20 Things Your Deceased Pet Wants You To Know

Losing our pet companions is not only heart-breaking, it is soul-shattering too. Almost in the blink of an eye, our lives completely transform, and we are left feeling empty and alone.

You wish that you could hold them in your arms once more. To tell them how much you miss them, that you will never forget them, and to hear their thoughts. Our pets can communicate with us from the afterlife and have many heart-warming messages to share with us.

So what messages do our pets want us to hear from the afterlife?

Our deceased pets want us to know that they love and miss us very much but that they are at peace in the afterlife. They don’t want us to feel guilty and repeatedly question our actions and decisions. They want to support us through the grief, focus our attention on self-care, and know that they are right by our side.

1. They want you to know they are at peace

Your deceased pet wants to tell you that they are safe and at peace. They don’t want their pet parents to worry about them or feel like they have lost them forever. They will send us signs to let us know that their soul lives on in the afterlife.

2. to say They are still with you in spirit

Losing a beloved pet can leave us feeling lost and alone but many pets in spirit remain by their pet parents side. They want to comfort and support us through our grief and remain a part of our live during the good times and the bad.

3. To tell you how they will connect with you

Our pets in spirit try very hard to communicate with us in our waking life and sleep state. We may have visitations dreams, see orbs, flashes of light and even catch glimpses of them moving around the house. But sometimes pet parents miss or overlook the signs from their beloved pets in the afterlife. Your pet wants to be open and acknowledge them when they come to visit. 

5. to remind you of your spiritually connection

We can love many pets in our lifetime, but when you have met your pet soul mate, you just know. Your connection feels so profound, authentic, and in-tune. And the beauty is that your spiritual bond transcends time and space. Simply open yourself up to your spiritual gifts and reconnect with your animal soul mate once again.

6. To let you know that They love you too

Our pets in spirit want to remind us how much they love us and express their gratitude for the love they received too. Even from the afterlife, their love for us shines through. Our animals love us unconditionally whilst they are here in the physical world and even in the afterlife. The spiritual bond transcends time and space!

7. They know how you are feeling

Our pets can hear our thoughts and feel our emotions and this doesn’t change when they cross over into the afterlife. They can feel the suffering we are experiencing during and after their transition into the Spirit World. They want us to know that the sadness we are feeling is normal and that they feel it too. They are right by your side, supporting you through the emotional roller coaster of grief.

8. They know you did your best to save them

Our pets in the afterlife know that there was nothing more we could have done to save them. They knew your intentions and understood that you wanted the best for them and did everything possible to save them. You did what you thought was right at that moment with your knowledge and experience and possibly with the guidance of a vet.

9. They know you didn’t want them to suffer

We all want our beloved pets to live long, happy, and pain-free lives. But the truth is that we are never truly ready to let our pets go. When our pets get sick, injured, or become frail in their senior years, we just want them to be comfortable and pain-free. But sometimes the greatest act of compassion is deciding to let our pet go.

10. They don’t want you to feel guilt or regret

Our deceased pets don’t want us to feel guilty or have regrets about their passing. Oftentimes pet parents have to make difficult end-of-life decisions such as deciding to euthanize their beloved animal.

But this can leave us feeling as if we let our pets down or didn’t do enough. But our deceased pets want us to be compassionate and forgive ourselves. They know you wanted the best for them, that you didn’t want them to suffer, and that you did what you felt was right.

11. you gave them a wonderful life

Your departed pet wants you to know that you were a wonderful pet parent and that you gave them an amazing pet parent. They want to talk about all the great things you did together and express their love and gratitude. They want us to remember these moments and rejoice in these memories. They don’t want us to think about what we could have or should have done differently.

12. Your pet knows how much you miss them

Your pet love wants you to know that they miss you very much and that they will never forget you. But they also know how much you miss them too. They loved physically being by your side, looking into your eyes, lying next to you, and going on walks together. The reason that you miss them so much is because you loved them from the bottom of your heart.

13. To remind you to take care of yourself

When we grieve the loss of a pet, we can become emotionally overwhelmed and end up neglecting our basic needs. We may stop eating, have trouble sleeping, and isolate ourselves at home. Our pets worry about our well-being and need us to take care of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Self-care isn’t a luxury it is a necessity while grieving the loss of a pet.

14. They want you to be happy and move on

Our pets want us to process our grief so we can move on and feel happy again. They want you to talk about your loss and find ways to deal with your emotional overwhelm. They understand we may need some time alone, but they don’t want us to isolate ourselves from the world. They want you to reach out to family members, talk to your friends or join a local bereavement support group.

15. They know the other pets are grieving too

Oftentimes our deceased pets want to remind us to pay extra attention to the animals left behind. Just like us, they are also experiencing grief and are struggling to deal with the death of their furry companion.

During this time it is important to assess your pet’s needs. Some animals may need more physical contact while others need their alone time to process the loss. Honor their wishes and avoid invading their personal space when they retreat or pull away. I also recommend playing relaxing music in the background to create a calm and healing environment.

16. keep your heart open to other pets in need

Your pet in the afterlife knows that it may take some time before you introduce a new pet into the family. But they want you to know that loving another animal is a beautiful act of love. Our pets encourage us to open up our hearts and share all our love with other animals.

17. They want you to live a fulfilling life

Most people think they picked their animal family, but the reality is that our pets picked us. They came here to teach us about unconditional love, to guide us, and to help us transcend in our spiritual journey. All animals have a mission and our pets knew exactly what they signed up for and you were the perfect pet parent for this incarnation.

But despite multiple attempts to reach out to us, their messages are often missed.

18. They want to be remembered

Our animals in spirit are often around during birthdays, celebrations, and family get-togethers. But they also want their life to be celebrated and to be remembered. You could host a remembrance party, light a candle every day, commission a piece of art, or visit their favorite place. For more ways of remembering your pet’s life, have a read of 11 great ways to honor your pets in the afterlife

19. To let you know their reincarnation plans

To reincarnate or not to reincarnate. That is the question that most pet parents want to ask. Our animals decide whether or not they want to reincarnate and if they will return to us. Their choice depends on several factors, if they have completed their mission, if they are best suited to your continual spiritual development, and if there is anything they need to work through on the other side.

20. to say that They can still hear your prayers

Your pets heard your prayers and know how much you wanted them to stay. Many pet parents turn to god in the final days or moments leading up to the death of their beloved pets. Even in the afterlife, they appreciate being remembered and connecting to your divine essence.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and that it gives you some comfort.

Let me know what messages have come through from your pets in the comments box below.

I love reading your messages.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

View Comments (13)

  • My sweet “Baby” who I just lost suddenly due to an aggressive illness came to me in my dreams. I love and miss him so much! I believe it was a sign and he came for visit. He was so very special to me. He will be with me forever! 😭🥹

    • Hi Brenda

      I am sorry to hear about his passing but you are absolutely right, he will forever remain in your heart.
      And it is such a wonderful when they come through and communicate with us from the afterlife.

      Sending you love and healing. :)


  • I am so sad our little shih tzu passed away 5 days ago i cant help but always blame myself i miss him so much he was gone too soon i am thinking if he would come back to us when his dog parents would give birth again and if its gonna be him again i feel im going crazy im so sad and my tears wont stop falling

    • Hi Donna

      I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You clearly love your dog very much and you would never do anything to hurt him intentionally. It is normal to feel guilt after our animals pass away but deep down, you know how much you loved him and that you did everything you could for them. When these thoughts pop into your mind acknowledge them, thank them, and then remember the wonderful memories you shared. Move your attention beyond their final moments here on Earth and focus on the loving and happy memories.
      Our animals want us to remember the good times, to connect with the love that remains within us, and to live happy and fulfilled lives.
      Your Shih Tzu may reincarnate back to you but they may choose to come back as a different breed or an entirely different species.
      If you can, find a local support group for pet parents who have also lost their beloved animals. It can help us grieve, heal, and move forward.
      Sending you love and healing.


  • I'm a psychic as well, and very avidly sense the spirit of my Doberman, Sophie.

    She isn't ready to move on, is she ?

    • Hi Andrew

      If you sense her it could mean that she wants to spend time with you, that she is letting you know she is ready to come back, or that your mediumship abilities are awakening.
      Our pets start sending us signs when they intend to reincarnate. Some people feel the presence of others, get meaningful signs in their daily lives, or you may find yourself dreaming of her returning to you.
      Hope you reunite with her again soon.
      Warm regards

  • Hi dear Sandra,
    I lost my beloved Pekingese 13 years ago. We grew up together and shared a special childhood bond (we lived together for about 17 years). I've seen him a couple of times in my dreams but he seemed always a bit sad and a little drowsy, just like he was when he was old ( he didn't have much energy, he was sleepy and a progressing dementia).

    Since last week I've been experiencing a new wave of grief. Yesterday I saw him running with other dogs around a lake or sth, he was happy when he first saw me, but then we sat down, I was talking to him and he was just wiggling his tail. I was telling him "How can I live without you? You have dementia and you don't recognise me, do you?"
    Is it possible that he is mirroring my grief? Why isn't he young and happy, as other pet owners mention about their pets?

    • Hello Rineta,
      After our pets pass away, they create a heavenly place where they spend most of their time. This place is usually what they would have liked their life to be or a close copy of their life with their pet parents. They can be in that place but also interact with our world. So, it is possible that when he comes to visit, he is picking up on your grief and the image you are holding onto of him. If you keep thinking of those last years when he was ill, he most likely will come back in that form to try and help you heal.

      I recommend shifting your focus to the wonderful moments you shared together. Talk about those times and remember the joy and love you experienced. He is free and at peace now, no longer suffering. You don't have to live without him. Live with him by cherishing the beautiful memories, the love you felt, and continue to feel the connection that still exist even into the afterlife. Talk about these memories with others and honor him by living a happy life. Our pets in spirit just want us to be happy and to not forget them. So celebrate his anniversaries by releasing balloons or organizing a special meal with friends or family.

      Thank you for asking this question, I will write a blog post shortly to help others who are also experiencing this too.

      Sending you love and healing, Sandra

      • Thank you very much for your reply Sandra!

        I mostly remember him in old age, that's true. I guess it's partly because the previous years I was also very young and only later I started realising the true value of his presence as well as the responsibilities about him and his potential loss. But I still don't understand why it is healing for me to present himself like this, since I would love to see him young! Some years ago I used to see him very thin and ill, as he was during his last days, but these dreams have stopped now. Maybe I have processed my grief better since then.

        I look forward for you article on that!Your blog is precious 💞
        Thank you.

  • My little Maltese Gsmbit passed away night before last. He had a collapse trachea, but we were treating him for that. The one big problem is no matter tiny. The pills are I would hide them and treats or piece of food, but he would never take them. He would spit them out or just not eat the tree down his throat 5 pounds and I just couldn’t do that. I feel guilty that I didn’t. He also had a pill for his heart. He slept on my bed with me every night and during the day he was with me right behind my footsteps. I have another precious dog jack. He and gambit were friends. He is 15 years old now and has problems with his back leg but he’s a sweetheart. He also sleeps with me. I am devastated. I can’t walk into a room in this house without crying about him. He was so sweet and so adorable and I loved him with my whole heart. I just want him to know that the night he died he was coughing and hacking because of the trachea being collapsed, I feel bad that I didn’t take him to the emergency room where a pet vet was on call. I have some guilt about that. I want him back. I want to sign. I keep praying that maybe a cardinal will be in the yard or else. She’s something that I know he’s OK. My heart is broken.💔

    • Hello Mary,

      I am so sorry to hear about your beautiful dogs, Gambit. I understand how difficult it is to walk into the house and know they won't be there waiting for you. It truly is heartbreaking. But please hold onto the love you had and continue to have for Gambit, and know that he is safe in the afterlife. Focus on your healing, and keep asking him for signs that you will recognize. Sometimes, it can take a little time before our animals reach out to us, so be patient and let him know that you are looking forward to reconnecting with him.

      Sending you love and healing.

  • I lost my best friend of 17 years yesterday and I'm going through the "I didn't spend enough time with him each day" guilt right now. It's soul destroying. I held him till the end and love chirped at him, and he purred and tried to chirp back but I know he was sensing my tears and distress and felt stressed at the end. I know he loved me and I loved him so, but it doesn't stop the guilty thoughts of times when i yelled at him, or scolded out of a moment of anger. When i didnt come when he called or spent more time looking at my damn phone.
    Why do we attack ourselves like this in grief, when our pets thought only the world of us, this pain will be with me forever. I miss him more than anything.

    • Hi Kat

      I am so sorry to hear about your best friend passing away. But you are absolutely right. We do end up attacking ourselves and often blame ourselves for their passing too. Thinking we should have done more or could have done more. But in truth, we did the best we could. We loved them the best we could, we took care of them the best we could and we would have done anything to keep them with us for as long as possible.

      He knows this because, he felt your love every day, and even in those final moments when you held him close.
      So be gentle with yourself—he doesn't want you to carry this guilt. Focus on the 17 wonderful years you spent together and the beautiful memories you shared, and know that you remain connected even in the afterlife. Your little angel will always hold a space in your heart and will never be forgotten.

      In case you are interested I have added a couple of blog post that you may find helpful: 'Coping with Pet Loss: A Guide to the 8 Stages of Grief or '15 Practical Ways To Cope With Pet Loss Guilt'

      Sending you love and healing


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