Have you ever wondered what the colors of your auric field can reveal about peoples personality and energy? Or many you are just curious about the secrets behind aura colors and what they say about you? If so, you have come to the right place!

Aura colors hold meaning about a person’s life experiences, personality, love relationships, health (physical, emotional & mental), career, and spiritual growth. There 12 auras colors include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. which can appear in a variety of shades, revealing positive and negative qualities.

Whether you’re a spiritual seeker or simply curious about the world around you, I invite you to join me on this journey of discovery.

Let’s dive in to the aura colors and their meanings.

Book a psychic life path reading / an aura reading

There are 7 main aura colors and these are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, each of which are governed by a corresponding chakra.

1. Red auras are Smart, driven and passionate

Red auras signify love, passion, seduction, and sexuality, reflecting an individual’s vibrant and intense energy. They are driven by a strong desire to explore the physical pleasures and experiences that life has to offer. But they also make strong business leaders and inspire others. Their strong will and analytical thinking enable them to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

But when they are out of harmony, they may reveal less desirable qualities such as their rigidity, frustration, fiery temper, selfishness, hatred, and addictive behaviors that instant seek pleasure and over-indulgence. 

2. Orange auras are compassionate healers

Orange aura meaning

Orange auras are visible around individuals that are full of life, joyful, nurturing, and compassionate toward others. These individuals are highly intuitive (clairvoyant) and enjoy being a part of a spiritual or religious community where they can use their healing abilities to help others. Their caring and nurturing qualities lead them to work in healing disciplines such as integrative medical practitioners, integrative vets, or alternative therapies such as homeopathy and Chinese medicine.

But they aren’t perfect! There are many challenges to have an orange aura. They have an overactive mind which can lead them down the path of negative thinking. This happens when they are unable to find a balance between the material and spiritual world. Oftentimes, this may manifest as anxiety and other health issues.

Learn more about what an “orange aura can reveal about our personality, love life, relationships, health, career and money

3. Yellow auras are Joyful and creativite

yellow aura meaning

Yellow auras appear around individuals that are joyful, creative, and knowledgeable. They enjoy acquiring knowledge and wisdom and applying it to their lives. Their sharp intellect and thirst for knowledge make them a valued member of any team. They often end up in careers such mentoring or teaching positions due to their instinctual ability to take complex ideas and concepts and break them down into comprehensible chunks.

But yellow auras come in different shades. For example, seeing a dark or murky yellow aura can mean the person is feeling uninspired, unfulfilled, apathetic, or depressed. This can happen when they lack enjoyment or creativity at work and when they lack meaningful relationships. In such cases, they may start to ignore their intuition and instead shy away from social engagements which give them a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Have a read of “Yellow Aura Meanings: A complete guideto learn more about yellow aura personality traits, love, relationships, ideal careers, health and money.

4. Green auras are compassionate and balanced

Green aura meaning

Green auras are visible around individuals that seek harmony between the spiritual realm and the physical world. They are often described as peaceful, loving, compassionate, and caring individuals that want to restore harmony in the world around them. These qualities often lead them to pursue careers in health professions and volunteer at local community support centers.

But every so often, they may need to make big changes lie ahead, such as moving home, changing jobs, or relocating to another city or country. Sometimes this may also involve new opportunities for spiritual growth and remembering to find inner peace, no matter what.

Have a read of “Green Aura Meanings: A complete guide” to learn more about green aura personality traits, love, relationships, career, health and money.

5. Blue is the color of communication,

Blue aura meaning

Blue auras are inspirational, healer, highly articulate and exceptional at communicating ideas. These inspirational beings are destined to express their truth as orators, authors, songwriters, or dancers. They feel emotions very deeply and can sense other people’s emotions as if they were their own. This can lead them to feel emotionally overwhelmed when around depressed, sad, or melancholic people.

Their extra-sensory abilities (clairsentience, clairempathy, clairaudience) allow them to heal the pain body of the collective consciousness, other people’s suffering as well as their own. Individuals with blue auras are born healers and excel in distant healing modalities such as Trance Healing, Channeled Healing, and Reconnective Healing.

If you meet someone with a bright blue aura, you may end up finding an honest and loyal friend for life, assuming they can expect the same from you.

Have a read of “Blue Aura Meanings: A complete guide” to learn more about blue aura personality traits, love, relationships, career, health and money.

6.Indigo auras are Spiritually inspired

Indigo aura meaning

A vibrant indigo aura is noticeable among individuals who are inspired by the spirt realm. Due to this divine connection they often become gifted musicians, painters, writers, or spiritual orators. But an indigo aura can mean the person is struggling with life and feels disconnected from the world. They may lack purpose in their life or feel disconnected with the world around them. This can make them to feel unfulfilled, lonely, disconnected and lead to feeling of depression.

During low states they may have suicidal thoughts through addictive behaviours such as drug & alcohol consumption. But despite these challenges, their indigo aura shines brightly, illuminating the world with spiritual wisdom.

7. Purple auras are spiritually connected

Purple aura meaning

Purple auras are said to be visible around individuals who are deeply devoted to a spiritual cause and have committed their entire lives to a religion, philosophy, or spiritual way of life. They hold such strong beliefs in their cause that they are willing to make sacrifices and abstain from worldly pleasures if necessary. These individuals are often entrusted with influential positions that allow them to have control and influence over others.

However, if their desire for power and control surpasses their spiritual connection, it may lead them down the wrong path. If they prioritize manipulating, confusing, and controlling others for self-gain or greed, they may end up causing emotional, mental, and physical trauma to others.

Have a read of โ€œPurple Aura Meanings: A complete guideโ€ to learn more about purple aura personality traits, love, relationships, career, health and money.

Other aura Colours

As mentioned above, there are 5 other colors that can also appear in our auric field, these are pink, brown, turquoise, silver and gold. Although they are not the main colors in aura, they can give us additional information about a persons personality traits and how they are being expressed.

8. Pink auras are loving and supportive

The color pink is often seen around individuals that possess motherly-like qualities. They are usually supportive, patient, empathetic, friendly, and organized. They bring warmth, comfort, and compassion to others, fostering strong connections and making the world feel like a better place.

But it can also be a sign of possessiveness and overprotectiveness towards loved ones. This unhealthy relationship dynamic can cause trust issues and lead to a feeling of suffocation for those involved.

pink aura meaning

9. Silver auras are a sign physical mediumship

A sparkly or shimmering silver aura means you have a strong connection with the divine and that you have mediumistic abilities, and can do both mental mediumship and physical mediumship too. You may receive downloads of inspirational and spiritual wisdom which you feel compelled to share. While others seek out the wisdom and knowledge that is channeled through you.

Physical mediumship is rare and often lie dormant for decades or until they are read to spiritually awaken. Only through the death of the ego can we let go of the old and embrace new states of being.

silver aura meaning

10. Gold auras are a sign of spiritual wisdom

Gold auras are present among spiritually evolved beings who find themselves surrounded by spiritual seekers. The golden emanation of their aura is truly magnetic and has the power to energize and inspire others. They are one with the universe and their ego no longer holds them captive with their fears.

Those with gold auras possess great power and must be observant that the information channeled does not filter through their limiting beliefs or preconceived ideas. Spiritual knowledge should not be interpreted but instead relayed in its purest form.

gold aura meaning

11. Turquoise auras are spiritually guided

Turquoise auras are found in spiritually attuned individuals guided by higher states of consciousness. They frequently encounter what some call ‘coincidences,’ which are instances of spirits guiding their path. When in this state of flow, those with turquoise auras feel fulfilled, connected, inspired, and at peace with life.

However, if they resist the influence of spirit or cling to fear-based beliefs, they may experience temporary feelings of being lost. Nevertheless, their inner desire to discover their higher purpose and connect with divine consciousness always remains

Turquoise aura meaning

12. Brown auras are grounded and knowledgable

Brown auras are common among grounded individuals with a strong affinity to nature and animals. Being around animals and nature balances them and keeps them active. Most individuals with brown auras enjoy growing their food sources, even in their city apartment balconies.

This keeps them balanced and reduces their tendency to lead sedentary lives and seek comfort in food which can lead to health and weight-gain issues.

Brown aura meaning

Although white and black colors are not typically considered as part of the auric colors, they can still be seen around a person and may provide insight into their energetic state. The presence of a white aura could indicate that the aura is vibrating at a high frequency, whereas a black aura could mean that it is vibrating at a low intensity.

13. White represents purity and innocence

A white cloud or mist may manifest as a vibrant and intense energy field around a person’s body, sometimes appearing as a white halo around their head. White light contains all colors, giving the white aura a reflective nature that symbolizes purity, innocence, and love. Individuals with white auras may be drawn to solitude and nature, as their attention is often focused inward and detached from the physical world.”

14. Grey can mean caution or distrust

Seeing grey shapes or clouds around a person may indicate a temporary state of skepticism or caution, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the person is always negative or closed-minded.

It’s possible that the person is experiencing a moment of uncertainty, doubt, judgment, or distrust of others. But more often than not, these individuals overthink things and can jump to the wrong conclusions.

15. Black means negativity and disharmony

If you notice a black mist or cloud around someone, it may indicate that they are experiencing negative thoughts or emotions, going through a difficult time, or picking up negativity from their surroundings. Black is a low-vibrational color that absorbs all other colors. If you notice a black cloud around the body, it could be a sign that the chakras are not functioning optimally, which may lead to imbalances in the mind, body, and spirit.

Final Thoughts

Our aura is a reflection of our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being and the colors can provide insight into our personality, desires, goals, and the challenges we face. Bright colors indicate positive energy, while murky colors can signal imbalances in our lives.

Understanding the meaning behind each color can offer valuable insights into our personal growth and spiritual development. It’s important to note that our aura is not fixed and can change over time, reflecting our progress and changes in our life.

By working to maintain a healthy balance in our lives, we can enhance our aura, increase our positive energy, and attract abundance and success

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