What is a physical medium? A complete guide for beginners

Ever wondered how messages from the spirit world can appear in our physical reality? What exactly is physical mediumship, and how do psychic mediums make this possible?

A physical medium works in partnership with the spirit world, letting them temporarily use their body and mind. Together, they create physical phenomena that anyone nearby can witness, like moving objects, mysterious sounds, glowing lights, and even speaking through the medium’s own voice. In essence, bridging the gap between two worlds.

Keep reading to learn more about physical medium:

How does physical mediumship work?

A physical medium acts as a communication vessel, allowing communication between spirit and the physical world. The medium must learn how to raise their vibration to the spirit world, step aside and allow spirit to channel messages and produce physical phenomena.

Physical mediumship is a two-way communication between the spirit communicator and the audience. So, the physical medium has no recollection of the messages channelled nor the physical phenomena that has been manifested during the séance or demonstration.

But for this partnership to work, the medium must establish a trusting and respectful relationship with the spirit world. The medium and the spirit world must feel comfortable, otherwise the link can break and the communication ends.

types of physical mediumship phenomena

Physical mediumship is like discovering secret ways to connect with spirits! Imagine a medium’s appearance changing to match the spirit they’re talking to—that’s transfiguration! You may also experience Direct Voice. This is where the spirit person can use their own voice to communicate with the audiences in a séance. With materialization, we can actually see spirits or things they bring with them appear right in front of us! Sometimes ectoplasm (a visible substance) is produced using the mediums body which can be shaped or molded by the spirit world. These are all ways that the spirit world makes their presence know.

Discover all 15 types of physical mediumship phenomena you may experience during a Séance of physical mediumship.

What happens during a séance?

During a physical mediumship séance, a group of sitters gathers in complete darkness to attempt communication with loved ones in the spirit world. The main focus is on the physical medium, who possesses unique abilities to facilitate communication between the two realms.

The physical medium is secured to their chair and may have their mouth taped during independent voice phenomena. This is done to avoid The room’s high vibration is believed to facilitate communication between the spirit world and our physical dimension. Physical mediumship is seen as evidence of energy manifesting as physical reality.

Most famous physical mediums in history?

The most famous physical mediums of all time include Edgar Cayce, Leslie Flint, Gordon Higginson, Helen Duncan, Alec Harris, and Gladys Osborne Leonard. Each of them channeled messages from spirit, and a variety of physical phenomena was documented and witnessed over the years.

Discover the “21 famous physical mediums throughout history, their exceptional abilities, and the books they have authored.

signs May be of being a physical medium

If you think you might be a physical medium, you could have the ability to make things happen with spiritual energy. This means you might often have problems with electronics or feel sudden changes in temperature. You could see shadows or spirits and feel touches or movements from things you can’t see. Sometimes objects move by themselves, and you might hear voices or sounds that don’t have a clear source. 

Mediums have a strong connection to the spiritual world and are interested or obsessed with the paranormal and esoteric practices. If you love watching paranormal shoes, hearing stories about Near Death Experiences, Astral Travel, and other spiritual practices. You probably haven’t fully embraced this part of yourself, yet.

Want to know if you are a medium? Have a read of Can You Talk To Spirits? 16 Signs You Are A Medium”

Can anyone become a physical medium?

Anyone has the potential to become a physical medium, but it takes many years of dedicated practice to become skilled. However, our desire for quick rewards and the lack of emphasis on spiritual growth in our society make it very difficult for people to develop physical mediumship abilities.

But there are other types of mediumship which bring through messages from spirit and are easier to master, these include evidential mediumship, trance mediumship and animal mediumship.

How can I develop physical mediumship?

You can enhance your mediumship abilities through personal practices such as meditation, sitting in the power, and spiritual development.

Meditation or sitting in the power: Make it a habit to spend at least ten minutes each day to this practice. By doing so, you will not only strengthen your connection with the Spirit World but also cultivate the mental discipline necessary for mediumship.

Spiritual Development: Dedicate time to your spiritual journey as it plays a significant role in your mediumship development. Embrace mindfulness techniques and strive to live in the present moment, regardless of external circumstances. Honesty, self-awareness, and non-reactivity to the external world will aid you in delving deeper within yourself.

Connect to a supportive community: Find a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can offer knowledge and support during your development. Take your time to find the right group that resonates with you.

Find a mentor: Consider finding a mentor who has experience in physical mediumship. A mentor can save you valuable time in your development and guide you on the right path. Before choosing a mentor, observe their physical mediumship demonstrations to evaluate their abilities and style.

Why are physical mediums rare?

Physical mediumship is rare can take a lifetime of dedicated practice to develop the abilities. Having the ability is just not enough. The medium needs to dedicate time to their spiritual growth and spend time in communion with spirit. They also need to attune their energy with the spiritual realm, trust spirit, and let go of their ego’s need for control. Unless they can successfully do all three, they will not be able to manifest physical phenomena.

Note: All other forms of mediumship, engage in a three way communication between spirit, the audience and the medium.

the best books about physical mediums

There are a variety of books about physical mediumship including step by step guides to help you become a physical mediums and a variety of memoirs too.

For my full list of recommended reading have a read of the “best physical mediumship books”.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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