Am I A Pet Medium? 15 Signs You Can Speak To Deceased Pets

Have you ever felt the presence of your deceased pets, as if they were by your side? Or may have always felt a spiritual or mystical connection with animals.

If this sounds like you, it could be a sign that you are an animal communicator (Pet Medium) who can speak to animals in the afterlife.

Common signs that you are a pet medium include strong intuitive abilities, sensing or seeing animals in spirit, having deep empathy for animals, being scared of the dark, getting pet visitation dreams, and having the ability to enter deep states of awareness.

Keep reading to discover all 15 signs that you can communicate with animals that have crossed over.

1. You feel deep empathy for Animals

Do you ever feel intense emotions that almost appear out of nowhere even when you are in a room all alone? This could be a sign that you are connecting with your pets in the afterlife. As an empath, you are also sensitive to energies and can pick up on your deceased pet’s emotions, thoughts, and even physical discomforts. And although it can leave you feeling a little baffled, it is their way of getting your attention.

2. Your gut instincts are always right

Animal Communicators have strong intuitive abilities, they know when something just doesn’t feel quite right. Even if everything looks OK with their pets, they know to trust their instincts. The same is true with pet mediums, who can intuitively sense things about animals in the afterlife. They can pick up on subtle changes in the energy field and know what is causing the discord.

3. You see shadows in your peripheral vision

Have you ever caught a glimpse of your beloved pet in spirit moving from the corner of your eye? Well, that means you have a psychic sense of sight (clairvoyance). You see an outline of your pet’s body in a greyish mist, flashes of light, or orbs. If you see these, you are a pet medium, and you can communicate with pets in the afterlife.

4. You can Get into deep Meditative states

Can you easily quieten the mind and enter a deep meditative state of consciousness? You may sense that your awareness moves beyond the mind, body, and emotions and enters an expansive state of being.

If so, you are a pet medium and you can raise energy into an altered state to connect with the spirit world. Receiving intuitive thoughts, images, smells, tastes, and hearing whispers from pets heaven.

5. You used to be scared of the dark

Were you scared of the dark as a child? Or do you remember seeing or feeling things move at night? Well, this is another sign that you are a medium and have the intuitive ability to communicate with pets in the afterlife. Although spirit people and animals are always around, not everyone can see or feel them as they grow into adulthood.

6. Animals relax and enjoy being around you

Do animals love interacting with you and being by your side? Well, that connection doesn’t end when animals cross over. They still feel drawn to you because they resonate with your energy field. Animals love being around mediums, intuitive, empath, and highly sensitive individuals.

7. You often have Pet Visitation dreams

Having pet visitation dreams from deceased pets, is yet another sign you are a medium. These differ from regular dreams as they feel like a waking life interaction and your animals come through clearly with advice or guidance. Messages may be received telepathically, or symbolically.

8. Psychics & Mediums runs in the family

Most families have at least one member of the family known for their psychic mediumship abilities. So ask around, as these abilities can skip one or two generations, or it may be a sign that your abilities are dormant.

9. You sometimes feel someone’s watching you

Have you ever felt someone watching you, but only to find that no one is there? Well, don’t just brush it off as your mind playing tricks on you! Seeing isn’t always believing when it comes to mediumship. Pet mediums often sense an animal’s presence, but may not see them with their physical eyes.

10. You feel a deep Connection to nature

All pet mediums are drawn to nature, they feel recharged being in the woods, on a mountain, or by the beach. As they immerse themselves in natural spaces, their intuitive senses awaken and they feel fully present in the now. They start sensing things about their environment and are intuitively drawn to certain locations or spots.

11. You had “imaginary friends” as a child

Having memories of imaginary friends as a child is another sign that you may be a medium. Do you remember playing or speaking to spirit people or animals? If so, the chances are that these encounters were real, even if no one else saw or spoke to them. Many children see and connect with the spirit world but over time they lose this ability.

12. You sometimes feel like you don’t fit in

Mediums can sometimes feel different or misunderstood. Their sensitivity makes them aware of subtle changes in their environment, people, and animals that aren’t always well received. But being sensitive is a gift that allows us to live life more intensely and perceive things beyond the limitations of our minds. Yes, this can make us feel misunderstood, lonely, or isolated, but it is only because we haven’t found our spiritual tribe.

13. You have trouble sleeping

Mediums often have trouble sleeping or may be awoken around 3 am. It is when the veil is thinnest and the reason why spirit communication seems to get louder. This usually happens to mediums that have trouble getting to sleep or don’t go into deep states of rest. If this sounds like you, you are a medium.

14. You are a spiritual seeker

Spirituality and mediumship are interconnected, one cannot exist without the other. During our spiritual journey, we connect to deeper states of awareness and move from an individualistic ego-centric lifestyle to a conscious way of living.

The more we explore our inner world, the more connected we are to the spiritual realm. Our spiritual development bridges the gap between our human form and spiritual nature. And over time, we begin to receive wisdom from sources and guidance from our loved ones in the afterlife.

15. You are obsessed with The paranormal

Are you obsessed with the afterlife and love watching reality TV shows about psychic mediums or paranormal shows? Then you probably already know it, but you are a medium at heart. In fact, most psychic mediums are fascinated with the spirit world but often don’t explore this gift because of childhood experiences, family disapproval, limiting beliefs, or cultural taboos.

If you have experienced any or all of these signs, you are a pet medium, and it is time to explore and use your abilities.

Leave a comment below, how many of these signs have you experienced?

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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