7 Simple Steps To Call On Angels

Have you ever felt the need for divine guidance or protection during life’s most challenging moments, or wondered if there’s a way to invite angelic support into your life?

Then, find out how to connect with angels through these seven easy steps.

In times of uncertainty, stress, or need, many people find comfort in the belief that they are not alone. The concept of angels—divine beings of light and love—offers solace and support to those who seek their presence. If you’re looking to connect with these celestial beings for guidance, protection, or healing, here are seven steps to help you call on angels.

1. Create a calm and relaxed Space

Creating a sacred space is the first step in inviting angelic presence into your life. Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can sit comfortably. This could be a dedicated meditation space, a cozy corner of your home, or even a serene spot in nature. Clear the area of distractions and create an atmosphere that feels sacred to you. You might light candles, burn incense, or play soft, soothing music to enhance the ambience.

2. Set Your Intention

Setting a clear intention is crucial when calling on angels. Whether you seek guidance, protection, healing, or comfort, be specific about what you need. Your intention sets the tone for your connection with the angels. Take a moment to reflect on your desire and form a concise statement or prayer. For example, you might say, “I seek the guidance of the angels to help me make the right decision” or “I ask for protection and healing in this challenging time.”

3. Ground yourself in the present moment

Centering yourself helps you tune into the subtle energies around you. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Focus on your breathing, allowing each inhale and exhale to bring you into a state of relaxation and presence. As your mind becomes calm and still, you become more receptive to the gentle, loving energies of the angels.

4. Call Upon the Angels

With your intention set and your mind centered, it’s time to call upon the angels. Use a prayer, affirmation, or simply speak from your heart to invite the angels into your space. You might say something like:

“Dear (say angels name), I invite you into my life. Please surround me with your love and light. I ask for your guidance, protection, and support in this moment. Thank you for your presence.”

Speak your invitation with sincerity and trust that the angels are listening.

5. Use Visualization to communicate with them

Visualization is a powerful tool for connecting with angels. Close your eyes and imagine a bright, white light surrounding you. See this light as the loving presence of the angels, enveloping you in warmth and peace. Visualize the light becoming brighter and more intense, filling you with a sense of safety and serenity. Feel the presence of the angels within this light, offering their support and guidance.

6. Listen and Trust the messages your receive

After calling on the angels, take a moment to listen and be receptive. Guidance from angels often comes in subtle forms, such as intuitive insights, thoughts, or feelings. You might receive an inner knowing or a sudden clarity about a situation. Trust what comes to you, even if it feels subtle or indirect. The angels communicate in ways that are gentle and loving, so be open to receiving their messages in whatever form they take.

7. Express your Gratitude by thanking them

Expressing gratitude is an important part of your connection with the angels. Thank the angels for their presence and assistance, even if you haven’t yet received the guidance or support you seek. Gratitude helps to strengthen your connection and opens your heart to receiving more divine support. You might say, “Thank you, angels, for your love and guidance. I am grateful for your presence in my life.”

Final Thoughts

If you are going through a difficult time in your life, call on the angels. They will comfort you, offer guidance, and connect you to the godly presence within. By creating a sacred space, setting a clear intention, centering yourself, and inviting the angels with sincerity, you open the door to their loving support. Visualization, listening with trust, and expressing gratitude further enhance your connection with these celestial beings. Remember, the angels are always available to support you—all you need to do is ask with an open heart.

Let me know what you feel, leave a comment below. I love hearing about your experiences.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.
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