Best Spiritual books – Top 10

Are you interested in learning more about spirituality and what it can do for your life?

Many of us get weighed down with life and often forget to address our inner calling to connect to heightened states of consciousness.

If that sounds like you, why not carve out as little as fifteen minutes a day to read one of the Top 10 spiritual books of all time?

So, what are the best books on spirituality?

Man’s Search For Meaning

Written by Viktor E. Frankl

Man’s search for meaning is an incredibly well-written book about the need for humans to find meaning. In this book, Viktor recounts stories and reveals insights about his time as a prisoner in Nazi Concentration camps. Despite the atrocities that took place, Viktor observed that what mattered most was finding meaning and that seeking pleasure was secondary.

His words offer a message of hope about human kinds ability to overcome all obstacles, rise above suffering and find meaning even amid atrocious conditions.

This book is for anyone wanting to spiritually grow and those seeking meaning in life. Not only will this book change your perspective on things, it will also ground you in the present and help you look at the future in a positive light.

The Power of Now: A guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Written by Eckhart Tolle

The power of now is a spiritual transformational book that uncovers the power our thoughts have over our wellbeing and how they drive our actions and interactions with others. Eckhart Tolle reveals the true source of all our pain and suffering and how we can reconnect to our natural state of being to live in a state of harmonious bliss.

I highly recommend that everyone read this book. It is energetically charged and will expand your consciousness, connect you with the present moment and begin the process of a life free of egoic pain.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Written by Deepak Chopra

The seven spiritual laws of success is a practical manual which raises your vibration and realigns with higher states of consciousness. It teaches us to be mindful and accept the present by incorporating simple changes into our lives.

This book covers philosophical and spiritual factors that will help you live a fulfilled and happy life. The book contains chapters on the laws of, pure potentiality, giving, karma, least effort, intentions and desire, detachment, and the law of dharma.

This book is a great read for all but is especially beneficial for those looking for meaning or purpose in life, struggling with finances or relationships and those looking for their ideal career.

The Alchemist

Written by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is an inspiring tale full of magic, mysticism and wisdom which leads us on a transformational journey of self-discovery. Paulo Coelho tells the story of a young boy that has an inner calling to follow his dreams. Through his travels, he encounters diverse experiences which make him reflect on his life.

This book contains spiritual insights and life lessons that we can all adopt in our daily lives. Throughout the book, Paulo Coelho reminds us to listen to our intuition and follow our dreams to live a fulfilled and happy life.

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

Written by Don Miguel Ruiz

The four agreements is a simple but profound book which offers us simple guidelines to happily live our lives. Don Miguel majestically discusses these spiritual agreements and how they can help us go beyond limiting beliefs imposed on us by our family & friends, culture and society. He shares the detail of our psychological predisposition to belong and our need for social acceptance. But in doing so, we end up forgetting who we are and our social identity takes control of our lives.

This book is a masterpiece and helps us overcome limiting thoughts and fear-based perceptions to rekindle our true essence. The principles within this book will release the shackles holding you back and allow you to live life as your most authentic self. In my opinion, this is one of the best books of all time!

Don Miguel Ruiz has also written another book called The fifth agreement where he expands on the concepts covered in this book.

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Self.

Written by Michael A. Singer

The untethered soul looks at the power our habitual thoughts and emotions have over our lives and the impact on our conscious awareness and inner peace. Michael shows us the importance of being fully present by incorporating meditation and mindfulness into our lives.

In doing so we connect to our divine nature and go beyond our limitations, and let go of painful memories and thoughts.

This is another must-read for those wanting to transform their lives, reach heightened states of consciousness and overcome past traumas.

The Diamond in your Pocket

Written by Gangaji

The diamond in your pocket is a tale about a thief that spends his whole life wanting to steal a diamond. Despite his search, he failed to find it and later found out the jewel was in the last place he would have ever looked.

This book discusses the mans continuous search for external validation, meaning and fulfilment. Gangaji reveals the paradox behind this approach and invites us to stop searching and remain still. This book will shift your attention inwards and awaken your true essence.

In doing so, our thoughts subside and we connect with a layer of vulnerability that can heal unresolved and deep-seated suffering. This book will give you the strength to courageous to fearlessly live your life.

The Myth of Enlightenment

Written by Karl Renz

The Myth of Enlightenment is one of the best books I have ever read. This book is unpredictable and perfectly written to help you witness your thoughts and notice your preconceived and rigid ideas about spirituality. Karl Renz has a unique ability to express wisdom and at the same time make you burst out into laughter. This is part of the divine experience when reading this book.

No matter how many books you have read on the topic of non-duality this book will not let you down. Karl Renz has written over ten books on non-duality but I highly recommend you start off with this one.

Dying to be me

Written by Anita Moorjani

Dying to be me is a profound and touching true story about Anita’s battle with cancer and her extraordinary near-death experience. At which point she had an epiphany which revealed the real cause of her disease. She realised she had caused her illness because of her need to please and live according to other people’s expectations.

In this book, Anita shares her insights about the causes of disease, the healing process, how to overcome fear and the importance of love.

This book is for anyone looking for an introspective approach to healing.

The Art of Happiness

By the Dalai Lama

The Art of Happiness gives us insights into how we can live happy and fulfilled lives. HH the Dalai Lama shows us that happiness is not a goal but instead a daily practice of compassion of love towards ourselves and others. Although it introduces Buddhist ideas and philosophies it contains many nuggets of wisdom everyone can use to improve their well-being.

This book includes conversations, stories and meditation that help us overcome obstacles of the mind, body and soul. This book is for anyone looking to find inner peace and those struggling with anxiety, anger or lack of confidence.

list of spiritual books about awakening

Read these books for FREE on Audible with the 30 DAY FREE TRIAL on Amazon.

  1. Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
  2. The Power of Now: A guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
  3. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A practical guide to the fulfilment of your dreams by Deepak Chopra
  4. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  5. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz
  6. The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Self by Michael A. Singer
  7. The Diamond in your Pocket by Gangaji
  8. The Myth of Enlightenment by Karl Renz
  9. Dying to be me by Anita Moorjani
  10. The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama

All the above are based on personal recommendations but please let us know if there are other books you enjoyed reading about animal communication.

Final thoughts

Learning to fully be present and reach heightened states of awareness is not always easy. We all have work commitment, family obligations among other priorities and our long to-do list. But we are spiritual beings living human lives and thus must also cater for our spiritual needs.

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Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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