10 Signs you have a Soul Contract with Your Pet

Have you ever felt that your pet is more than just an animal? Many people believe that their pets are meant to be in their lives for a special reason.

This idea is called a “pet soul contract.” And it means that your relationship with your pet was destined to happen.

So how do you know if you have a pet soul contract?

Well, here are 10 signs that you and your pet have a soul contract and were destined to be together.

1. You experience an Instant Bond

You know you have met your pet soul mate, if it feel an instant connection with an animal that feels familiar and close. It can sometimes feel like time stops in its tracks and that you were meant to be together. For some pet parents this can feel overwhelming but it is a sign of a magical journey together.

2. You instantly feel Unconditional Love

Your pet instantly loves you and you unconditionally love them. Whether you’re happy, sad, or angry, your pet is always there for you. This kind of love is rare and shows a deep bond. They don’t care if you had a bad day or if you’re in a bad mood. They remain right by your side and radiate unconditional love.

3. You Understand Each Other

Does it sometimes feels like your pet knows what you’re thinking or feeling. They might comfort you when you’re sad, make you laugh when your stressed or find ways to get your attention when you are overthinking things. This is a soul connection that runs deep and allows you to understand each others needs and support one another.

4. Your pet teaches you important lessons

Our pets incarnate to help us become the best version of ourselves humanly possibly. They are our spiritual guides and they come here to teach us important lessons, like patience and kindness. So don’t ignore the signs know that they are here for a reason.

5. You can feel Each others Emotions

Does your pet mirror your emotions, behaviors or suffer from the same aches and pains as you? When you’re happy, they seem excited. When you’re upset, they might act more quietly. This emotional connection transcend time and space, keeping you connected even in the afterlife. This is yet another sign you may have a soul contract with your furry companion.

6. They enter your life at the Perfect Time

Think about when your pet came into your life. Was it during an important time in your life, when things were tough, or when you needed a trusting companion? Well, our furry companions often show up when we need them the most. If you think it is a coincidence, think again.

7. Your pet gives you A Sense of Purpose

Does caring for your pet give you a strong sense of purpose? Well that could be in your contract which is why it is a part of your life’s mission. This feeling of purpose is another sign that you have a soul contract with your pet.

8. Your pet Heals you when they are around

Many pet parents find that their animals have a calming and healing effect on them. If your pet’s presence makes you feel better, you may have a healing soul contract with them. The healing not only works on the physical, mental and emotional level, they can also help you reconnect to your spiritual essences too.

9. Your pet supports you in difficult Moments

Your pet mission might be to support you during life changing moments in your life. They may incarnate to help you during challenging or traumatic periods of your life, support your into adulthood or help you leave a toxic relationship. Their presence provides comfort, stability and makes difficult moments in your life feel less challenging.

10. Your pet support your Spiritual journey

Sometimes, you just intuitively know that your pets is a wise soul, guiding you on your spiritual journey. They can guide and share wisdom with us through dreams, meditations, or through our intuitive abilities.

Final Thoughts

Understanding these signs can help you appreciate the special bond you share with your pet. Whether it’s an instant bond, unconditional love, or perfect timing, these signs suggest that your pet is in your life for a special reason. Cherish this connection and enjoy every moment with your furry friend.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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