Have you ever wished that you could channel healing energy directly from the spirit world?

If so, trance healing could be, just what you need in your spiritual journey.

By getting into a state of allowing, you too could connect to the spirit world and allow guides and helpers to share divine healing with the world.

Trance healing is a form of mediumship that brings spiritual healing directly from the divine. The medium channels healing energy by connecting with the spirit world through their spirit guides angels and ascended masters. To do so, the medium needs to get into a relaxed and passive state and elevate their conscious awareness.

How does trance healing work?

Trance healing only works if the medium can reach altered states of awareness or trance state and blend with the spirit world. To do so, they need to completely surrender and let go of any attachments to the mind and body.

If you want to find out more about other forms of trance states and trance mediumship then you may want to read Trance mediumship: Allowing spirit to communicate through us’.

The medium begins by closing their eyes, focusing on the breath, relaxing the body and detaching themselves from their thoughts. As their consciousness expands beyond the physical realm, they become aware of the spirit world.

At which point they can connect with collective consciousness and connect with their spirit guides, angels and ascended masters. Through this communion with the divine, the medium becomes the vessel through which spiritual healing is channelled.

How does trance healing work?

Getting into a trance-like-state can take anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes. The process of blending with the spirit world cannot be rushed, as it is critical to the healing experience.

Individuals that are new to trance healing may require more time and find it hard to remain connected to the spirit realm. Nevertheless, this is our birth-right. With practice and dedication, we can all become vessels for the divine in varying degrees.

What is the difference between trance healing and other healing modalities?

The main difference between trance healing and other healing modalities is the required state of the medium.

Although other healing modalities allow healing to flow through them, trance healing requires the medium to go into a trance state and surrender varying degrees of control to the spirit world.

The medium is passive throughout the experience, unlike other modalities such as Reiki, where the healer remains active. With Reiki, the healer may use different symbols and techniques to remove blockages or intensify the healing experience.

What is a trance healing session like?

During a trance healing session, the client is fully clothed and asked to sit down or lie down comfortably. The medium then enters into a state of trance and allows healing to flow through them.

The trance healer may gently place their hand on the body or hover above it. As the trance state deepens the guides, angels or ascended masters steer the healing energy where it is required.

This healing energy works on all levels of our being, our mind, body, and soul. So, each experience is unique to our needs and varies from one person to another.

During the sessions, people report seeing people or places they have never visited, feeling sensations, hearing sounds, and even tasting and smelling scents.

The healing works on multiple levels simultaneously but always targets those areas that need the most attention. Some individuals may need healing on a soul level, others may require healing of the mind or physical body.

Most people usually feel a deep sense of relaxation and tiredness after the session. To get the most out of sessions it is important to take it easy after the session and take the time to reflect on the experience.

How long does a healing session last?

Trance healing session lasts anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes. I recommend book a short session during the first session to get a sense of the healer. Not all healers are the same and not all healers resonate with us. Shorter, 30 minute sessions are also recommended for healthy individuals seeking balance or a little realignment. Longer sessions are beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic stress or any other heal related issues.

Also don’t forget that part of the healing session benefits from post session meditation and reflection. So, do use the time to journal and allow any feelings to come to the surface and release them.  

What is a trance healing session like?

Where to find a good trance healer?

There are many trance healers online that offer physical and distance healing options. If you decide to find a trance healer online, I suggest asking friends and checking out online reviews and recommendations. More often than not, they will know someone that has visited a trance healer.

If you want to get started right away, you can book an online trance healing consultation with me. I have worked with many people, helping them reconnect with their natural essence, overcome emotional overwhelm, release traumas, rewrite emotional and soul contracts and spiritually develop. Other benefits include the following:

  • Release of intense and overpowering emotions
  • Encourages the body’s innate healing mechanisms, fostering physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance.
  • Promotes your spiritual growth
  • Restores your connection to your spiritual core
  • Enhances your connection to higher consciousness
  • Break karmic patterns
  • Overcome trauma from previous lifetimes
  • Assists in navigating soul agreements
  • Facilitates comprehension and exploration of the shadow (shadow work)
  • Eliminates energy obstacles within the aura and chakra system.

Each session lasts between 75-minutes and 90-minutes.

How to develop trance healing?

Developing trance healing is an easy process but requires the medium to attain heighted levels of awareness. For this reason, it can take time to develop trance healing abilities.

But there are a few things that can get you started on your journey.

1. Meditate at least three times a week

One of the best ways to develop trance healing is to regularly practise meditation. In doing so, we become masters of our mind, body, emotions and begin to perceive our essence beyond our physical existence. This raises our conscious awareness and enables us to connect with the spirit world.

If you are finding it hard to sit in silence at least three times a week, them you may want to join a meditation class. Meditation is at the core of trance healing as it helps the medium get into an altered state of consciousness.

2. Be more mindful throughout the day

If meditating everyday seems too difficult, why not try mindfulness instead. Whilst you go about your daily life, try bringing in more moments of presence. This could be as simple as closing your eyes and feeling the aliveness within the body every time you make a tea or coffee. Simple but yet so effective.

Develop trance healing through mindful practices

3. Start listening to your inner voice

Most people if not all have heard at some point in their lives ignored that inner intuition trying to tell you something important. This inner guidance could be sensed as gut feeling, a hunch, or a deep knowing. All of us have this psychic skill as children but if ignored, this sense can be turned down in intensity. So over the next month, try listening to this inner intuition and write down what you sensed. This is a way of keeping a written record of your insights and evaluating their accuracy.

For those of you wanting to develop trance healing in a more formal setting could enrol on:

4. Sign up to a weekly development classes

Weekly development classes are a great way to continue practising what you have learnt and usually incorporate short meditation sessions. So, if you are struggling to regularly practise connecting to the spirit world.

5. Enrols on a trance healing course

Joining a class is a great way to learn the basics and get guidance from an experienced teacher. It is also a great way to meet like minded individuals and find a supportive environment where you can experiment.

Where to find trance healing courses?

For those of you wanting to enrol on a trance healing course, I suggest visiting The Arthur Finlay College website. The college runs courses all year round and caters to complete beginner to advance students. Most courses are online, but there are also opportunities for face-2-face learning.

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