15 Signs you are Claircognizant

Have you ever unexpected received an intuitive piece of information that just appeared in your mind out of nowhere?

If so, this could be a sign that you are claircognizance. Many of us have claircognizant abilities but often mistaken our intuitive abilities with random thoughts in our minds.

This is one of the reasons that individuals with claircognizance physics abilities fail to realise their have psychic abilities.

Claircognizance is a psychic ability were you receive sudden and unexpected information without any prior knowledge. This inner knowing is received through the mind, resembling a spontaneous thought which you know to be true. It could be considered a psychic download from the divine or spiritual world.

In this post we will look at the 15 most common signs of claircognizance.

15 Signs of Claircognizance

1. You get spontaneous flashes of knowledge

The most common sign among claircognizants is that they get instant downloads of intuition, ideas, and inspiration. Often time they know things despite not having prior knowledge on the matter. Others may not understand why their friend is so convinced about something if they have no prior knowledge of the matter. They cannot understand that their claircognizant friend has simply downloaded the information using their psychic ability.

2. You can foretell future events

Claircognizants can receive insights from their environment, ascended beings and loved ones in spirit. In doing so, they can connect to energy fields and foretell future events. They don’t intentionally try to foretell the future but at times this information may be downloaded so that they can change certain outcomes.

3. Your dreams contain divinatory messages

Do you regularly remember or have vivid dreams? This is another sign of claircognizance and could be that you have the psychic ability to foretell the future. Your dreams may help you resolve a current issue, remind you to call a family member or foretell future events.

4. You can easily raise your conscious awareness

Claircognizants have a direct line to the spiritual realm and this involves elevating your level of consciousness. They enjoy meditating, connecting with the world of spirit and quietly contemplating philosophical or spiritual ideas. In these moment it is common to receive spiritual insights and wisdom.  

5. You receive spiritual wisdom and guidance

Claircognizants are spiritual connected individuals that dedicate time to their spiritual growth. Spiritual wisdom and insights are effortlessly available to them and they love sharing this wisdom. They enjoy discussing spiritual matters, such as the meaning of life, transformation and enlightenment, but dislike small talk.

6. You highly intelligent and have a sharp mind

All claircognizants are extremely smart, they world really is their oyster. They effortlessly grasp technical and complex information and can break it down into manageable chunks of knowledge for others to understand. They enjoy deciphering and reorganising information to find overlap with their existing wealth of knowledge.

7. You easily recall information

Do you have the memory of an elephant? Well guess what, so do all claircognizants! They are known for their exceptionally good memory and ability to retain vast amounts of information. They can retain information information through any of the 4 learning styles, visual, auditory, read/write or kineasthetic.

8. You can easily read people and animals

You have a distinctive ability to understand details connected to a person’s mind, body, and soul. You can tap into their emotional needs, physical ailments and know whether they are aligned to their spiritual path. Animals will strong gravitate towards them and want to spend time in their company.

9. You can finish other peoples sentences

Do you often find that people are predictable? Well, that may not be necessarily true. As a claircognizant, you can finish other people’s sentences and know what they are going to say. What we may experience, might not be them being predictable but us foretelling what they will say. And although a great skill, finishing other people’s sentences can be a little annoying for others.

10. Your friends consider you a human lie detector

Can you tell when people are being untruthful even when everyone else thinks their sincere? A claircognizant can tell when others are shifty, fake or have an ulterior motive behind the apparent friendliness. Their ability is so acute that they can even detect even the smallest lies including white lies.

11. You are highly imaginative and creative

You are someone that enjoys creative activities such as dance, music, art and literature. These activities make you feel free and alive which connect you to a deep sense of connection and peace. Using your imagination and creativity helps you by pass the rational mind and tap into the hidden aspects of yourself which help with spiritual growth and strengthen your intuitive skills.

12. You have excellent problem-solving skills

Claircognizants are born to solve problems, and not challenge is too big. You may be someone that instantly assesses situations and quickly looks for solutions. You enjoy figuring things out and coming up with creative idea and solutions. And for this reason, friends and family come to you for advice and support with their problems.

13. You are talented at things you have never done before

Now we have all met individuals that just seem to be good at everything not matter what they try. And despite multiple efforts to catch them out, you just can’t figure out how they can be good at everything. Well, this is another that you are claircognizant. Due to their natural ability to get downloads and their natural problem solving skills they usually find a shortcut and can master any activity in a short period of time. That is great, if you are claircognizant but not so good if you are not.

14. You life is full of “coincidences”

Another sign you may have claircognizant tendencies is that you somehow always end up being at the right place at the right. You might be looking for a job and bump into a friend or a work colleague you haven’t seen for years, who just happens to know of a job vacancy. Many people believe these are coincidences, but these experience are preordained and orchestrated by our spirit guides, ascended masters and enlightened beings. You simply listened to this divine guidance and consciously or subconsciously ended up in the right place.

15. You prefer your own company

Many claircognizants are considered introverts because they spend a lot of time on their own, but that isn’t entirely true. They find it difficult to meet like-minded individuals that can understand and experience the world in the same way that they do. So, they prefer to spend time in their own company and enjoy the pleasures of reading books, listening to music or meditating.

Learn more about all 8 clairs: clairsentience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairgustance, clairscent, clairtangency and clairempathy.

Concluding thoughts

If any of the above claircognizant characteristics resonate with you, then you too possess psychic abilities. Remember, this ability manifests in a uniquely for each individual and at different levels of intensity. So, even if you don’t recognise any of the above claircognizant examples, don’t worry. We are all born with psychic gifts and can develop them over time.

How many of the 15 signs of claircognizance do you recognise? Let me know by leaving a message in the comment box below.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

View Comments (2)

  • Thank You!! The information was very helpful!!

    I’d wondered what it all meant now I have a better ideal…Can you tell me ways to further develop my Claircognizant ability??

    • Hi David

      Thanks for your comment. There are many things you can do to improve claircognizance. Like all the other clairs, our psychic abilities are a body. mind and soul experience. Anything that you can do to be in alignment with higher states of consciousness will help. I recommend starting off by energetically working on aligning the chakras, these power our auric field, and it is key to our psychic perception. Detox your body (including the pineal gland) and ground yourself daily. For clarity and consistency of claircognizance, start becoming aware of your intuitive voice, acknowledge it, and act on your intuition. Over time you will know things more clearly as opposed to just a fleeting quiet thought. I also recommend meditating regularly, doing breathwork, trying automatic writing, guided visualization exercises, and using divination tools such as tarot cards.
      Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on.

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