Have you ever felt the energy of a room change when someone walks into it? And you get a vibe about a person, this could be sense of excitement, a happy feeling, or a sense of caution. Well, that is your aura tuning into their aura and sensing the vibrations in their auric field.

Auras are the energy fields that surround and emanate from every living being and object. Their faint white glow can make it difficult to see but with practice, you can learn to see the vibrant, colorful layers. This protective energy field can reveal hidden secrets about our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Keep reading to discover more about auras, including their seven layers, the meanings behind different colors, techniques for seeing auras, and tips for recharging your auric field.

1. Are auras real?

People often ask if auras are real. The answer is yes. Auras are formed by two opposing and invisible forces, terrestrial and universal energy fields. The terrestrial field beams upwards from the centre of the earth and the universal magnetic field beams down from the universe. Now although we cannot see these forces science has proven that they exist. And as these two forces collide with a living being they create an energy field called an aura.

What are the 7 aura layers?

What is an Aura? Discover the aura layers, the colors and more

There are 7 aura layers and each of them connects to a different chakra and has a unique function, these are as follows:

The 7 Aura LayersCorresponding ChakraThe areas they govern or influence
1. The Etheric LayerRoot chakraGoverns the physical body, bones, muscles, ligaments organs & Glands
2. The Emotional LayerSacral chakraReflects the persons emotional states and level of maturity, & intelligence
3. The Mental LayerSolar Plexus ChakraReveals the level of Intellect, knowledge, beliefs, wisdom and experiences
4. The Astral LayerHeart chakraBridge the gap between the physical and spiritual world
5. The Etheric TemplateThroat chakraActs as a blueprint of the physical, mental & emotional body on the spiritual plane
6. The Spiritual LayerThird eye ChakraFunctions as the emotional body of the spiritual realm and connects us to the divine
7. Divine LayerCrown ChakraGoverns the mental body of the spiritual realm and allows for enlightenment.
The 7 aura layers and functions

Each layer interacts and influences the other. So if you want to maintain your overall wellbeing you need to strengthen and revitalise the energy force of your auric field.

To learn more about the aura layers and discover if you aura centres are balanced have a read of another blog post called “The 7 Aura Layer Explained”

What are do the aura colors meaning?

The 12 aura color in total and each of then have a positive and negative meaning depending on the hue of the colour.

Aura ColorsPositive aura color meaningsNegative aura color meanings
RedHighly intelligence, born leader, grounded & passionateFeeling impulsive, rigid, angry and lethargic
OrangeVery creative, healing presence and possesses clairvoyance.May lack struggle to concentrate, overly think things and feel anxious.
YellowJoyfulness, creative and knowledgeable.Feelings of apathy, unfulfillment, apathy, depression, unsocial.
GreenLoving, compassionate, harmonious individuals.Feeling unsettled, confused and stressed or anxious.
BlueClear communication, Inspiration from spirit and clairaudient abilities.overwhelming emotions, sadness, melancholy and a feeling aloneness.
IndigoConnected to the divine, and receive guided inspiration.Highly addictive personality, spiritually disconnected and lonely.
VioletDedicated to a spiritual cause, receive spiritual ion, sacrifice, spiritual wisdom.Exerting control over others, , misuse of power and greed.
PinkA gentle soul, affectionate, patient and supportive.Overly protective, controlling and interferes in other peoples lives.
TurquoiseInspired and guided by their intuition.Fearful and resistant to connect to the spiritual realm.
SilverSpiritually connected and has the potential for direct connection with spirit.Struggling emotionally going through life-shattering events.
Gold A magnetic force, spiritual enlightened and compassionate.Being cold, indifferent, controlling and misusing spiritual power.
BrownGrounded, caring and nurturing.Overly grounded, needy and apathetic.
List of aura colors with positive and negative meanings

When in balance the colours are bright, vibrant and healthy looking. But they can also appear murky, dull or have other anomalies which means that the person is out of balance and experiencing problems in one or more areas of their life.

To discover the positive and negative meanings of the aura colors and how they can be affecting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, have a read of “What do the aura colors mean?”

How can you Heal the auric field?

Healing the auric field is all about restoring balance in the chakras and recharging your body. You can try channelled healing session, crystal healing, and meditation to strengthen your aura. But I also recommend, spending time in nature, exercising reguarly, and eating a healthy diet to remove any blockages and find harmony.

How can you see auras?

But it is also possible to see auras using the naked eye or through psychic vision?. Yes, we can all see and feel auras, it is our birth gift. In fact, most people can see the first aura layer, it is the closest to the body and the densest. Everyone has seen or perceived an aura at some point in their life. You probably just did it unconsciously or didn’t even realise you were sensing the aura. It is usually easier to perceive someone else’s aura but you can also see your own given time. Anyone can develop and master this ability by joining an aura reading development course and keep practicing.

Discover my 7-step process to learn how to see auras in people or practice seeing your pet’s aura. You can also check out my recommended reading list of the best books on auras.

Where can you get a professional Aura Reading?

Green Aura Meaning with different shades

If want to know the color of your aura, the best things is to book an aura reading. During the session the psychic connects to your auric field and can assess the aura layers, the chakras and identify which areas are out of balance and offer advice and guidance to restore balance and promote healing.

To see the full list of benefits for an aura reading or to book an aura reading with me.

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