Have you ever wished you could communicate with your departed pets, to feel their presence, or receive a comforting message from beyond?

Or maybe you already had a pet visitation, but you can’t wait to reconnect with them again.

Well the good news is that everyone can communicate with their deceased pets.

You can communicate with your deceased pet through dreams with these 6 simple steps. Begin by surrounding yourself with a bubble of white light. Using a picture of your deceased pet, look into their eye, send them love, and ask them to visit you in your dreams. Then let yourself fully relax and drift off to sleep.

Step 1: Prepare Yourself

Before you begin, find a quiet and peaceful space where you feel comfortable. Take a moment to center yourself and imagine a bright light surrounding you, like a protective bubble. This light represents love and positivity, shielding you from any negative energy.

Step 2: Think about Your Pet

Whether you have a photo of your pet or simply close your eyes and imagine them beside you, focus your thoughts on connecting with them. Speak to them out loud or in your mind, letting them know that you’re open to feeling their presence or receiving a message from them.

Step 3: Ask for a Clear Sign

Now, it’s time to ask your pet for a sign. Be specific and ask for something big and unmistakable. Let them know that you’re eagerly awaiting their message and that you’re open to whatever form it may take.

Step 4: Trust Your Feelings

Communication from the spirit realm can sometimes be subtle, so it’s important to be patient and trust your instincts. Pay attention to any feelings, thoughts, or images that come to you. These could be signs from your departed pet trying to reach out to you.

Step 5: Invite Them into Your Dreams

Dreams can be a powerful way to connect with departed loved ones, including pets. Before you go to sleep, visualize your pet joining you in your dreams. Surround them with love and positivity, creating a welcoming space for them to communicate with you.

Step 6: Keep Their Memory Alive

Finally, remember to honor and cherish the memory of your departed pet. Talk about them often, share stories, and celebrate the special bond you shared. Keeping their memory alive in your heart ensures that their love will always be with you.

Final Thought

Connecting with departed pets is a deeply personal and spiritual journey. By following these six simple steps and remaining open to the signs and messages they send, you can find comfort and closure in knowing that your beloved furry friend is still with you in spirit.

Thanks for reading! I hope you found this blog post useful.

Have your deceased pet visited you in your dreams?

Let me know in the comment box below if you have any other questions.

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  1. Hello, I lost my dog from attacked her 9 months ago.. she haven’t come to my dreams at all. I crying and miss her terribly .. I hope she’s okay and happy .. let her know I miss her so much and love her very much. I wish I hug her one more time and will make me much better .. thanks

    1. HI Ebby

      I’m so sorry for your loss. Your love for her is unbreakable, and I believe she’s at peace, watching over you. Sometimes it takes time for loved ones to come through in dreams, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t with us.
      Rest assured that she knows how much you love and miss her.
      Sending you comfort and healing.


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