What is Animal Communication? A Telepathic Non-Verbal Language

Have you ever wondered what goes on in your animal’s mind? Or maybe you already hear your pet’s thoughts but just want to know more about telepathic communication.

So what is Telepathic Animal Communication?

It is a non-verbal language that uses telepathy to transmit thoughts, images, feelings, emotions, and physical sensations. Animal communicators don’t read a pet’s body language. They tune into an animal’s auric field and intuitively know things about them without prior knowledge.

Animal communication is a silent language

Animal communication is the ability to speak with animals without using any words. Telepathic animal communication is a mind-to-mind exchange of information among animals and between people. It does not rely on reading body language or making guesses based on behavior.

It is a form of interspecies communication

All animals can communicate telepathically. In fact, it is their preferred way of speaking to one another. This type of communication is clear and concise, so it avoids misunderstandings. If animals just used sounds, body language, posture, facial expressions, and physical contact to communicate, we would experience many more behavioural problems within our households.

For instance, cats and dogs usually confuse each other’s intentions. A wagging dog’s tail is a sign of friendliness, whereas a wagging cat’s tail can signify annoyance and aggression.

It is a 2-way exchange of information

Animal communication is a two-way conversation between the animal and the person. We can hear their thoughts, feel their emotions, and know how they are feeling. Our animals can tell us about their lives, the things they like, and those that they would like to change. They too can ask questions and share insights and messages with us.

It is a natural ability we all possess

Everyone can communicate with their pets telepathically, it is a spiritual gift we are all born with. Some people are born highly intuitive while others need to awaken and train their dormant psychic abilities. It just takes a little time and dedication, but I repeat, everyone can telepathically communicate with animals. We just need to remember how to do it.

It uses our intuition and psychic abilities

Telepathic animal communication uses the psychic senses to send and receive information from our pets. Our pets send us waves of information that our mind unpacks, translates, and turns it into meaningful messages and exchanges. We can compare it to a Wi-Fi connection, we receive information, our computer decodes the signal and then it appears on our monitor. Same, same, but different.

Learn about how animal communication works and the type of information animal communicators telepathically receive.

It is a Multi-sensory experience

Animal communication is a multi-sensory experience because we can simultaneously hear our pet’s thoughts, sense their feelings or emotions, receive images, perceive scents and tastes, and hear sounds and noises too. We may hear thoughts about their life, notice sounds that are bothering them, or even get a whiff of their favorite food.

To discover your most developed psychic senses, check out my other blog post called The 8 Clairs Senses: Discover your psychic ability”.

It isn’t a form of mind control

Animal communication is a heartfelt exchange that allows our pets to be heard and understood. It isn’t a form of mind control or used to manipulate our pets. Yes, it can help resolve conflicts and behavioral issues by getting to the root cause of the conflict. But our companion animals have free will and make their own decisions. We can make suggestions on appropriate behavior, but we cannot force them to do anything.

It allows us to communicate across distance

You can communicate with animals face-to-face or remotely. Animal communication transcends time and space, that is why distance doesn’t affect our ability. We can transmit and receive data packages within the quantum field from one side of the world to another. We just need to learn how to sync our minds to the same frequency as our pets.

It lets us speak to our pets in the afterlife

We can also telepathically communicate with our pets in the afterlife. It is a spiritual type of communication that is possible when our soul connects to the soul of an animal that has crossed over. Pet mediumship works just like regular mediumship, but not all animal communicators can accurately bring through information from the spirit world.

Read my blog post called “What is Pet Mediumship: A Complete Guide” to find out how it works, the benefits or mediumship sessions, what to expect in a session and what questions to ask.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

What are your thoughts about animal telepathic communication?

Let me know in the comment box below, I love reading your messages.

Sandra Martinez: I am a psychic medium, animal communicator and healer.

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