13 Signs You Need An Animal Communicator

Have you ever wished you could understand what your pet is really thinking? Or maybe you feel like your furry friend is trying to tell you, but you just can’t figure out what it is.

Our pets are just like family, giving us love, comfort, and joy. But sometimes, we have problems understanding them and figuring out what they need.

If your pet shows sudden behavior changes, unexplained health issues, stress from new pets or moving, signs of grief, or persistent bad habits, consider an animal communicator. They can help you understand your pet’s needs, uncover hidden problems, and improve their happiness and well-being.

That’s when an animal communicator can help.

Here are Top 12 signs that you need an Animal Communicator:

1. Your pet is acting strange

Pets’ behavior can change throughout their lives but if you notice sudden changes, you may start to worry. Whether your extremely affectionate cat starts to avoid physical contact or your calm dog starts to feel anxious, these changes shouldn’t be ignored. Actions do speak louder than words.

We simply need to connect with your pet deeper to understand what’s causing the shift. Is it a new fear? Are they in pain? Finding the root cause can help restore peace and happiness to your pet’s life.

2. You gut is telling you something is wrong

If you feel that something is not quite right with your pet. Trust your instincts. You may just intuitively know that your pet is in pain, feeling a little sad, or just not as playful. Don’t ignore your gut instincts, pets are great at hiding things from us. They may be experiencing physical pain or have difficulty dealing with overwhelming emotions. But picking up on these issues early can help your pets get the care and support that they need.

3. Your pet has unexplained Health Issues

When your pet has health problems the vet can’t explain, it can be frustrating and scary. Your pet might be eating less, losing fur, or acting lethargic without any medical explanation. Sometimes, stress or anxiety can manifest as physical symptoms, and understanding these emotional triggers can lead to solutions that improve your pet’s health. An animal communicator can uncover emotional or environmental reasons for these issues.

4. Your rescue pet has a history of Trauma

Adopting a rescue animal gives them a second chance at living happy and fulfilled lives. Yet many rescue animals need extra support settling in because of past trauma or neglect. By asking them about their traumas and fears, we can help them heal their emotional scars and understand their needs. This can help rescue animals adjust to their new home, trust humans again, and feel loved and protected.

5. Your pet is grieving the loss of a loved one

Just like us, pets also grieve the loss of a loved one, whether it’s a human family member or another pet. It is easy to spot the signs of grief which can include changes in appetite, increased sleeping, withdrawal, or unusual vocalizations. But how can you help pets grief? One way is to give your pets the opportunity to express and share what they are going through with an animal communicator. They can help your pet unburden themselves, share their thoughts, their fears, release their feelings, and begin to heal.

Read my other blog post called “13 Signs Your Pet Is Grieving The Loss Of A Loved One” or “18 Ways To Help A Grieving Dog After A Loss”.

6. There is conflict between multiple pets

If your pets are always fighting, it can be stressful for everyone. Whether it’s cats, dogs, or a mix of both, constant squabbles can create tension. But by understanding each pet’s experience, and their needs, we can suggest ways to improve their relationship and create a more harmonious household. Animal communicators find peaceful resolutions by listening to the animals and working towards creating a trusting, loving, and respectful environment.

7. Your pet has unresolved fears and phobias

Seeing your pet feel anxious or scared for no reason can be heartbreaking. You may see them shake, hide, or exhibit destructive behaviors due to fear. They may be triggered by a past trauma, a current stressor, or something in their environment, identifying the cause is the first step to alleviating their fears. An animal communicator can get a direct glimpse into what is affecting them and suggest ways to help them feel better. These insights can be used to assist animal behaviorists with training sessions.

8. They are going through a stressful period

Pets can experience stress just like humans. This can be due to changes in routine, loud noises, or even tension within the household. Common signs of stress include excessive licking, pacing, or destructive behavior. But understanding what’s troubling your pet can help resolve the behavioral issues and lead to a happier, more relaxed companion and home.

9. You Need help Making end-of-life choices

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is heartbreaking. Deciding when it’s time can be one of the hardest choices you’ll ever make. An animal communicator can help you understand your pet’s feelings about their quality of life, making this tough decision a bit easier. It can also ease an animal’s transition into the afterlife. Oftentimes, our pets worry about leaving us behind and may resist moving on into the afterlife. These sessions can provide comfort and clarity, and ensure your pet’s final days are filled with love and support.

Discover how animal communication sessions can help you and your pets before, during and after your pets transition into the afterlife. Read “10 Benefits Of End Of Life Animal Communication Sessions”.

10. Your pets training isn’t working

Sometimes, training just doesn’t seem to work. Your pet might be resisting commands, ignoring rules, or behaving unpredictably. There might be a deeper issue that needs addressing. An animal communicator can find out what your pet is trying to tell you and why they’re resistant to training.

If you need help with behavioral issues and the training isn’t working, read “15 Dog Behavioral Problems Animal Communicators Can Fix”

11. You want to fix bad habits

Bad Habits or destructive behaviors like chewing furniture, peeing outside the litter box, or barking too much can be frustrating and hard to deal with. Whether it’s boredom, anxiety, or a need for more attention, understanding the cause can lead to effective solutions and a happier household. We can figure out why your pet is acting out and suggest ways to fix it.

12. to communicate upcoming changes

Big changes like moving to a new house, traveling, or a change in family dynamics can be stressful for pets. They might not understand what’s happening and feel anxious or scared. Knowing what to expect can make a huge difference in their comfort and behavior during these transitions. Animal communicator can help explain these changes to your pet, easing their anxiety and helping them adjust smoothly.

13. You are thinking of adopting other pet

Many well-meaning pet parents often forget to ask animals their views on adopting another animal. This can make pets feel threatened, jealous or unloved and lead to conflict. Making pet introductions tricky and very stressful for everyone involved. It is important to prepare your existing pets for the new arrival, making the transition smoother and happier for everyone. Animal communicators can help manage expectations, ease their anxiety, and help create a loving and harmonious experience.

Final thoughts

Our pets are important members of our families, and their well-being matters. If you notice any of these signs—like sudden behavior changes, unexplained health problems, stress from new pets or upcoming changes, or signs of grief—it might be time to call an animal communicator. They can help you understand your pet’s feelings and needs, uncover hidden problems, and suggest ways to improve their happiness. By using an animal communicator, you can build a stronger bond with your pet and create a happier, more peaceful home for everyone.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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