What does a red aura mean? 13 color combinations

Have you ever seen or felt your aura or those around you? 

Auras may appear during meditation, whilst speaking to others or even in our dreams.

Well, all of us can read and learn what the colours mean and how they relate to each other. 

So, what does a red aura mean?

The color red is connected to our survival instinct and primal emotions and are highly charged emotions. Seeing red auras may mean that the individual is experiencing any of the following primal emotions: fear, anger, rage, sadness, disgust, love, passion, trust, and joy. 

1. Cherry Red: analytical, leadership skills, entrepreneurs, energetic

These emotions express themselves when action is required to help overcome challenges for survival. What once involved escaping the threat of a sabretooth tiger is now extended to our work environment. Having a strong and vibrant red aura means you have an analytical mind and excellent survival instincts.

They are great decision-makers because they can combine knowledge, facts and information and come to sound and justified conclusions. Their natural decision making skills coupled with their primal instincts makes them great leaders, businessmen, and managers. 

2. Blood red: Extreme anger, confrontational, selfish, rigid, frustrated

But it is not all positive though. When an individual has a blood red aura, it represents the negative aspects of the color. If you have ever used the words ‘seeing red’ you can appreciate its meaning to suggest extreme anger, excitement, or competitive arousal. So much so, that you would not want to be around the individual when they are on a mission.

Once their mind is set on something, they go full steam ahead and forget to considering others. Dark red auras are a sign of a fiery temper, rigidity and selfish nature. When out of balance, they become set in their ways and easily harbour feelings of resentment and frustration towards others. 

A dark red aura can also indicate underlying health issues such as inflammation of the body, blood disorders, and bone and joint issues. 

Red Color combination meanings

Now that we understand the positive and negative aspects of red aura, we can also consider the meaning of multiple combinations of color.  

3. Red & orange: Emotional healing, Reflection, letting go

Seeing an orange aura means it is a period of healing or reflection in the person’s life. A red and orange aura means that the person is going through emotional healing and is letting go of pent-up emotions. As the heat or fire in the body reduces, so does their inflammatory diseases and blood disorders. Another reason why you may see a red and orange aura is due to uncertainty, confusion or the desire to change careers. As mentioned above, individuals with red auras thrive in leadership and management roles. But these abilities may drive them to start a new business or find another job in a different sector. 

4. Red & yellow: abundance, creativity, practical knowledge

Seeing a yellow aura means there is an abundance of job, creativity and the need to acquire knowledge and practical know-how. A red and yellow aura means that the person is best suited to working in an established or large organisation with a focus on training or development of staff. These individuals will usually lead the educational program and contribute to the delivery of courses, workshops, conferences, or seminars.

5. Red & green: service, protective, volunteering.

Green is the color of service; for those who want to protect or care for people, animals or the environment. A red and green aura means there is a primal desire to be of service. If the aura has more red than green, then the desire to serve has not fully manifested yet. Oftentimes, these individuals volunteer at dog shelters, work in hospice care, and become activists. When both colours are equally balanced, it means the individual has found their calling. 

6. Red & blue: Communication, Inspiration, opinionated

Blue is the color of communication, inspiration, and the arts. So, when you see a red and blue aura, it means they have the ‘gift of the gab’, a unique ability to infect others with your passions and desires. These individuals strongly connect to their emotions and honestly communicate their truth. 

They naturally connect to higher states of consciousness and access their clairvoyant gifts. This naturally occurs when they satisfy their primal need to express themselves. They enjoy and feel grounded when using their creative skills. Activities may include playing an instrument, dancing, painting, drawing or writing. 

7. Red and indigo: spiritual, heightened consciousness, abundance.

Indigo is the color of the spiritual world. So, seeing a red and indigo aura means the individual enters a heightened state of consciousness and has little to no interest in material possession or need for physical pleasures. There is a harmony between the search for spiritual connection, material possessions and physical pleasure. This alignment with the divine manifests abundance in all areas of a person’s life.

8. Red and purple: sacrifice, dedication, solitude.

Purple is the color of sacrificing one’s life for a higher purpose. Seeing a red and purple auras means that you dedicate your life to god as part of a spiritual or religious institution. They are highly devout and lead simple lives, free of material possessions and withdraw from physical life. Most will actively support their community and may travel abroad for missionary work. They spend time praying in solitude and stimulate their analytical mind by reading books (both spiritual and non-spiritual books). 

9. Red and pink: Gentle, caring, protective.

Pink is a maternal colour present in people that are gentle, caring and loving towards others. Seeing a red and pick aura means, there is a primal desire to protect and look after others. If they witness a confrontation, aggression or injustice involving vulnerable individuals, their protective instinct triggers, and they are compelled to defend others. 

10. Red and silver: Hardships, trauma, frustration.

The color silver means there have been hardships that have turned an individual life upside down. Seeing a red and silver aura means that the individual has had a traumatic which has affected them financially (e.g. bankruptcy, homelessness), on a physical level (e.g. a server accident or illness) or their sexuality (e.g. abuse or illness related). These difficult times have passed, and new opportunities are on the horizon. 

11. Red and gold: spiritual growth, channelled wisdom, forceful.

Gold is the color of spiritual growth and wisdom. Sensing a red and gold aura means the person has started to turn inwards and connect to heightened states of consciousness. The ego is no longer the driving force in their life. They experience glimpses of have moved into a state of appreciation and enjoy the simple things in life, like gardening, meditating, and strolling with loved ones. They love the feeling of expansion when connected to source and like to share spiritual insights and wisdom. Although they may remain quick to anger, their temper is less fiery and quickly dissipates.

12. Red and turquoise: communion with spirit, contemplation

Turquoise is the color of divine guidance. When an aura is red and turquoise it means that they are in communion with spirit. They will enter profound states of connectedness and remain in contemplation for long periods.

Physical and material desires are no longer at the forefront and the need for control is short-lived. Instead, they fall into a calm state of contemplation which gradually increases in time. This feeling of stillness radiates and is felt by those around them. But they remain mentally alert and they enjoy sharing insights and wisdom. 

13. Red and brown: management, education, resilient

Brown is the color of formal education. A red and brown aura means the individual is seeking a certification, diploma or degree for their future career or job. They will ideally gain qualifications in business, and leadership and do well in supervisory or management positions requiring them to manage multiple regions.

They also have an affinity and will be drawn to outdoor managerial positions, preferably in nature. These individuals are grounded and know what they want and how to achieve it. They are practical, highly resilient and dedicated to their jobs.

14. Red and white: innocence, assertiveness, balance

Sensing a white aura is extremely rare but a sign of innocence, purity and connection with the divine. White is made up of all the colors and means that the aura is vibrationally balanced and attuned to the cosmos. When we see a red and white aura, it means there is a high degree of balance but fully integrated.

As the person approaches egoic death, a deep fear arises. This inability to let go of the identity prevents the awakening process and stops all colors of the spectrum from fully merging.

15. Red and black: caution, warning, malicious intent

Unlike white, black is the absence of color due to the lack of light. Seeing a red and black aura should be taken as a warning to stay away or be careful around that individual. It means there is a hidden, unconscious or repressed side to an individual in connection to their material life, physical life, sexual pleasure, their work ethics and how they run their business. Dense black auras are visible among psychopaths and malicious and evil individuals who intend to harm others.

What do aura shades mean?

It is also important to remember that colors can range anywhere on the spectrum from a light pale red to a dark murky red. Seeing or sensing an intense or bright red aura represents the physical or material aspect (e)of the color whereas, pale reds represent the spiritual side concerning their rigidity, the need to control and other issues associated with the ego. All murky auras point represent the negative side of the color. In this case it could include the personality traits such as greed, anger, selfishness and the need to control.

If you want to know more about auras and the meaning of individual colors you may be interested in reading our other articleWhat do the aura colors mean

Or check out my recommended Top 10 books on auras (2022)

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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