10 differences between psychics and mediums?

Psychics and mediums both offer their services to help people in different ways.
But what are the differences between a psychic and a medium?

The main difference between psychics and mediums is the focus of the session. Psychic readings offer valuable insights into our personal lives whereas mediumship readings connect with our loved ones in the afterlife. Mediumship readings are a way of proving life continues after death and bringing guidance from family and friends on the other side.

But there are many more differences between psychics and mediums. That is why I have written this article to let you know all the differences between working as a psychic and a medium.

1. The roles of psychics & mediums

The role of psychics and mediums alike is to comfort, support, and guide others using their intuitive abilities. What differs is their approach.

The role of psychics is to help support living people with their personal lives by sharing insights about past and present life and possible future outcomes. Whereas the medium’s main purpose is to share evidential information to prove the existence of the afterlife. They also share messages and guidance from loved ones in spirit and hold a safe space for healing to occur on the physical and spiritual plane.

2. The focus the reading

The focus of psychic readings depends on the client’s preferences and the area(s) they wish to explore. General readings may touch on multiple areas such as relationships, family, career, health, spiritual path, and unexplored gifts, while deeper readings may focus on one or two areas.

Most UK-trained mediums are taught to allow the spirit communicator to lead the interaction and bring through the evidence and messages they most wish to communicate. The understanding is that our loved ones have a birdseye perception of what we need and will bring thought meaningful guidance and loving messages. However, with animal mediumship, the medium asks the pets in spirit questions and also receives channeled messages from the afterlife.

3. types of readings: Psychic vs mediumship

There are many types of psychic readings and mediumship readings and these include the following:

There are over 15 types of psychic readings which include tarot readings, palm readings, aura readings, aura readings, crystal readings, tea leaf readings, and dream interpretation readings just to name a few.

Where mediumship readings fall into two main categories physical mediumship and mental mediumship. These include evidential mediumship, trance mediumship, evidential trance mediumship, animal mediumship, and physical mediumship which involves the presence of physical phenomenon.

4. The types of divination tools used

Almost all psychics use a variety of divination tools to channel advice and guidance. The most common include tarot or oracle cards, runes, astrology charts, and many others.

Mental mediums do not need to use divination tools to communicate with spirit people. In fact, most rely on their heightened senses of awareness to channel messages from the afterlife. But trance mediums and physical mediums may use spirit trumpets and spirit cabinets, to build and concentrate their energy, as this type of mediumship requires more energy. Other tools can include disposable cameras, voice recorders, temperature measuring devices, movement sensors, and music instruments, just to name a few.

5. The content of reading

The psychic can offer guidance about any area of the client’s life including relationships, family, career, spiritual path, and unexplored gifts. The content of the psychic readings depends on the client’s focus, the choice of type of reading, and their preferred divination tools. Some psychics use multiple divination tools such as tarot cards, astrology charts, numerology, and tea leaf reading. But all readings reveal and share details of past challenges, validate our current experiences, and reveal potential future outcomes.

For instance, Astrology readings reveal details of astrological alignments and the effects they may have on our lives, discover your ideal career path, or learn about unexplored spiritual gifts, and how to overcome future potential obstacles. Tarot card readings can provide us with answers to current challenges.

Whereas evidential mediums start off by revealing evidence about the spirit communicator. This is done too prove they are communicating with a loved one.

They may share personal details about the following:

  • their personality or character
  • the family dynamics
  • circumstances surrounding passing
  • general health
  • shared memories
  • their emotional and mental states
  • gifts or objects passed down
  • habits and daily routines
  • and even their religious or spiritual connection whilst they were here on earth.

Once the information has been validated and the communicator is recognized, the medium follows on by channeling guidance and messages of love from the spirit person.

A father wishes to discuss their daughter’s wedding and the happiness it brought to their life, or they may choose to discuss the difficulty experienced in their final days and share words left unspoken. The beauty is that each reading is unique and as special as the other.
Depending on the duration of the session you may hear from one or multiple loved ones in heaven. These messages can be connected or completely different from one another, but all messages are relevant to the living person.

6. The connection process

Psychics expand their auric field and only connect with the aura of their client, creating two-way communication between themselves and their client. But mediumship is a three-way conversation between the spirit person, the client, and the medium.

Mediums act as a bridge between two worlds by expanding their auric field, raising their conscious awareness to simultaneously connect with the client and their loved ones in spirit. The medium then gives permission for the spirit person to use their body, including their voice to directly channel through evidence, guidance, and messages directly from the afterlife.

Trance mediums relinquish varying degrees of control to the spirit world, allowing them to directly communicate through the medium’s body. Permitting the spirit world to use its voice, body, and gestures to communicate. The medium is a bystander and simply gets out of the way to allow the spirit person to share healing, loving messages, and words of encouragement.

Whereas, physical mediumship requires an even deeper connection and ability to surrender to the spirit realm. Those who achieve this state of connection allow the spirit communicator to communicate through physical phenomena. These physical manifestations are visible to all and act as proof of an afterlife.

Developing and refining mediumship abilities can take years even decades to master and requires the medium to regularly meditate and ‘sit in the power‘.

7. The process of receiving information

Psychics and mental mediums receive information through their psychic senses, also known as the clairs. There are “8 clair senses” and each uniquely filters information through our mind so we can see images, smell scents, hear sounds, feel emotions, taste things, sense subtle energies, or have an inner knowing. Most people refer to these psychic gifts as gut instincts, hunches, or intuition.

Psychics use their intuition skills to interpret meaning and channel insights through their chosen divination tools. Some psychics use angel cards or oracle cards to connect with spirit guides, angels, and spirit animals as part of their readings. But communication always comes through the chosen divination tool

Mediums can use their intuitive abilities to connect with living and non-living individuals people and animals. They can sense subtle energy fluctuations and know details about the spirit communicators’ lives. They can experience intuitive insights subjectively which means experienced within the mind or body. You could be seeing an image in your mind’s eye, hearing a sound, feeling an emotion, or smelling or tasting something that originates from inside yourself.

But it is also possible to receive psychic insights objectively. So rather than seeing an image in your mind’s eye, you may see a spirit apparition that looks as real and solid as a physical living person. Objective experiences allow us to hear spirit communication objectively, so in essence hear, see, feel, sense, smell, and taste things that the spirit wants us to perceive.

8. Their spiritual connection

Psychics and mediums may both be spiritual, but that does not mean they equally focus on their spiritual development. Psychics may choose to work on spiritual growth for personal reasons but it is not essential to their psychic development.

But most mediums are spiritualists, so they understand the importance of building a relationship with god, the divine or universal consciousness. It is about exploring our inner selves and experiencing the divine particle that lies within. We understand the importance of reconnecting with a source to raise our vibration and strengthen our ability to connect to the non-physical realm of spirit.

Through spiritual development, we can more closely align with the source and approach this wonderful work from a selfless, loving, and compassionate state of being.

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Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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