 2 days ago I had to put to sleep my beautiful animal soulmate dog Freyja. I’m broken beyond words as I also had to put to sleep my beautiful boy Ace (cat) only just after christmas. These two were by my side day in day out and always slept on my bed. They were both 11. My life has stopped in its tracks and I’m going to bed by myself for the first time in over 10 years. Hoping for signs they are still around but I think I’m grieving too much to notice anything.
Hello Tracy,
I am sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a soul pet is absolutely heartbreaking and you have had to endure the passing of two pets in such a short period. You are absolutely right, grief can sometimes interfere with our ability to sense our animals in spirit. But it can also happen when our pets pass away in a frail condition. This can limit the energy they have available to connect with us. If that is the case look for subtle signs such as the orbs, having vivid dreams, or hearing songs that remind you of them. Give it some time and trust that they will reach out when they are ready. I also recommend reaching out to local pet bereavement support groups to help you deal with the grief during this challenging time. The last thing our pets want is for us to forget about our well-being. Thank you for taking the time to share with us all.
Sending you love and healing. 🙂
Dear Sandra:
Monday we had to put our 11 1/2 year old Havaese to sleep. She was our pride and joy – our little “human”. She followed me everywhere, ate at the dinner table….my little shadow. I am struggling so badly and at times can’t catch my breath. I think I see her coming down the hall or hear her tapping her feet. I feel such a void that I want to get another fur baby to fill this hurt. This will never be to replace her but I honestly feel this is our Anna Mae’s way of telling us that it’s OK to love another dog and if it helps you – do it. Of course I have guilt and question whether it’s too soon. I miss her so much. The hurt is 💔 unbearable. Thanks for reading.
Hi Jimmy
Sorry for your loss. It is extremely difficult to deal with the loss of our cute littl
e fur babies. Yet what a wonderful sign to receive from the spirit world. The decision to get another dog is a personal one and varies from person to person. I personally believe that you should give yourself some time to heal the loss before introducing a new pet. It can be challenging to get a new pet because we end up comparing them and haven’t quite let go of the grief and pain connected to losing them. But every case is different. Before making a decision, sit down quietly and ask yourself the following questions: Am I ready to have a new pet in my home, can I take care of them fully, do I have the energy Ask yourself if you are (and those living with you) ready to get a new pet, is your heart open to loving another animal, are you in the right physical, mental, and emotional state to take on this responsibility. Honestly ask yourself these questions and then make your decision. You may not feel ready today, but that could change days, weeks, months, or years down the line. Honor your truth. And know that all your beloved dog wants is for you to be happy. She knows you are not trying to replace her and is happy for you to have another dog in your life.
Sending you loving and healing. 🙂
My cocker spaniel “Tanner” lived to be 15 years old and just loved me to pieces. We would occasionally have random deer in our back yard that nibble on the bushes. But four days after he passed a deer came right to the sliding glass door with her feet on the threshold staring into our livingroom. I like to believe that Tanner sent the deer to check on us to see how we were doing.
Hi Phyllis
As I read your message I got full body chills. REPEATEDLY! What a beautiful encounter. I also feel it was Tanner. But our minds doubt these magical experiences. That is why always tell my clients to try and get confirmation that even our minds can’t doubt. Next time Tanner comes to visit ask him to tap on the window, make a sound, or give you an additional sign to prove to you that it is him.
Thank you for sharing with us and acknowledging the signs from the spirit world.
Sending you love and healing 🙂
OMG I’m in tears. I had to euthanize my 14 year old Shih Tzu, just Feb 28. I’m devastated. He was blind for several years and in the last 6 months or so had gone deaf. His eyes had constant drainage and would be cloudy. The drainage was heavy and would turn crusty around his eyes and on his cheeks. He had so much drainage and he wouldn’t let me clean his eyes or face for several weeks. Poor baby was confused and several nights he would just walk and whine around our condo he didn’t want to be picked up. I wanted him to be home but come to realize I was being selfish and he needed to be at peace. I’ve had regrets and guilt. I’ve been asking him to give me a sign. I have seen him out the corner of my eye, heard his little grunt a couple times. I watch a video and the dog in the video looked just like him but his back was to me. I keep saying turn around let me see your eyes and that dog didn’t, but a few days later there was an ad Shih Tzu that looked just like him and eyes were perfectly clean and clear. Your post has helped me so much. He is connecting with me and I can hardly wait to see him again. Like to add my niece Tricia died in 2018 she was a dog lover. I decided I couldn’t make the decision until I had signs from her that she would meet him, it was over a few weeks time, but I found a feather a coin and while playing a game a woman joined the game and her name was Tricia. So I had my signs that my precious Jade would be with her.
Thank you so much.
Hi Kay
I am sorry to hear about your Shih Tzu passing away. It is so hard to make that decision at the end and then deal with the loss. Almost everyone feels guilt and regret after their pets passing but that is even more difficult when you have had to euthanize your dog. But when those thoughts come into your mind, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Did you love your pet? 2. Would you have done anything to save them? 3. Did you put their well-being before the need for them to be around? If you answered yes to any or all of these, you know that you did the best you could at that moment. Then focus on the love you had for them and it will break you out of the negative thought pattern.
I can also tell you, that as of today, I have never had a pet come back angry, upset, or complain about their end-of-life experience. They want to talk about their wonderful pet parents and let them know how excited they are to reconnect with them. And that is what your beautiful Shih Tzu is doing through the signs you mentioned. They want to be a part of your life and let you know they are around.
And the situation with the lady named Tricia joining your game, the feather and the coin are just such divine signs. Thank you for sharing with us all. It is so important for us to reach out about these things and open our minds up to these magical encounters.
Sending you love 🙂
Sandra Martinez
Thank you! Your information I feel saved my sanity! Tricia gives me signs a lot! Since I posted I’ve found a penny and a little brown feather. And in my dream Tricia was holding Jade and they both looked wonderful. I’ve seen Jade out the corner of my eye, and his fresh bathed dog scent I could smell the other day. When guilt tries to sneak in I remind myself he was suffering and it would’ve been selfish of me to not do the right thing for him. Thank you again!
Hi Kay
I am happy to hear that you are feeling better and that you are actively dealing with your grief. I love the phrase you came up with and I am sure many more pet parents will benefit from reading your comment. Thank you so much for your honesty and for sharing your wonderful spirit signs with us all.
Sending you love and peace
Dear Sandra,
Thank you so much for your lovely reading with our beloved Beccy. My Dad was blown away with what came through and did find it comforting, as did I. I have continued to have the lovely experience of butterflies and dragonflies coming up to me to say hello and I now say hello Beccy, and ask them to come closer. I haven’t smelt her since that day when I was hanging the washing out, but I will keep trying to connect with her on that level. We haven’t noticed any birds doing anything special yet but she might also still be building her energy up? Every time my Dad visits, we go outside and wait for the butterflies. I have had blue and black butterflies. Sometimes I am standing at the window and they just appear, right at the window, it’s so lovely. They do come when we are outside but Dad isn’t getting them at home yet. I keep telling him to be open and patient. When he was here last, there was this lovely big dog figure in the clouds. He couldn’t see it and when he verbalised that it faded away 🙁 I see them a lot and keep encouraging him. Thanks so much Sandra. I will definitely reach out again in the future. Best wishes, Bron.
Hi Bron,
It is such a magical experience to have the butterflies and dragonflies visit you. Beccy will choose to manifest in the best way she can to get your attention, and your dad’s too. Many pets in spirit initially connect through insects such as butterflies or other winged creatures and then try to manifest through other winged beings such as birds. But this can take some time, so keep your eyes peeled.
By acknowledging the signs from Beccy through the butterflies and dragonflies you encourage her to reach out. Your dad should be patient and stay open to the possibility that she will visit him at his home soon. And for now, enjoy the winged experiences at your house.
Beccy will visit him and make her presence known when she is ready and when your dad is open to seeing the signs.
It can take weeks, months, and even years for people to sense their animals in spirit. He shouldn’t lose hope but instead know that his beautiful Beccy will reach out to him soon.
Thank you for sharing with us all Bron and I appreciate your kind words.
Sending you love and healing. 🙂
Thank you so, so much Sandra. I wanted to just share with you also, that a little while after I shared the above post, Dad told me he dreamt of Beccy and she was there nuzzling into his neck as she always did. He said it was so real and felt it. I told him it was her saying hi and that she is ok and happy. How beautiful hey ❤️❤️
Hi Bron
That is wonderful news!! Yes, that is exactly it. What a beautiful experience! She is at peace and she is happy too. Thank you for sharing this with us all.
I love hearing about all these wonderful signs. It never ceases to amaze me.
I recently wrote two blog posts that I think your dad might want to read. I wrote the first one after our conversation so that pet parents get a little peace of mind. And the second one is so that they understand the difference between regular dreams and pet visitation dreams.
Sending you love and healing.
Good afternoon, Sandra.
My little soulmate, Merlin just went thru kidney failure this past week and ultimately had to be euthanized on Friday, two days ago. He was the absolute sweetest kitty ever. It was just he and I and I was his whole world as he was mine. He followed me every single place I ever went and was always by my side. His kidney failure was sudden and took him just within 2 days of starting to show signs. We did everything possible for him but could not fix this. Before euthanization, his doctor echoed this statement and assured me that I was the best cat dad.
He was my companion. My best friend and soulmate. He taught me so many lessons in his short 5 years. He was with me his entire life.
The night he passed I sat on my patio where we would always sit together and just wept for hours. That same night he gave me the most beautiful sunset I’ve seen! And also that night, after I laid down for bed, I could feel him curl up between my legs as was our routine every night and I slept the best I have in days since this began. This morning, one of my bottled drinks was randomly knocked over like he would always try to get away with. I yearn for him to visit me in my dreams.
I miss my boy. Deeply. I feel like part of me died with him on Friday.
Thank you for writing all that you’ve wrote, and thank you for listening to Merlin’s story.
Hi Neal
I am so sorry to hear about Merlin’s passing. Yes, some of us are exceptionally lucky to find our soul pet. There are no words to describe this deep-felt bond. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and divine experience. Your beautiful Merlin was right by your side enjoying the sunset with you. Stay present to continue feeling him during his visits.
The healing process is difficult and takes time, but you will get through it. Keep your heart open and stay present as much as possible to feel the connection that exists between you. If you want to get dream visitations from Merlin, you can try the 6 steps in my blog post:
Let me know how you get on.
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience.
Sending you love and healing.
2 weeks ago my ESA Chiweenie died on the way to the emergency vet. I got him at 8 weeks old and he was 12 years old when he passed. I was crushed. I thought I felt him jump up in bed and snuggle with me, and last night I videoed an orb while calling him.
For 12 years it was him and me as I live alone. I did have another dog at one point till I was forced to rehome her. He used to put his head on my chest when my depression was high, I was diagnosed with Chronic Depression. More than once I believe he saved my life.
Hi David
I am sorry to hear about your dog passing away, I hope you are doing well. How divine! Feel your beloved dog snuggle up to you and visit you from the afterlife. He was your little angel, helping you in the difficult times. And he continues to do that even in the afterlife.
Thank you for sharing with us all, these messages also help other pet parents who have lost their beloved animal.
Sending you love and Healing. 🙂
Hola Sandra, me encantó tu publicación, hace 12 días falleció mi Nico, un perrito de 9 años justo días antes de cumplir los 10 años. Mi madre lo adoraba ya que era su compañia y la seguía por todos lados, aún sufrimos su muerte y lo extrañamos mucho, en realidad he tratado de sentir su presencia y aún no logro hacerlo, por favor, dile que lo amamos y extrañamos mucho, no hay un solo día que no piense en él, gracias por animarnos en estos difíciles momentos, Saludos desde Perú.
Hola Wilder
Siento mucho escuchar sobre el fallecimiento de Nico. Todo se siente diferente cuando ellos nos dejan, pero puedo decirte que nunca se van del todo. Siguen siendo parte de nuestras vidas. Puede que no sientas su presencia ahora, pero con el tiempo empezarás a recibir señales del más allá. Nuestro dolor y tristeza pueden hacer que no los sintamos por un tiempo. Pero eso no significa que no puedas hablarle; dile que lo amas, que lo extrañas, y pídele que te envíe señales que puedas percibir. Confía en que él te enviará señales cuando esté listo y cuando tú puedas recibirlas. Gracias por compartir con nosotros.
Te envío amor y sanación,
Hola Sandra, me gustó tu publicación, gracias por tus consejos, hace poco murió Nico, mi cocker que me acompañó durante casi 10 años (falleció días antes de cumplirlos), el fue nuestro compañero, mi mamá lo adoraba ya que salian a pasear juntos y lo cuidó y quería como un hijo más, hasta ahora lamentamos su pérdida, sé que el también nos extraña desde donde está, solo le pido a Dios qué lo tenga gozando de su reino y continúe su otra vida mucho mas felíz de lo que fue acá, le mando un abrazo hasta el cielo con mucho cariño. Lo extraño.
Easter 2014, I was very sick with bronchitis in bed all day. I suddenly woke up at 9:30pm, went outside to breathe cool air and look at the stars. I found a stray white cat sitting outside my front door. He looked up at me with the most beautiful blue eyes. I felt a wave of love, I picked him up, he put a paw around my neck, I brought him inside. He wandered the house, found my bedroom, jumped in bed, and laid next to me on my pillow all night with one paw on me. It was like he was Heaven Sent. This magical cat was so sweet, intuitive, brave and a healer. He always laid by whatever body part was injured (I had an ankle fracture and knee injury) We were inseparable, traveled cross country, went on night walks with a leash, and looked up at the stars. I kept him safe and loved for 10 years. April 2024 I took him to Vet for an accidental injury. Cat recovered but May 14th got worse after a vet checkup. Listening to my instincts, I took cat to a Specialty Vet and discovered horrifying truth during an internal imaging scan, Cat was hurt by previous Vet stabbed in skull with needle. Cat fought to live but suddenly passed 2 weeks ago, in bed with me. He reached out to me with his paw, just like when I met him – I held him and he gracefully faded away. His spirit is here. I felt warm presense on left shoulder night he passed (he always slept snuggled under my left arm) I was crying at a red light and when I looked up, same type car I drive was in front of me with license plate PURR. My other 2 cats stared at corner in my bedroom, both chased something in the bathroom, meowed loudly and ran out. Those 2 cats now refuse to go in my bedroom. My world is shattered. I am furious at the tragic way he was taken from me. I am devastated and cannot imagine my life without this cat who was perfect, my soulmate.
Hello Elizabeth,
I’m so sorry to hear about the circumstances of your cat’s passing. I can only imagine the pain you’re both going through. He was truly a godsend, and you were blessed to share 10 wonderful years together in the physical world. Even now, he continues to be with you, sending signs to let you know he’s around. The other cats are respecting his space, but in time, one or both will want to be right by your side on that bed, honoring him.
Thanks for sharing with us all.
Sending you love and healing.
This is a great resource. Thanks for putting it together!
Thanks John
Nice post. I was checking continuously this weblog and I am inspired!
Extremely helpful information particularly thee ultimate part 🙂
I maintain such information a lot. I was seeking tgis particular info for
a long time. Thanks and good luck.
Thanks for the kind and encouraging words Kimber. I happy to hear that this blog post was helpful. 🙂