11 Signs You Are An Animal Communicator

Have you ever found yourself knowing exactly what your pet wants or needs without them making a single sound or gesture? Or maybe you can sense your pet’s emotions and instinctively understand their behaviors.

If you can feel animals’ emotions, communicate with them in your mind, predict their behavior, and feel deeply connected to them, you might be a pet psychic. You might also receive messages in your dreams, have a healing touch, naturally attract animals, receive praise from others for your abilities, and have mystical experiences.

Here are the 10 signs that you may be an animal communicator too!

1. You can understand Your pets needs

Are there times when you just seem to know what your pet thinking, almost like you’re reading their mind. You may have a thought of feeding the cat or walking the dog, and magically find your cat by their food bowl or your dog by the door? If so, you could be an animal communicator. as you are telepathically exchanging information.

2. You can feel physical sensations

Many pet parents can intuitively know when something isn’t quite right with their animal family. They may sense physical sensations or discomfort in their own body, as they tune into their pets. If you have felt strange aches and pains come and go out of nowhere, you may have tuned into your pets energy.

3. You have a Strong emotional Bond

You feel an intense emotional connection with animals and can sense and deeply feel their emotions. If you are very sensitive you may feel these emotions almost as if they were your own, even when they aren’t present.

4. Animal love being around you

Animals are naturally drawn to you or seem unusually comfortable around you. Your presence is calm and grounded and helps them feel calm and relaxed. Your welcoming energy making them feel safe, understood, and at ease in your presence.

5. You can See Auras around animals

Sometimes, you notice colors around animals that seem to show their feelings or health. These colors might shimmer or glow around them, giving you a sense of their emotions or how they’re doing physically. It’s like seeing their mood in a colorful way, which helps you understand them better and connect more deeply.

6. Injured or hurt Animals are drawn to you

Injured or sick animals come to you for help. Your energy can ease their pain or discomfort with or without physically touching them. Whether you are a healer or not, your presence comfort and heals their physical, emotional and mental distress.

7. Your pets Mirror your Behavior

You find your pets mirroring or mimicking your behavior or emotions. This is a sign that you and your pets have a deep spiritual bond and that you are both intuitively picking up on and reflecting each others emotional state.

8. You can read animals body language

You are very good at reading and understanding animal behaviour, without any prior knowledge or training. You just know and understand the meaning behind gestures, expressions, and body language across different species. So you predict your pet’s and other animal’s behavior.

9. Your Get pets Visitation dreams

You often you receive messages from living and deceased pets through dreams. These dreams feel dream and are intense, loving and full of wisdom. They may communicate with you telepathically, sending you feelings or emotions about situations or people in your life, or communicate through symbolic imagery.

10. Your friends say you can speak to animals

Friends and family often say you have a special knack for understanding animals. They see that you have a unique bond with animals and often come to you for help understanding their own pets’ behaviors and needs.

11. You have mystical experiences with animals

You have had profound encounters with animals throughout your life. Stray cats appears out of nowhere to give you healing, wild horses approach you to say hello, or you may find rare feathers when you are seeking spiritual wisdom. These moments make you feel like there’s a special connection or meaning behind them. that have shaped your belief in your psychic abilities and deepened your connection with animals over time.

Final Thoughts

So, are you a pet psychic? If you answered yes to two or more of these signs, you’ve already begun developing your animal communication abilities. Keep working on them and continue learning more about animal communication and how animals can communicate with us.

Leave a comment sharing which signs you’ve experienced and any magical exchanges you have had with your pets or other animals.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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