What are the 8 Clair Senses? Discover Your Psychic Ability

What are the 8 clair senses?

Have you ever wondered if you have a special psychic ability? Or maybe you are curious about the different types of psychic senses you might have? If so, you have come to the right place.

The clair senses are special abilities that allow us to sense the world around us, without using our regular 5 senses. There are 8 clairs known as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairalience, clairempathy, and claircognizance. And each one picks up on subtle energies in their unique way.

So, let’s dive right into these special gifts, to learn how they work and what we can experience. 

1. Clairvoyance is the intuitive sense of sight

Clairvoyance is the psychic ability to see things in your mind that others can’t see with their eyes. Our third eye is the window to the unseen world, allowing us to receive visual messages beyond our ordinary sense of sight. You may see flashes of colors, images, symbols, and even short video clips. It feels similar to what you experience during a guided meditation or while you are daydreaming. 

Clairvoyance is one of the most common psychic senses and is characteristic among artists, photographers, designers, and those who are visual learners.

2. Clairsentience is the psychic sense of feeling

Clairsentience is the psychic ability that allows us to sense subtle changes in energy through our emotions and feelings. We can feel what another person is going through, their pain, feelings, emotions, thoughts, and intentions. Most people refer to this sense as having a gut feeling.

We may get a wave of emotions, feelings, and thoughts come over us out of nowhere. These sensations can feel like our own and can vary in intensity. And if we aren’t fully present, we may mistake them for our feelings or emotions.

Clairsentients are usually be drawn to careers where they can use their sensitivity to help others, these include psychic mediums, animal communicators, caregivers, counselors, nurses, and integrative vets.

3. Clairaudience is the psychic gift of hearing

Clairaudience is the extrasensory power of hearing that enables us to hear words, thoughts, sounds, and even music through our inner voice. This is a calm and familiar voice. It is just like the voice you hear with your inner thoughts, but it is as quiet as a whisper. So, if our minds are loud or overactive, this intuitive voice is not heard.

Clairaudients are generally drawn to careers that use their fine-tuned sense of hearing, such as musicians, sound engineers, singers, and public speakers. 

4. Clairgustance is the psychic sense of taste

Clairgustance is the psychic sense of taste that allows us to experience the world through our mouths. Someone with this ability can taste what an emotion feels like. For example, you may get a feeling of sadness and as your tastebuds kick in, you could experience a bitter or sour taste in your mouth or a wonderfully sweet and delicious one. Your psychic sense of taste can get activated at any moment without having to place anything in your mouth. 

As you can imagine, clairgustants are real big foodies. They love the texture and taste of foods and usually gravitate to food-related jobs. Often working as cooks, chefs, bakers, food tasters, or critics. 

5. clairscent is the psychic sense of smell

Clairscent is the intuitive sense of smell that allows us to connect with the unseen world through scents, fragrances or, or odors. If you have this psychic sense you have a great survival instinct and ‘smell’ a lie from a mile away. You are the perfect lie detector and can easily sniff your way around a person’s life and know things without having any prior knowledge.

If this sounds like you, you will likely pursue a career as a winemaker, brewer, distiller, sommelier, perfume fragrance creator, or work as a florist.

Learn more about clairscent, and discover the top 10 smells psychic mediums sense during readings. ‘Psychic smelling. Clairalience, clairscent clairessence or clairolfaction’.

6. Claircognizant The psychic gift of knowing

Claircognizant is the intuitive sense of inner knowing of something that goes beyond logic. It is not a gut instinct, information is intuitively received as a download through the mind. If you have this ability you can receive and understand information without prior knowledge. Ideas, spiritual insights and even complex concepts can pop into your head which you can use and master for your benefit and those around you. 

This type of knowing is characteristic of spiritual and religious leaders, business visionaries, philosophers, and scientists.

7. Clairtangency is the psychic sense of touch

Clairtangency, also called psychometry, is a psychic ability linked to touch. It lets us pick up intuitive vibes when we touch people or objects. You might feel it when you brush past someone, handle a personal item, pet an animal, or touch a wall. What makes clairtangency stand out is how it acts like a switch, turning on all our psychic senses at once. It uses them to make sense of the energetic signals we’re getting in a clear and complete way.

Those with this ability choose careers as energy healers, chiropractors, physiotherapists, masseuse, painters, farmers, gardeners, or carpenters. They excel at any job, that involves working with their hands.

Learn more about psychometry or test your skills with this 8-step process.

8. Clairempathy is the ability to sense energy

Clairempathy is heightened sensitivity to energetic vibrations and can feel the emotions, thoughts, and physical ailments of people and animals. They can also pick up on residual energy, emotions, and pain of places and things even at a distance. Often feeling the sensation so intensely within their body that it can feel as if it were their own. This is why many empaths find it difficult to spend time in crowded spaces and withdraw to leading a life in nature. 

Because of their sensitive, they often feel a sense of duty and want to reduce pain and suffering in the world. This is why they choose careers that help people, and animals or protect the planet. Clairempaths generally work as psychologists, nurses, vets, conservationists, and animal careers.

Want to develop your psychic abilities? Then check out my other blog post called “21 easy ways to increase your intuition.”

Concluding thoughts

All of us have psychic abilities to some extent and use them in daily life. Whether we’re aware of it or not, our intuition picks up on subtle information that our regular senses might miss. This is not only important for psychics, mediums and animal communicators, we all benefits from listening to our inner guidances system. Paying attention to this intuitive sense can help us make better decisions and understand life’s complexities more clearly.

In summary, the 8 clairs are as follows:

  1. Clairvoyance: The psychic gift of clear seeing
  2. Clairsentience: The intuitive ability of clear feeling
  3. Clairaudience: The heightened sense of clear hearing
  4. Clairgustance: The extra-sensory ability of clear taste
  5. Clairalience: The psychic ability of clear smell
  6. Clairtangency: The intuitive sense of clear touch
  7. Claircognizance: The intuitive sense of clear knowingness
  8. Clairempathy: The extra-sensory gift of perceiving subtle energetic changes from within

What is your strongest sense? Let me know in the comment box below.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

View Comments (2)

  • Wow. I had no idea there were so many psychic powers. I am natirally intuitive amd just realised I am claircognizant among having other clairs.

    • Hi Mary, you are absolutely right. These abilities are a part of our ordinary lives and assume that they are innate and equally developed in others. Thanks for sharing. :)

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