40 Signs Your Deceased Dog Is visiting you from the afterlife

Have you ever wondered if your deceased dog is visiting you, sending you signs from the afterlife? Or, maybe your furry friend friend has already sent you signs and you want to know all the ways your pets can spiritually communicate with you? 

Afterlife signs from your dog include hearing them bark, finding fur around the house, hearing their footsteps, craving their favorite foods, having dream visitations, hearing their collar jangle, smelling their breath, seeing their doppelganger, experiencing electrical malfunctions, or being greeted by butterflies.

In this blog post, we’ll look at 40 different signs that show your dog is still with you. 

1. You get a flashback of a shared memory

Your dogs can telepathically communicate by reminding you of the wonderful times you spent together. You will experience it as a flashback and notice a feeling of love and peace taking over your whole body.

This is your deceased dog’s way of reminding you of the wonderful moments you shared together. They want you to be happy, to see you laugh, to focus on the good times, and to know that they are still with you.

2. You see them out of the corner of your eye

You may catch a glimpse of your deceased dog out of the corner of your eye, but turn to find there is nothing there. Our pets in the afterlife will find any way to possibly connect with us, often appearing out of nowhere or even zooming around the house.

They want to continue spending time in your company and may appear in their full form, as a misty cloud to resemble their body shape or a rounded ball of energy.

Most people will only see their deceased pets using their peripheral vision, so keep your head steady to enjoy connecting with them for longer.

3. You hear your dog bark, howl or growl

You may hear your deceased dog faintly bark, how, or growl. This is a sign that they are still around, protecting you, your family, and your home from the afterlife.

They may bark to get our attention, howl to let us know they are missing us, and growl to alert us to a situation. Some pet parents report hearing their dog grow during meal times even though they have crossed over.

4. You feel your dog snuggling up to you

You may feel your deceased dog jump onto your lap, curl up on the sofa, or snuggle up in bed. Our pets chose to be by our side, so don’t be surprised if fall asleep on the couch and sense your dog laying by your side. Or if you find paw prints on your duvet covers when you wake up in the morning.

5. You get a sudden feeling of warmth & love

You may feel a wave of love and warmth come over your body which reminds you of your deceased dog. This is their way of letting you know that their love for you is eternal and that they are right by your side. They may choose to send us these long-distance loving embraces when we are feeling down or simply just need a little Tender Loving Care (TLC).

6. The room suddenly gets cold

You may notice a sudden drop in the room temperature when your dog visits you from the afterlife. These cold spots occur because our dogs need to draw heat from the room to communicate with us. Next time you notice an area of your home getting ice cold, try greeting your dog and thank them for coming to visit.

7. Your other pets stare into empty spaces

Have you seen your living pets stare into a corner, or growl at someone you can’t see? It could be your beloved pet coming to join you at meal times, playtime, snuggling sessions on the couch, or right before bed. Even if you can’t see your pets in spirit, your living animals will let you know when they are around.

8. You find dog fur around the house

Does your dog in the afterlife still shed fur around the house? It is a clear sign that your beautiful do is still with you and that they are choosing to spend time with you in the physical world. This type of physical phenomenon usually happens shortly after a pet has crossed over. Some of them are unaware that they have transitioned into the afterlife.

9. You smell their breath upon waking up

Smelling your dog’s breath upon waking up in the morning or just before going to bed is another sign from your pet in the afterlife. Each dog’s breath or body odor is different but, if you recognise their scent, it means they spent the night sleeping by your side. Our dogs loved connecting and keeping us safe while we slept. That doesn’t change just because they cross over, they still want to keep you safe and lay right by your side.

10. You hear their Footsteps around the house

Hearing our dogs walking or running around the house is a sign that your dog wants to connect with you. You may hear them go up and down the stars, hear floorboards creek, and their little cute paws tapping and banking on hardwood or ceramic floor. And if they are in a playful mood, you might hear them zooming around the whole house trying to get your attention.

11. You crave their favourite human food

Do you keep craving your dog’s favorite human foods, snacks, or treats? It is your dog’s way of reminding you of all the wonderful meals you share together. The Sunday roast dinners, the cream cheese biscuits, the peanut butter sandwiches, and the whipped cream too. But if you keep thinking about food ALL day long, it could mean your dog is worried about your eating habits.

12. You sense your dog watching you

Have you ever felt like someone was staring at you but when you turned around to check there was no one there? Well, this could be a sign that a loved one in spirit is around. If your deceased dog is visiting from the afterlife, you will sense them looking up at you from the ground. Don’t be afraid, let them know how happy you are that they came to visit and think of a happy memory you shared together.

13. You find unexplainable markings

Your dog may chew on furniture, bite into your cushions, and leave soiled paw prints around the house. This physical manifestation is rare but can mean that your dog has a strong desire to come back into your life. Dogs that were anxious, or suffering from separation anxiety may repeat this coping behavior even from the afterlife. It is their way of reconnecting with you and maintaining a sense of familiarity.

14. You feel them brush past you

Many pet parents have felt something brush past them but when they turned around no one was there. if your pet used to brush past you when he was alive, the chances are that he will choose to connect with you in the same way.

Your beloved dog may brush past you while you’re preparing food in the kitchen, when you get out of bed in the morning, or when you are getting reading to leave the house.

15. You have visitation dreams from your dog

Your beloved dog may connect with you through your dreams. This is one of the easiest ways for them to let you know they are doing well and to express how much they love you. Pet parents that are question the existence of the afterlife, will usually dream of their pets because they aren’t open to other forms of communication.

If this sounds like you, keep a dream journal by your bedside to track your dreams to decipher their meanings.

16. You smell your pets scent around the house

Do you sometimes get a faint smell of your dog’s scents, their shampoo or perfume? This is your dog’s way of letting you know that they are extra close to you and that you or someone you know needs a hug and a bit of love and attention.

17. You keep hearing your pets name

Do you keep hearing your pet’s name called out everywhere you go? That could be their way of getting your attention or reminding you of their upcoming celebration. Our pets want to be remembered and your dog will make sure of it. Next time you hear your dog’s name repeatedly called out, pause for a moment and let them know you have heard them calling.

18. The lights flicker or turn on and off

Do the lights start to flicker or turn on and off every time you think of your dog in the afterlife? Then this could be your dog letting you know that they are still with you, that they know you are thinking about them and that they remember you too.

19. You may hear their collar jangle

Hearing your dog’s old collar jangling could be a sign that your deceased dog’s way of letting you know he is around. It is common for pet parents to hear the jingling sounds when they are getting ready to walk the other pets. This is your pet’s way of letting you know that they will join you on the walk.

20. Your dogs old toys appear in unexpected places

Do you keep finding your pet’s old toys in unexpected places around the house? If so, this could be your dog’s way of telling you that you need a little more fun and excitement in your life. So stop what you are doing and make plans for a fun night out and bring more enjoyment into your life.

21. You see your dog’s Doppelganger

Seeing a dog that looks identical to your deceased pet is a magical sign from the afterlife. Your dog desperately wants you to see them so that they can put a smile on your face. It isn’t Deja Vu, it is your dog’s way of stopping you in your tracks to confirm they are still around.

22. You see flashes of light dart across the room

Seeing a flash of light rapidly move across the room is a sign that your deceased pet wants to physically show up in your life. They may choose to come through in this way when they are struggling with feelings of grief or guilt or experience challenges in their life. It is our pet’s way of comforting us and helping us feel less alone.

23. Electrical appliance start to malfunction

Our dogs can communicate with us through electronic devices and appliances. If you notice your phone battery keeps running out, the coffee machine stops working or your computer keeps shutting off. Stop and listen. It could be your beloved dog telling you it is time to get out of the house and spend time in nature.

24. You hear Happy tail wagging sounds

Hearing tail thudding sounds around the house could mean your deceased dog is trying to cheer you up. They know when we have had a tough day at work, an argument with a friend or family member, and need some canine love. If you hear your tail wagging thuds around the house, smile and decide to change your vibe. Watch a comedy, join a laughter yoga class, or do mindful meditation.

25. Birds and Winged insects come to visit

Our deceased dogs may connect with us through birds and other winged creatures. You may get visitations from beautiful birds such as blue jays, red robins, hummingbirds, cardinals, woodpeckers, finches, blackbirds, magpies, sparrows, and crows. Or you may experience a swarm of butterflies greet you in the garden or land on your finger to say hello. Other divine interactions can include dragonflies, ladybirds, bees, and ants.

26. You see orbs appear in your pictures

Keep seeing orbs in your pictures? Well, that could be your dog’s way of being a part of special events or days out. They may want to be included in family pictures so that you know they are still with you, even in the afterlife.

27. Objects keep being knocked over

Keep finding objects or furniture being knocked down or inexplicably falling? Well, this could be a sign that your dog is desperately trying to get your attention. Your dog may bump into your bedside table and knock down a lamp, or throw a cushion onto the floor.

This could be their way of telling you to slow down and take note of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Take a moment to assess if you are stressed, anxious, depressed, and need time out on your schedule.

28. The same songs keep playing on the radio

Keep hearing that one song, over, and over, and over again? Well, It could be your dog’s way of sending you a message, reminding you of a shared memory, or uplifting your mood. Next time you turn on the radio, pay close attention to the songs that repeat on the radio. What messages do your animals in spirit want to share with you?

29. You are drawn to a place or object

You may find yourself repeatedly picking up a piece of jewellery, or find yourself staring at a picture of your pet in spirit. Your dogs may be trying to offer advice, trigger a shared memory, or remind you of an upcoming birthday or anniversary.

30. You are guided to special locations

Have you ever gone for a drive or walk and found yourself at your dog’s favorite park, their favorite hill, or met your best human or animal friend? Well, this was not a coincidence. Your beloved pet led you there and wanted to connect with these places, people, or animals.

31. A random animal decides to move in

Has a stray animal ended up at your doorstep looking for a new home? Whether you have encountered a stray cat or dog, an injured bird, or other animal needing your help, know that this is divine intervention. It could be their way of letting you know it is time to open your heart and extend your home to another animal. But it could also be your reincarnated pet finding its way home.

If you have experienced this and want to know if you have found your reincarnated dog, have read my blog post “13 Signs you have found your reincarnated pet”

32. You find feathers when you think of them

Feathers carry spiritual meaning and are a sign that you are loved and protected by angels. Having one fall by your feet is a sign that you are going through a spiritual transformation and that you are on the right path. This is your deceased dog’s way of reassuring you that even in the difficult times they are still guiding and supporting you on your journey.

33. Wild animals visit you at home

Have you found wild animals peering through your window or relaxing in your backyard? Whether you see a wild horse, a stag, a deer, or a friendly bear, remain fully present and surrender to this divine experience. Your dog wants to you to explore nature, go to new places, meet new people, and get out of your comfort zone.

34. You receive phone calls with no caller iD

Getting calls from an unknown number could be your pet desperately trying to communicate with you. You may pick up the call and hear complete silence, static noises, or high-pitched sounds. This type of communication takes a lot of energy and only happens when we have missed many subtle signs. Take this opportunity to thank them for coming through and be open to other less subtle signs.

35. You keep seeing angel numbers

Seeing angel numbers is another wonderful way that our pets can communicate with us. You may see the angel numbers such as on a receipt, a restaurant menu, a clock, a license plate, or on billboards. Each number communicates a unique message to guide you and support your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Angel NumberPossible Messages from your dog
000 or 00.00New Opportunities are on the way
111 or 1111Make a wish, set new intentions and start planting seeds
222 or 2222Find balance in your life, trust in yourself and align to your higher self
333 or 3333Use your talents to and abilities to make a change in the world
444 or 4444Ground your energy, take care of your basic needs and ask for help if needed.
555 or 5555Focus on what you can control, listen to your intuition and allow yourself to be inspired by your higher self.
666 or 6666Don’t let fear hold you back. Learn to feel the fear and keep going. Be compassionate with yourself and surround yourself with supportive individuals.
777 or 7777Money, money, money. Don’t be surprised if new jobs or financial opportunities come along.
888 or 8888Open yourself up to the Spirit World and dedicate time to your spiritual development.
999 or 999It is time to go beyond your comfort zone and explore new opportunities. You may chose to learn a new skill of explore a new career.
Angel Number and their meanings

36. You get messages through licence plates

Our animals in spirit will do anything to communicate with us. Sometimes they try to catch your attention by sending messages through license plates. You may see their names, date of birth, the date they passed away, or you may notice all plates originate from the city where they were born.

37. You see rainbows on anniversaries

Seeing a rainbow can be a beautiful sign from your pets in the afterlife. They not only want to be remembered, but they also want you to know that they are with you on those special occasions. If you see a rainbow on a meaningful or important date, know that your dog is right by your side celebrating with you.

38. You find coins with their birth year

Do you keep finding coins with the year of your pet’s birth or passing? It is your dog’s way of saying hello and letting you know that they are thinking of you. If you find coins on the floor, always pick them up, even if it is just a cent or a penny.

39. You see divine cloud formations

Your deceased dog can connect with you through nature. They may use the cloud to let you know they are visiting you from the afterlife or to send messages. If your dog simply wants to say hello, you will likely see a cloud formation that looks like him. But sometimes they create clouds in their image to catch your attention and send you a message. Keep watching the clouds and see what messages they want to share with you.

40. You see plants flowering out of season

Your dog may also communicate with you through nature. Seeing flowers budding is a sign of new beginnings or rebirth which may mean your dog in heaven wants to reincarnate back to you.

Final Thoughts

When our beloved dogs transition into the afterlife, it can feel overwhelming and challenging. But it is important to remember that it is not the end! Our animals are always around and ready to interact with us. We just need to understand how they communicate, recognize the signs, and acknowledge their presence.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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  • But a smiling visitant here to share the love (:, btw outstanding style and design.

    • Hi Peter, thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your kind words.
      Keep smiling :)

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